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Revision as of 13:59, 22 April 2014 by Evan (talk | contribs)

Les titres offrent des bonus supplémentaires à ton personnage, tu peux changer de titre dans l'interface des caractéristiques ( touche U ). L'icone du titre sélectionné est affiché au-dessus du personnage. Chaque titre possède un effet et un moyen d’acquisition qui lui est propre.

Liste des titres

  1. Les titres doivent pour la plupart d'abord être débloqués puis obtenus. Les titres non débloqués sont représentés par des points d'interrogation rouge.
  2. Pour débloquer ou obtenir un titre il faut remplir différentes conditions
  3. Les titres d’événement, de l'Eldromarché et de l'espace-temps d'Henir sont déjà débloqués.

<tabber> Ruben=

Icone Titre Déblocage Obtention Bonus procuré
Le cadeau d'Anne Débloqué dès le début Finir la quête du chef Porou

Attaque magique +12
Attaque physique +12

Chercheur d'Eldrit Débloqué dès le début Terminer:

Attaque magique +8
Attaque physique +8
Vitesse de déplacement +4%

Chasseur de Porous Atteindre le niveau 2 Vaincre:
  • Tokar une fois
  • 5 voleur porou
  • 5 méchant porou

Attaque physique +40
Attaque magique -20
PV +3%

Chasseur de macaques Atteindre le niveau 3 Vaincre le roi macaque 2 fois au marais brumeux en Expert

PV +2%
Capacité de saut +6%

|-| Elder=

Icone Titre Déblocage Obtention Bonus procuré
Éclaireur de la nuit Terminer 1-3 Terminer 2-1 en Expert

Attaque magique + 12
Résistance magique + 4
Coup critique +2%

Oppresseur Terminer 2-2 en Difficile Vaincre le boss des égouts en 4 fois

Esquive +1%
Vitesse de déplacement +2%

Chasseur de vampire Atteindre le niveau 8 Vaincre le roi chauve-souris 2 fois 40% de chance d'esquiver les attaques des chauves-souris (Donjon uniquement)
Héros de la révolution Terminer le chapitre 3 du livre de quêtes Terminer 2-5 en Expert en moins de 8 minutes

Durée de booster +4.5%
Vitesse de chargement du booster +5%
PV +3%

Destructeur de nasods
Terminer le laboratoire secret 199 fois en Enfer

Coup critique +1%
Rapidité +1%
Esquive +2%
Dommages +15% contre du boss du laboratoire souterrain
15% de chance d'éviter les attaques du boss du laboratoire souterrain
1% de chance de gagner 45MP lorsque tu es touché

|-| Besma=

Icone Titre Déblocage Obtention Bonus procuré
Porte bonheur Atteindre le niveau 15

Utiliser l'objet trèfle à quatre feuilles

  • Obtenable dans un cube aléatoire de Besma
  • Achetable au marché

Coup critique +2%
Gain de PP +10%

Ami du feu Atteindre le niveau 15

Attaque magique +16
Résistance magique +6
Dégâts de feu réduits de 30%

Chasseur des ténèbres Terminer le lac de Besma de nuit en Difficile Vaincre le guerrier ténébreux 6 fois en Expert.

Attaque physique +24
Défense physique +12
Vitesse de déplacement +4%
Coup critique +1%
Esquive +1%

Contremaître Terminer 3-5 en Difficile Terminer 3-5 en Expert avec le rang S minimum.

Attaque physique +28
Attaque magique -12
40% de chances de résister aux pouvoirs de confusion

Chasseur de dragons
  • Obtenir le titre Cachottier
  • Terminer les abîmes 10 fois en Enfer
Terminer les abîmes 199 fois en Enfer

Coup critique +2%
Rapidité +1%
Dommages +15% contre du boss des abîmes
15% de chance d'éviter les attaques du boss des abîmes
Dégâts de feu réduits de 50%

|-| Altera=

Icone Titre Déblocage Obtention Bonus procuré
Mercenaire vétéran

Atteindre le niveau 29
Terminer 4-1 en Difficile
(NOTE: Pas de déblocage en Expert.)

Terminer 4-1 en Expert avec maximum 10 coups reçus.

