Histoire de Raven

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HistoireBribe de souvenir 1
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description


  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

Fils adoptif du général Cornwell, je fis mon entrée à l'école militaire de la noblesse prodige.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • J'avais toujours pensé que grandir en étant le fils adoptif d'un aristocrate causait des difficultés que d'autres enfants ne connaissaient pas. Pour répondre aux attentes des gens et pour ne pas traîner le nom de mon père dans la boue, j'avais dû faire beaucoup de sacrifices. C'est ce qui me permit de m'attirer les bonnes grâces du général. Lorsque le général me demanda ce que je voulais faire de ma vie, je lui répondis que je voulais emprunter le même chemin que mon père. Il se mit à rire dans sa barbe et me tapota l'épaule. Le général déclara, avec une légère hésitation, qu'il me soutiendrait quel que soit mon choix. Son sourire était franc, mais il avait tout de même l'air un peu inquiet. À l'époque, je ne savais pas ce que signifiait l'expression sur son visage. Peu de temps après, je faisais mon entrée à l'école militaire de la noblesse prodige, en qualité de fils adoptif. Des prodiges issus de familles expertes dans la maîtrise des techniques de combat affluaient dans cette école militaire. L'établissement avait vu émerger de nombreux guerriers dont les noms étaient entrés dans l'histoire. Au début, j'espérais que ceux qui fréquentaient cette école seraient différents de ma famille, vu que les techniques de combat avaient un sens pour eux. Lorsque le général était absent, les membres de ma famille me tourmentaient en me traitant 'd'enfant de condition modeste d'un simple citoyen'. Mais j'ai rapidement déchanté, car eux aussi n'étaient que des 'aristocrates'.
  • Raven : (Cet endroit est pareil...)
  • Les rumeurs se propageaient rapidement. Même ceux qui avaient commencé par me considérer sans préjugés m'ont ensuite évité, une fois qu'ils ont eu vent de mon origine. Mais eux non plus ne pouvaient pas me nuire. En fin de compte, j'étais le fils adoptif du héros du pays, le général Cornwell. Peut-être était-ce même mieux pour moi ainsi. Je me focalisais sur l'escrime et ne laissais pas la colère me détourner de mon objectif. Je voulais obtenir mon diplôme sans tapage et quitter la famille. Je dois le reconnaître... dès le départ, je savais que je ne pourrais pas m'entendre avec eux. Mon seul espoir était qu'ils seraient au moins un peu différents. Malheureusement, je n'ai pas réussi à conserver mon anonymat. Chaque année, des simulations de batailles étaient organisées pour servir d'entraînement en vue de véritables conflits armés. C'était l'occasion pour les élèves de mesurer leurs compétences, mais surtout de s'affronter en mettant en jeu l'honneur des familles. La participation aux simulations de batailles était obligatoire pour tous les élèves. Une règle importante dictait néanmoins qu'il fallait former une équipe de trois personnes. Deux élèves insignifiants me proposèrent de rejoindre leur équipe, mais je refusai, car je savais qu'ils ne s'intéressaient qu'au nom du général.
  • Raven : (Ces nobles n'en ont vraiment qu'après les promotions et le pouvoir. Je voulais pourtant n'avoir affaire à personne jusqu'à mon diplôme... Qu'est-ce que c'est pesant...)
  • Je restais plongé dans mes pensées, mais la simulation de bataille approchait à grands pas.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP 0 File:Pendulum of Memories.png Pendule du souvenir (7 jours) N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A
HistoireBribe de souvenir 2
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description