Attaque physique +10
Attaque magique +10
Défense -5
Résistance magique -5
Rapidité +2%
Esquive +2%

Balayeur de rue Atteindre le niveau 32

Vaincre 10 Alterasiens
Vaincre 100 spores altérasiennes en 4-3

Résistance au poison +20
Résistance au poison +10% (Donjon uniquement)

Héros des Pongos Terminer [[4-6/fr|]] une fois Terminer [[4-6/fr|]] en Expert 2 fois

Attaque physique +10
Attaque magique +10
Résistance au vent +10
Coup critique +1%
PV +3%

Supersonique Terminer 4-6 en Expert une fois Terminer 4-6 en Expert en moins de 8 minutes

Vitesse de déplacement +3%
Capacité de saut +3%
Rapidité +2%

Cachottier Atteindre le niveau 35

Terminer 2-x 5 fois en moins de 25 minutes sur n'importe quelle difficulté
Terminer 3-x 5 fois en moins de 25 minutes sur n'importe quelle difficulté
Terminer 4-x 5 fois en moins de 25 minutes sur n'importe quelle difficulté
Terminer 5-x 5 fois en moins de 25 minutes sur n'importe quelle difficulté
Terminer 6-x 5 fois en moins de 25 minutes sur n'importe quelle difficulté

PV +2%
Attaque physique +125
Attaque magique +125
+15% d'esquiver les attaques des boss de donjon secret.

Obtenir le titre Cachottier Terminer la zone contaminée 199 fois en Enfer

Coup critique +1%
Rapidité +1%
Dommages +15% contre du boss des abîmes
15% de chance d'éviter les attaques du boss des abîmes
Résistance au poison +50%

|-| Parte=

Icone Titre Déblocage Obtention Bonus procuré
Sauveur de Parte Terminer toutes les quêtes principales d'Altera Terminer X-1 5 fois en Expert.

Résistance magique +10
Résistance aux ténèbres +20

Courageux Terminer X-3 en Difficile Vaincre en X-3:
  • 5 fois le boss
  • 5 fois le mini boss

Attaque magique +12
résistance magique +6
Résistance aux ténèbres +16
10% de chances de résister au pouvoir de Malédiction(Dungeon)

Jardinier sauvage Vaincre 50 Lierres Vaincre 100 Lierres en X-4.

Attaque physique +24
Défense physique -10
Résistance magique -10
Résistance au poison +20
Rapidité +2%

Chasseur de démons Terminer X-6 en Difficile

(NOTE: Pas de déblocage en Expert)

Vaincre les monstres suivants:

  • 20 boss du [[X-6/fr|X-6] en Expert
  • 250 Garde vargo
  • 250 Garde du palais vargo
  • 250 Tireurs d'élite vargo
  • 250 Soldat d'assaut vargo

Attaque physique +44
Esquive +2%
Rechargement du booster +6%
Inflige 12% de dommages supplémentaires contre les guerriers et mini boss vargo
Résistance au ténèbres -10 (Donjon uniquement)

|-| Belder=

Icone Titre Déblocage Obtention Bonus procuré
Worst Ride
Kill 1 Arc Glitter Spearman in 5-3

Kill the following monsters:

  • 250 Cockatrigles
  • 30 Polka

Physical Attack +100
Magical Attack+100
Physical Defense -20
Magical Defense -20
Jump Speed +6%
Movement Speed +6%

Let's Runaway! Kill 20 Mana Eaters

Kill the following monsters:

  • 75 Mana eaters
  • 200 Blood eaters
  • 20 Spriggan
1% chance to get 150 MP when hit
Speed Holic!

Obtain Supersonic Title
Clear 5-3 on Very Hard under 5 minutes

Clear the following dungeons on Very Hard:

  • 5-2 under 3 minutes and 30 seconds
  • 5-3 under 3 minutes and 50 seconds
  • 5-4 under 4 minutes and 10 seconds
  • 5-5 under 4 minutes and 30 seconds

Critical Hit Rate +1%
Action Speed +3%
Jump Speed +1%
Movement Speed +1%

Protect the Kingdom! Clear 5-1 with rank A or higher

Clear the following dungeons on Very Hard:

  • 5-1 with S rank
  • 5-2 with S rank
  • 5-3 with S rank
  • 5-4 with S rank
  • 5-5 with SS rank

Fire Resistance +50
Dark Resistance +50
Dodge +2%

Dark Elf Hunter! Kill Chloe 4 times on Very Hard

Kill the following monsters:

  • 300 Dark Elf Sentinels
  • 200 Kenaz
  • 20 Chloe on Very Hard
  • 30 Dark Nephilim on Very Hard

Physical Attack +100
Magical Attack +100
Critical Hit Rate +1%
+20% chance to evade Dark Elf Senitels, Kenaz attacks
+10% chance to evade Chloe, Dark Nephilim attacks

Don't Stop Me! Step Aside! Kill the Invincible Vardon 2 times

Kill the following monsters:

  • 10 Nasod Guard: Elite Shield
  • 10 Glitter Shielders
  • 100 Glitter Protector
  • 200 Arc Glitter Defender
  • 50 Invincible Vardon

Deal 50% more damage against:

  • Nasod Guard: Elite
  • Glitter Shielder
  • Glitter Defender
  • Arc Glitter Defender
  • Invincible Vardon
  • Corrupt Nasod Guardian
The Vandal Break 20 Barricades


  • 200 Barricades
  • 125 Siege cannons
  • 50 Siege Towers

Physical Attack +100
Magical Attack +100
Accuracy +4%

Glitter Expedition
Kill Stealthy Morfos 5 times on Very Hard

Kill every miniboss in Velder area:

  • 45 Stealhy Morfos
  • 45 McGard the Blitzkrieg
  • 45 Invincible Vardon
  • 45 Sullen Joaquin

Physical Attack +125
Magical Attack +125
Physical Defense +25
Magical Defense +25
Accuracy +1%

Bracelet Snatcher
Clear 5-1 75-100 times Kill Uno Hound once

Physical Attack +75
Magical Attack+75
+40% chance to evade Dark Elf Sentinels' and Uno Hound's attacks

Glitter Terminator

Obtain "Glitter Expedition"
Kill the following monsters:

  • 20 Arc Glitter Dashers
  • 5 Arc Glitter Snipers
  • 10 Arc Glitter Panzers
  • 5 Arc Glitter Commanders

Kill the following monsters:

  • 400 Arc Glitter Assassin
  • 400 Arc Glitter Dasher
  • 150 Arc Glitter Sniper
  • 200 Arc Glitter Panzer
  • 150 Glitter Commander

Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Awakening Charge Speed +8%
Max HP +4%

Illusion Breaker Clear Velder's Hallucination 199 times on hell mode

Critical Hit Rate +1%
Action Speed +1%
Confusion Resistance +50%
Panic Resistance +50%
Deal 15% more damage against Sullen Joaquin
15% chance to avoid Sullen Joaquin's attacks

|-| Hamel=

Icone Titre Déblocage Obtention Bonus procuré
I like fish! Clear 6-2 once
150 Piranha
100 Ancient Crab
150 Merman
100 Deep Sea Fish
40 Coral Serpent
+10% damage against Laguz, Merman, Deep Sea Fish, and Coral Serpent
Freezing Resistance +30%
Imposter Terminator Clear 6-3 on Very Hard Fallen Chloe (0/50)
Bizarre Conrad (0/50)
Physical Attack +200
Magical Attack +200
Velder Dealer Clear 6-1 once
- Achieve S Rank in 6-1 on Very Hard
- Achieve S Rank in 6-2 onVery Hard
- Achieve SS Rank in 6-3 on Very Hard
Action Speed +1%
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Max HP +3%
Get Rid of Weeds Kill 10 Black Flower
Kill 200 Black Flower Poison Resistance +250
Golem Breaker Kill 10 Nasod Ancient Guards
125 Ancient Nasod Sentinel
100 Ancient Nasod Guard
100 Mini Ancient Nasod Sentinel
Physical Attack +100
Magical Attack +100
Physical Defense +80
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Dandy Resiam

-Character must be able to enter Hamel
-Clear 1-1 10 times on any mode
-Clear 2-1 10 times on any mode
-Clear 3-1 10 times on any mode
-Clear 4-1 10 times on any mode
-Clear X-1 10 times on any mode

-Clear 1-1 once
-Clear 1-2 on Very Hard once
-Clear 1-3 on Very Hard once

All Elements Resistance +50

Keke Keke~ Kill 100 Shadow Linker
Shadow Linker (0/1000) +100% damage when attacking Shadow Linker, Blood Linker, Mana Linker, Giant Linker
Famous Sailors Sail from Velder to Hamel/ Hamel to Velder 78 times
Clear Velder's Pier 0/1 Movement Speed +6%
Jump Speed +6%
Awakening Duration +9%
Knight Rescue Party Rescue 50 Knights from spider cocoons
Rescue 500 Knights from spider cocoons +15% damage against Shadow Port Voider, Shadow Port Walker, Shadow Port Charger, Shadow Port Defender, Shadow Port Trickster
Spiders of the North Kill Magmanta 5 times
1000 Mantaray
1000 Mantares
30 Magmanta
+10% damage against Mantaray, Mantares, and Magmanta
+30% evasion against Spider monsters
Prison Break Break 100 Ice Traps
Break 1 Ice Trap