  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

J'y formais un groupe avec deux camarades afin de participer à une simulation de bataille.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • Depuis mon enfance, je me rendais dans un champ désert, où je brandissais mes armes lorsque je souhaitais me changer les idées. Peu m'importait de tenir une épée ou un bâton. Lorsque je me concentrais sur le combat, j'arrivais facilement à chasser mes pensées négatives. C'était justement un de ces moments où je souhaitais libérer mon esprit. La simulation de bataille allait avoir lieu dans une semaine et je n'avais pas prévu d'y participer.
  • Raven : (Le général va être très déçu. Mais, je ne veux pas former d'équipe avec des gens comme ça.)
  • J'aurais menti en affirmant que la bataille était sans importance à mes yeux. Je ne souhaitais pas particulièrement rendre le nom de ma famille célèbre, mais je voulais à tout prix montrer au général ce dont j'étais capable. Je ramassai l'épée posée dans un coin de la chambre et me rendis à l'espace d'entraînement, comme j'en avais l'habitude. Les préparatifs de la simulation de bataille avaient débuté. Du coup, personne ne s'entraîner et la salle était calme. Ceux qui avaient déjà formé une équipe s'entraînaient en dehors des locaux. De temps en temps, on entendait des explosions plus ou moins fortes dans le lointain. J'essayais d'ignorer ces bruits, mais mes pensées revenaient toujours à eux. Je voulais oublier la bataille, mais dans un recoin de mon esprit, l'idée de former rapidement une équipe surgissait sans cesse.
  • Raven : (Oublie ça.)
  • Je saisis à nouveau mon épée et tentais de me concentrer. Ces pensées m'obsédaient. Il fallait que je brandisse mon épée et que je chasse ces idées de ma tête.
  • Owen : Cela ne signifie pas que le nombre de personnes est négligeable. La simulation de bataille est soumise à une règle toute simple : l'équipe gagne en prenant en premier la base de l'adversaire, mais il sera impossible de gagner juste en réussissant une percée. Il faut d'abord répartir les rôles et...
  • Johann : Pourtant, une percée rapide équivaut à une victoire, non ? Il vaut mieux que nous attaquions tous ensemble. Pourquoi n'irais-tu pas prendre des forces au lieu d'élaborer des stratégies qui n'ont ni queue ni tête ?
  • L'espace d'entraînement était inhabituellement bruyant. Dans un coin, trois garçons se formaient en cercle. Deux d'entre eux riaient bruyamment et commencèrent à se moquer du troisième.
  • Fred : Tu crois peut-être que tu as un don particulier... Toi, le rejeton de la famille Felford déchue, tu oses nous donner des ordres ? Comment ça ? Tu ne voudrais quand même pas prendre le commandement ?
  • Johann : Nous ne t'avons pas pris dans notre équipe par amitié. Ne va pas nous comprendre de travers. Les autres étaient juste plus insignifiants que toi. Au moins, ta famille s'est quand même fait un nom. En tout cas, nous ne pouvions pas faire équipe avec une fille ou quelqu'un de bas étage.
  • Raven : (Et c'est reparti pour un tour...)
  • Je ne voulais rien avoir affaire avec eux. Je savais que, dès l'instant où je serais en contact avec ces gars, ma vie ici deviendrait assez pesante. Juste au moment où je me retournais pour sortir, le rejeton de la famille Felford se mit à parler. Malgré la colère qu'il couvait, il semblait calme et décontracté.
  • Owen : Cet entraînement est organisé dans un très grand château où il est difficile de s'orienter. Vous avez certainement besoin de quelqu'un pour analyser la situation et donner des ordres. Vu votre degré d'intelligence, vous n'êtes pas en mesure de le fai...
  • Fred : Tu... tu perds la tête.
  • Avant même que le gars de la famille Felford ait terminé sa phrase, le gros garçon l'attrapa par le col.
  • Fred : Tu ne sais pas tenir ta langue. Je n'ai qu'à prononcer un mot à ton sujet à mon père pour qu'il te supprime. Tu ferais mieux de te tenir à carreau et de nous obéir sans discuter.
  • Johann : Arrête de chercher à gratter la première place. OK ?
  • Raven : Tu n'as pas autre chose à faire que de glandouiller ici, hein ? Ferme ton clapet et dégage le plancher. Sinon, j'appelle quelqu'un pour te mettre dehors.

Je n'avais pas l'intention de plaindre le garçon de la famille Felford à cause de l'injustice subie, loin de là. Non, en fait, je n'avais aucune intention de m'en mêler. Mais si j'ignorais ces situations en les évitant, je ne vaudrais pas mieux que les autres aristocrates. Je voulais simplement me démarquer d'eux.