Ice Resistance +10%
Freezing Resistance +10%
Water Resistance +50

Decent Food Feed 10 Old grade equipment to your pet
Feed 200 Old grade equipment to your pet All Elements Resistance +50
Premium LOL Feed 1 Unique grade equipment to your pet
(You must also be level 50 or higher)
Feed 10 Unique grade equipment to your pet
Feed 30 Elite grade equipment to your pet
+2% elemental effect chance

(No effect if your weapon has two attributes)

Deep Sea Diver Drown once
Kill 150 Deep Sea Fish Water Resistance +250
Hamel's Seal Clear 6-2 in 10 minutes or lower on very hard

Clear 6-2 in 8 minutes 10 seconds or lower on very hard
Clear 6-2 in 8 minutes 45 seconds or lower on very hard by yourself

Action Speed +4%
Accuracy +4%
Ice Graver Complete "Giant Spider" Story Quest
Ancient Iced Crab (0/250)
Hagalaz (0/500)
Chilling Hedghog (0/500)
Ice Stinger (0/50)
Avalanche (0/25)
+2% chance of Ice shock effect
+2% chance of blasting an Ice Sting attack (Dungeon)
+0.2% chance of inflicting Freezing effect
That is SS Clear 6-1 on Very Hard - SS rank clear (0/3)
Clear 6-2 on Very Hard) - SS rank clear (0/5)
Clear 6-3 on Very Hard SS rank clear (0/7)
Clear 6-4 on Very Hard SS rank clear (0/15)
Clear 6-5 on Very Hard SS rank clear (0/22)
Clear 6-6 on Very Hard SS rank clear (0/30)
Clear 6-7 on Very Hard SS rank clear (0/35)
Max HP +5%
Awakening Charge Speed +5%
Awakening Time +7.5%
Power of Splendor Mana Linker (0/1500)
Blood Linker (0/1500)
Shadow Port Trickster (0/1000)
Shadow Port Voider (0/800)
Solo 6-7 on Very Hard 150 rounds and cannot resurrect Physical Attack +400
Physical Attack +2%
Magic of Splendor Kill Ran 100 times.
Ran in 6-7 of any difficulty will count toward this but the Rans in Henir will not.
Solo 6-7 on Very Hard and achieve all the following in single run:
- Clear within 25 minutes
- Achieve SS Rank
- Take 10 hit or less
Death voids all conditions on entire run
Magical Attack +400
Magical Attack +2%
Sword of Splendor Giant linker (0/100)
Shadow Port Sniper (0/1000)
Shadow Port Defender (0/1000)
Shadow Port Walker (0/1000)
Shadow Port Charger (0/1000)
Kill the following:
Shadow Stinger (0/500)
Bobosse (0/500)
Conrad the Odd (0/500)
Corrupted Chloe (0/500)
Ran (0/500)
All versions of the mid-bosses count toward this title, including Henir versions in the Hamel Elite stage. However, Ran must be defeated in 6-7.
Physical Attack +2%
Magical Attack +2%
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Action Speed +1%
Awakening Charge Speed +5%
Awakening Time +7.5%
2% chance of Lightning attack (Dungeon)
Colossus’s Liberator Clear Temple of Trials 199 times on Hell mode

Critical Hit Rate +1%
Action Speed +1%
Chance of dodging the attacks of Fallen Guardian Helputt +15%
Deal 15% more damage to Fallen Guardian Helputt
3% chance of recovering 1% hp when attacking

|-| Sander=

Icone Titre Déblocage Obtention Bonus procuré
Sander Explorer Clear 7-1 once on any difficulty
Kill Vegar Trock (0/50) Critical Hit Rate +1%
Action Speed +1%
Band of Trock Kill Vegar Trock (0/200)
Clear 7-1 on any difficulty with SS 3 times
Add 10% Bonus damage against all Trock mobs and minibosses in 7-1, 7-2, and Temple of the Wind (Dungeon)
Max HP +5%
3000! Kill Rocky Trock (0/250) Kill Rocky Trock (0/300) Action Speed +4.5%
Awakening Time +10.5%
Harpy Harpy Kill Giant Garpai Harpy (0/150) Clear 7-2 any difficulty 10 times Add 10% Bonus Damage against all Harpy mobs (Dungeon)
Awakening Charge Speed 5%
Wings of Steel Clear 7-2 Very Hard with SS rank Clear 7-2 Very Hard within 4 minutes 10 seconds All Elemental Resistance +25
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Awakening Charge Speed +5%
The Children of the Wind Complete "Caluso Confusion" Story Quest Clear 7-4 Very Hard and achieved all the following: (0/5)
  • Clear within 4 Minutes
  • Achieve SS Rank
Action Speed 2%
Evasion 2%
Add 1% chance to create a Speed Aura (Increase Attack Speed 5%, Stackable up to 3 Times) when attacking (Not Overlapped)
Complete Explosives Kill 100 Rash Fogta Trock (7-3) Kill 100 Rash Fogta Trock Critical Hit Rate 1%
Additional Damage 1%
Fire Resistance +100
Add 2% Chance to summon Rash Fogta Trock when attacking
Stand Alone Solo Clear each Sander Dungeon Very Hard 10 times. Clear each Sander Dungeon and achieved all the following:
  • Take 30 hit or less each dungeon
Movement Speed 8%
Evasion 5%
Die Hard Clear 7-3 Very Hard without consuming Resurrection Stone Clear 7-3 Very Hard without consuming Resurrection Stone 25 times Reduced Damage 3%
Max HP 3%
Physical Defense +3%
Magical Defense +3%
Never Give Up Clear 7-4 Very Hard using at least 7 Resurrection Stones in a single run Kill Great Battle Chief Karu once on Very Hard Add 75% Chance to avoid all miniboss' attack in 7-4
Add 50% Bonus Damage against all minibosses in 7-4
Add 33% chance to avoid Great Battle Chief Karu's attacks
Add 20% Bonus Damage against Great Battle Chief Karu
Add 25% Bonus Damage against all Caluso mobs in 7-4
(Note: All of these effects cannot be overlapped)
Storm Warrior Kill 1 Enraged Sylphid Kill 9,999 Enraged Sylphids Wind Resistance +50
Piercing Chance +4%
While attacking:
3% chance of additional Vibration hit(Dungeon Only)
3% chance of summoning Desert Storm (Dungeon Only)
3% chance of summoning Tornado(?)(Dungeon Only)
Sand Wind's Evil Spirit Solo clear 7-4 on Very Hard and achieve all the following (0/1):
  • Clear within 11 minutes
  • Achieve S Rank or higher
  • Take 30 hits or less
  • Clear without use of resurrection stones
Solo clear 7-4 on Very Hard and achieve all the following (0/1):
  • Clear within 5 minutes
  • Achieve SS Rank
  • Take 10 hits or less
  • Clear without use of resurrection stones
Critical Hit Rate +3%
Additional Damage +3%
Action Speed +3%
Awakening Charge Speed +3%
While attacking, 5% chance of summoning a ghost (Dungeon Only)
Clear 7-6 Very Hard and achieve all the following (0/10):
  • Take 0 hits
  • Achieve SS Rank
Defeat the following in 7-6 Very Hard:
Any Demon mobs (0/30,000)
Any Trock mobs (0/15,000)
Karis' True Form (0/800)
Attack on the Flying Ship Complete "Legend of Behemoth" Story Quest Clear 7-5 Very Hard 5 times Physical Attack +250
Magical Attack +250
Physical Defense -75
Magical Defense -75
Shutdown! Complete "Dispatch!! Sandtilus! 2/2" Story Quest Clear 7-6 on any difficulty 10 times Add 3% chance to summon Falling Stones when attacking (Dungeon Only)

Petrifying Effect +2% (if you use Petrifying)

Revenge Time Clear 7-6 Very Hard 5 times using at least one Resurrection Stone each run
Clear 7-6 Very Hard 5 times without consuming Resurrection Stone Physical Attack +75
Magical Attack +75
Additional Damage +1%
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Attack Speed +1%
King of Destruction Achieve Lv 65
Obtain Complete Explosives Title
Dismantle 300 Items
Kill 100 Bomberlord and 500 Bomber in 7-6 on any difficulty 1% chance of summoning Bomber when attacking
2% chance of Fireworks when attacking
Burning Effect +2% (if you use burning)
Light Speed
Clear 7-6 on Very Hard under 5 minutes Clear 7-6 Very Hard and achieve all the following :
  • Clear under 3 Minutes
  • Achieve SS Rank
  • Clear without use of resurrection stones
Action Speed +7%
Returning to Ruben Achieve Lv 65
Complete Chapter 16 Story Quest
Kill Tobu 50 times
Clear 1-1 any difficulty 5 times All Stats (Except Awakening Charge Speed and Time) +1%
Centuple Enriched Equipment Achieve Lv 70
Socketing Equipment Lv 60 or higher 2000 times
Enhancing Equipment Successful Lv 60 or higher 500 times
Clear Henir's Time and Space any difficulty once All weapons Element attributes +1.5%