  • Johann : Quoi ? Qui... Raven ?
  • Fred : Pff, tu ne crois quand même pas que ton te permette un tel outrage. Tu n'es même pas issu de l'aristocratie...
  • Raven : Comme c'est dommage ! Nous sommes de simples ici. Mais tu veux veux que ton rang soit défini par ton nom... Bon, comme tu veux. Examinons nos rangs, veux-tu ? Est-ce que vous dépassez la famille Cornwell ?
  • Un long silence plana. Le gros garçon et son camarade se mirent à rougir en faisant la grimace.
  • Johann : Pff, tu n'es rien qu'un simple...
  • Raven :
  • L'espace d'entraînement était de nouveau silencieux. Le garçon de la famille Felford s'approcha lentement de moi et me parla après mûre réflexion.
  • Owen : Merci de m'avoir aidé Raven Cornwell.
  • Raven : De rien... C'est juste que ne pouvais pas sentir ces types.
  • Je me rappelais soudain que je m'étais juré de ne pas me mêler aux aristocrates. Je lui répondis superficiellement et je repris mon épée. Le garçon ignora ma réserve et continua de me parler.
  • Owen : Je m'appelle Owen Felford. J'ai entendu dire que tu n'as toujours pas formé d'équipe. Tu ne veux pas participer à la simulation de bataille ?
  • Raven : Je ne m'engagerai pas dans la bataille...
  • I had sought the training field to throw away thoughts about the siege warfare but ended up hearing a bunch about it instead. Owen didn't even seem to get tired as he explained his strategies to me during the entire time when I was swinging my blade. His strategies were so meticulous and well formulated that they made me nod unconsciously.
  • Owen: I had my eyes on you ever since the last training. There are many parts of your movements that are certainly different from the others. A killing purpose strategy that aims for enemy's weak points while making minimum movements as possible… you can't learn that kind of strategy from a sword instructor. To be honest, I don't have much talent with the sword. So I prefer to use my brain instead. If you and I join our strengths it won't be too difficult for us to lead the siege warfare into a victory.
  • Raven: ….What are you planning to do about the final team member?
  • It was a heartbeat of excitement that I haven't felt in a while. Determination to not participate in the siege warfare had already broken down long before as I listened to Owen's strategies. According to his plans, we certainly had a chance. But the problem was, we needed one more teammate.
  • Owen: There should be couple of people that still haven't formed a team yet. So we should try to find…
  • Seris: Umm, I was just passing by and heard you guys talking by a coincidence~ really, by a coincidence…. So you guys are looking for a teammate right?
  • Owen and I turned our heads together from a bright voice that came from the entrance. We saw a girl with a gold blonde hair with a wooden sword leaning on top of her shoulder walking towards us while smiling brightly.
  • Seris: I also still don't have a team yet. I did ask around various places but every one of them said they were already full! Can you believe that?
  • Girl had already approached in front of us and was waiting for an answer while looking back and forth between Owen and my face. Owen finally answered while sighing.
  • Owen: I'm sorry, Seris. But I have no plans to have a girl in our team. According to my plan, we at least need two swift….
  • Seris: I may not look it, but I'm a crazy fast runner.
  • Owen: Who has the skills to break through enemy line in an instant….
  • Seris: I was around average in the test we had before. Compared to that, Owen, you were almost last right?
  • Owen: …Anyways, my answer is no.
  • Seris: What's up with that? Are you looking down on me because I'm a girl?
  • Owen: ….It's not because that… ehm, ehm….Anyways, no is a no-…
  • Raven: Fine, we'll let her join.
  • Seris: My goodness… Seriously? Really?
  • Owen's gaze was bothersome but this was because I thought that since the siege warfare was fast approaching it would be better use of time to practice our cooperation rather than to waste time trying to find a team member….This was the excuse I gave myself as I nodded.
  • Seris: Thank you so much! I won't let you guys down! I'll do my best! I'll give it my very best!
  • Seris looked joyful as she grabbed Owen and my hand and smiled beamingly. She didn't mind Owen complaining and chattered on for a long time while not letting go of our hands.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP - N/A N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A
HistoireBribe de souvenir 3
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description