Repair Discount +5% (Max 10%)
ED gain +10% (Dungeon)

|-| Spécial=

Icone Titre Déblocage Obtention Bonus procuré
El Search Party Valedictorian Kill El Search Party Master Lowe (Lord Knight Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Lowe 7 times in PVP Physical Attack +100
Mega Slash Skill Level +1 (Dungeon)
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Repair Discount +10% (Max 10%)
Centurion Kill Red Knight Captain Penensio (Rune Slayer Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Penensio 25 times in PVP Physical Attack +100
Magical Attack +100
Physical Defense +100
Magical Defense +100
Flame Resistance 100%
Ice Resistance 100%
Break the Impregnable Kill Ice Princess Noah (Elemental Master Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Noah 25 times in PVP Critical Hit Rate +3%
Additional Damage +3%
The Fallen Angkor Queen Kill Shadow Witch Speka (Void Princess Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Speka 15 times in PVP Dark Resistance +250
Movement Speed +5%
Jump Speed +5%
Combat Expert Kill Green Forest Lime (Wind Sneaker Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Lime 15 times in PVP Additional Damage +2.5%
Reduced Damage +12.5%
Broken Arrow Kill Wind Shooter Amelia (Grand Archer Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Amelia 15 times in PVP Wind Resistance +250
Piercing Effect +1.5% (if you use piercing)
Born to Blood Kill Blood Colonel Edan (Blade Master Epic NPC) in PVP Kill Edan 25 times in PVP When debuffed, MP regen per second +5
15% chance of inflicting Bleeding status when hit
Additional Damage +4%
Painkiller Kill Lord of Pain Valak (Reckless Fist Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Valak 40 times in PVP Reduced Damage +10%
Damage increased by 1.5 times to enemies in down state (Dungeon)
5% chance to gain 7 MP when hit
Souless Ego Kill Code Q-Proto_00 (Code Nemesis Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Q-Proto_00 40 times in PVP Awakening Charge Speed +20%
Max HP -50%
Actives, Special Actives, Buffs Skill Level +1
Max MP -33%
Ancient History Kill Nasod Princess Apple (Code Empress Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Apple 10 times in PVP Magical Attack +100
Illusion Strike Skill +1 (Dungeon)
Action Speed +1%
7% chance of Super Armor activating for 1 second when attacked (Dungeon)
Dungeon Master!
Achieve Lv50 Complete the Dungeon Master chain quest from Glaive. Consists of 3 parts. Max HP +2800
Physical Attack +24
Magical Attack +24
Physical Defense +12
Action Speed +1%
Double Damage against Knocked-down mobs (Dungeon)
Henir's Transcender Discovered at the start Achieve 1st Rank in the monthly ranking of Henir Challenge Mode (Lasts for 60 days and is automatically received at 3 A.M. server time)

Physical Attack Power +200
Magical Attack Power +200
Physical Defense Power +100
Magical Defense Power +100
A 2% chance of MP +10 when attacking (Dungeon)
Awakening Charge Speed +15%
Action Speed +3%
Evasion +3%
Accuracy +4%
Additional Damage +2%

Henir's Absolute Power Discovered at the start Achieve 2nd~10th Rank in the monthly ranking of Henir Challenge Mode (Lasts for 60 days and is automatically received at 3 A.M. server time)

Physical Attack Power +125
Magical Attack Power +125
Physical Defense Power +50
Magical Defense Power +50
A 2% chance of MP +10 when attacking (Dungeon)
Awakening Charge Speed +10%
Action Speed +2%
Evasion + 2%
Accuracy +2%
Add. Damage +1%

Lord of Space Discovered at the start Achieve 1st Rank in the weekly ranking of Henir Challenge Mode (Lasts for 14 days and is automatically received at 3 A.M. server time)

Physical Attack Power +150
Magical Attack Power +150
Physical Defense Power +60
Magical Defense Power +60
EXP received increases by 10% (Dungeon)
10% chance of MP +10 when hit
Critical Hit Rate +3%
Max HP +10%
Action Speed +2%

Conqueror of Space Discovered at the start Achieve 2nd~10th Rank in the monthly ranking of Henir Challenge Mode (Lasts for 14 days and is automatically received at 3 A.M. server time)

Physical Attack Power +125
Magical Attack Power +125
Physical Defense Power +50
Magical Defense Power +50
EXP received increases by 10% (Dungeon)
10% chance of MP +10 when attacked
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Max HP +5%
Action Speed +2%

Destroyer of Space Discovered at the start Achieve 11th~100th Rank in the weekly ranking of Henir Challenge Mode (Lasts for 14 days and is automatically received at 3 A.M. server time)

Physical Attack Power +75
Magical Attack Power +75
Physical Defense Power +30
Magical Defense Power +30
EXP received increases by 10% (Dungeon)
10% chance of MP +10 when attacked
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Action Speed +1%

Lord of Time Discovered at the start Achieve 1st Rank in the daily ranking of Henir Challenge Mode (Lasts for 3 days and is automatically received at 3 A.M. server time)

Physical Attack Power +125
Magical Attack Power +125
Physical Defense Power +50
Magical Defense Power +50
EXP received increases by 8% (Dungeon)
3% chance to slow for 3 seconds.
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Movement Speed +9%
Jump Speed +9%

Conqueror of Time Discovered at the start Achieve 2nd~10th Rank in the daily ranking of Henir Challenge Mode (Lasts for 3 days and is automatically received at 3 A.M. server time)

Physical Attack Power +100
Magical Attack Power +100
Physical Defense Power +40
Magical Defense Power +40
EXP received increases by 8% (Dungeon)
3% chance to slow for 3 seconds.
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Movement Speed +6%
Jump Speed +6%

Destroyer of Time Discovered at the start Achieve 11th~100th Rank in the daily ranking of Henir Challenge Mode (Lasts for 3 days and is automatically received at 3 A.M. server time)

Physical Attack Power +50
Magical Attack Power +50
Physical Defense Power +20
Magical Defense Power +20
EXP received increases by 8% (Dungeon)
3% chance to slow for 3 seconds.
Movement Speed +3%
Jump Speed +3%

File:The Challenger.png The Challenger Discovered at the start Obtainable after completing the PvP Introduction Story Quests. Attack Speed +3% (Match only)
Accuracy +4% (Match only)
Icone Titre Obtention Bonus procuré
Peace Maker Obtained during the 2011 Harmony Festival Event. No Effects
Happy Merry Christmas Use the "Happy Merry Christmas" title item

Max HP +1200

Physical Attack +100

Magical Attack +100

Critical Hit Rate +2%

2% chance of inflicting Cold Shock effect

Elsword in Wonderland Use "Elsword in Wonderland" title item acquired from purchasing Wonderland Full Set Costume Package (NA) Physical Attack +50
Magical Attack +50
Action Speed +3%
Awaken Charge Speed +3%
Passionate Touch Use "Passionate Touch" title item obtained from Silver and Steel boxes Critical Hit Rate +4%
ED received +10% (Dungeon)
EXP received +5% (Dungeon)
Cool Elrios Bay Use "Cool Elrios Bay" title item acquired from purchasing Summer Beach Set Premium Full Package (NA)
Physical Attack +28
Magical Attack +28
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Action Speed +2%
Fire Resistance +30
Water Resistance +30
Ocean Outlaw Obtained by purchasing the Premium Pirate Package from the Cash Shop
Physical Attack +20
Magical attack +20
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
Movement Speed +3%
Jump Speed +3%
Action Speed +3%
Water Resistance +40
Lord of Dawn
Collect 100 Ice Fragments from Ice Burners, and trade them for the Lord of Dawn title item at any Alchemist. Right click to obtain it. Physical Attack +32
Magical attack +32
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
Light Resistance +30
Evasion +2%
Action Speed +1%
Max HP +2%
Undying Fighting Spirit Obtained as a random item from Ice Burners. Can be bought from shops in the Free Market.
Physical Attack +48
Magical attack +48
Fire Resistance +40
Critical Hit Rate +3%
Awakening Charge Speed +5%
Fire Effect +2%
Lord of Coldness Collect 100 Ice Fragments from Ice Burners, and trade them for the Ice Title item at any Alchemist. Right click to obtain it.
Physical Attack +40
Magical attack +40
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
Ice Resistance +20
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Action Speed +1%
1% chance to inflict Cold Mist when attacking
File:Ancient Fossil Analyst.png Ancient Fossil Analyst Use the Ancient Fossil Analyst Item that is craftable at any Alchemist using 100 Alchemy Essence and 100 Ancient Fossil Piece (Obtained from Fossil Readers). +40 Nature Resistance
Critical +2%
Attack Speed +2%
Awakening Charge Speed +2%
File:Ancient Fossil Collector.png Ancient Fossil Collector Use the Ancient Fossil Collector Item that is craftable at any Alchemist using 100 Alchemy Essence and 100 Ancient Fossil Piece (Obtained from Fossil Readers). +40 Nature Resistance
Evasion +2%
Additional Damage +2%
HP +4%
100th Day Anniversary Obtained after being married for 100 days. Attack Speed +1%
Lovebirds Obtained after being married for 150 days. Attack Speed +1%
Critical +1%
Wedding Vows Obtained after being married for 365 days. Physical Attack +365
Magical Attack +365
Attack Speed +1.5%
Critical +1.5%
Settler of Elios Obtained by playing Elsword beta, and the first few weeks of a new server opening.
Physical Attack +20
Magical attack +20
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Movement Speed +3%
Action Speed +1%
Looking For Guild! Use the item, Looking for Guild! Physical Attack +32
Magical Attack +32
HP +3%
Accuracy +2%
File:Artillery Support.png Artillery Support Automatically obtained for 15 Days when you log in during Shelling Guardian's pre-release events Physical Attack +1% (Dungeon)
Magical Attack +1% (Dungeon)
Critical +1% (Dungeon)
1% Chance of activating Mark of Commander when attacking (Dungeon and Not Overlapped)
File:The Faithful Adventurer.png The Faithful Adventurer Use the Faithful Adventurer item (1 Day) Critical +1% (Dungeon)
Attack Speed +1% (Dungeon)
Reduced Damage +1% (Dungeon)
Additional Damage +1% (Dungeon)
File:Rookie Halloween Fashion Designer.png Rookie Halloween Fashion Designer Use Rookie Halloween Fashion Designer Title Item (15 Days) given at the NA 2013 Halloween Event Physical Attack +50
Magical Attack +50
Physical Defense +50
Magical Defense +50
Critical +2%
Attack Speed +2%
Reduced Damage +2%
Additional Damage +2%
File:Legendary Halloween Fashion Designer.png Rookie Halloween Fashion Designer Use Rookie Halloween Fashion Designer Title Item (15 Days) given at the NA 2013 Halloween Event Physical Attack +100
Magical Attack +100
Physical Defense +100
Magical Defense +100
Critical +3%
Attack Speed +3%
Reduced Damage +3%
Additional Damage +3%
Millennium Fox's Calling (15 Days) Use Millennium Fox's Calling Item Critical +5%
Additional Damage +5%
World War (8 Days) Use the item, World War (8 Days). Reduced Damage +10% (Dungeon only)
Critical +3%
Nature Resistance +50
Secrets of Enhancing Physical Power (1 Day) Randomly obtained by Elesis players under Level 20 when leveling up during Elesis Release Event Physical Attack +100%
Secrets of Enhancing Magical Power (1 Day) Randomly obtained by Elesis players under Level 20 when leveling up during Elesis Release Event Magical Attack +100%
Secrets of Attacking Vital Points (1 Day) Randomly obtained by Elesis players under Level 20 when leveling up during Elesis Release Event Critical +50%
Secrets of Speed and Agility (1 Day) Randomly obtained by Elesis players under Level 20 when leveling up during Elesis Release Event Attack Speed +20%
Secrets of Gaining Fast EXP (1 Day) Randomly obtained by Elesis players under Level 20 when leveling up during Elesis Release Event Experience Points Gain +30%
Secrets of Recovering Energy (1 Day) Randomly obtained by Elesis players under Level 20 when leveling up during Elesis Release Event 10% chance of gaining 30 MP when attacking
Secrets of Recovering Vitality (1 Day) Randomly obtained by Elesis players under Level 20 when leveling up during Elesis Release Event 10% chance of gaining 10% HP when attacking
Secrets of Lightning Fast Strikes (1 Day) Randomly obtained by Elesis players under Level 20 when leveling up during Elesis Release Event 10% chance of summoning Lightning
Secrets of Blast Attacks (1 Day) Randomly obtained by Elesis players under Level 20 when leveling up during Elesis Release Event 10% chance of summoning Whirlwind when attacking (Dungeon Only)
Secrets of Developing Skills (1 Day) Randomly obtained by Elesis players under Level 20 when leveling up during Elesis Release Event All Skills +1