  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

La bataille simulée commença. Nous nous déplacions rapidement en suivant les instructions d'Owen.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • I held my breath as I focused the on sounds coming from my surroundings. I started to hear enemy's footsteps and they started to get closer.
  • Raven: Owen, it looks like they changed their direction.
  • Owen: Seris, how are things on your side?
  • Seris answered while urgently turning towards Owen.
  • Seris: It's just like you said Owen, they are grouping up to attack us head on.
  • Owen: Seris, you stand by so you won't get found out then come down to where I am when I give the signal. Raven, you block the front.
  • Raven: Leave it to me!
  • I followed Owen's instruction and hid myself at a blind spot in the castle gate. Voices of the enemies could be heard soon enough. Voices came from somewhere very close.
  • Zohan: What? Isn't this way too easy?
  • Fred: He was talking so big. This is their so called strategy?
  • Barton: Stop talking and focus.
  • Group that were laughing loudly started to tenaciously attack the front castle gate. Gate seemed to shake largely three or four times then finally broke down with a loud sound. This was the right time to strike that Owen had mentioned. I used the chance where vision was obstructed due to dust and attacked by aiming at the closest enemy's feet.
  • Fred: W, what…? Where did he come fro…..
  • Enemy fell down on his back and rolled on the ground. My attack regrettably didn't reach the enemy's feet. But it wasn't for naught. One of the enemies reached out his hand to raise up his fallen comrade. I kept silent as possible as I lightly struck the enemy who had his back turned on the back with my blade.
  • Fred: Zohan! Be care….!
  • Raven: Rule 3, people whose bodies make contact with weapons is treated as dead.
  • Zohan: Kugh… damn…!
  • Seris: Owen! Raven finished one off!
  • I could see Seris far away. She seemed to be shouting something to Owen quietly. Owen must have heard Seris' voice because he started to send a hand signal that we had decided on during training. We're attacking their base…. Seris nodded then started running towards where Owen was. I had to buy enough time to make sure that those two heading towards the enemy base weren't found out. I was wondering how to effectively draw attention then recalled what happened before in the training field.
  • Raven: Tch, how useless. I'm stuck hiding in the castle gate like a coward…
  • Enemies heard my mutter then exchanged gazes with each other while smiling. They took the bait perfectly.
  • Fred: Haha, once we beat you, others will be a piece of cake!
  • Barton: It's over, Raven!
  • Two of them started swinging their swords at me in turns. Although these were training swords with dull edges, it didn't change the fact that they were threatening. But it wasn't too difficult for me to dodge the attacks coming at me consecutively. I deflected the attack coming in from my left with my blade then took a step back as I looked at Owen and Seris enter the enemy base and raise their flag.
  • Zohan: Where do you think you're looking?!
  • Disqualified enemy grabbing my ankle and sword that enemy swung grazing by my cheek happened almost instantly. I lost my balance and started to fall backwards, as the sound of the trumpet signalling end of the exercise rang out.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP - N/A N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A
HistoireBribe de souvenir 4
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description


  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

Je pris conscience que la camaraderie valait mieux que la solitude.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • Seris: …. we won… we won!!!
  • Seris's shout came from far away. I seemed to have slightly sprained my ankle but it didn't hurt at all for some reason. Was there ever a day when the sky looked so clear? I smiled without realizing.
  • Seris: We won!! We won Owen!!! Raven!!!
  • Owen: I got it so stop dragging me.
  • I felt Seris and Owen's voices coming closer. I brought myself up to sit then looked up at the two.
  • Seris: Raven….? Are you hurt?
  • Owen: Here, grab my hand.
  • As I grabbed Owen's hand and stood up, I saved in my mind the sight of the broken castle gate, enemies angrily glaring this way and Seris carrying a flag and smiling brightly like a child.
  • Raven: Owen, it's all because of you.
  • Owen: It will be an insult to my family if I can't even lead this kind of battle into a victory. Thank you both for following up properly.
  • Seris: That's enough thanking, let's hurry up and go to the infirmary. You're ankle is red, it looks swollen.
  • Seris worriedly went to other side of Owen to support me. She then grimaced as she glared at the group of enemies. I hoped Seris would just pass this over quietly but she seemed extremely angry for some reason.
  • Zohan: Hmph, losing to those nobodies…
  • Fred: It's fine, winning in this child's play wouldn't have satisfied me anyways.
  • Barton: That's right, they won't be able to do anything after they graduate…. They might as well try 'winning' in this child's play.
  • 'Seris's steps seemed to slow as I expected. She stood in front of the enemies and became enraged.
  • Seris: Is that a thing to say after hurting someone with a cheap trick?!
  • Zohan: Cheap trick? Who? Us? Isn't that something only a chick from a lowly family like you uses?
  • Fred: Yes, be honest. You just came here to nab a guy from a good family right?
  • Barton: If only thing you have to show for yourself is a pretty face then use it properly. Use your head a bit.
  • Seris: What do you mean by….
  • Seris's voice started to quiet down. What I felt from spending a week with this girl was that she was always bold, confident and thought positively…. an opposite person from me. But a girl like this was biting her lips as if she was furious and was about to turn around.
  • Raven: Such smooth words coming from so called high and noble families. Is that how your families taught you manners?
  • Barton: What? How dare a dumb commoner….
  • Raven: Aren't you guys past the time to be acting like kids? Mocking us like this won't change the fact that you guys lost to us.
  • Zohan: Shut up! Try saying that again, I'll….
  • Raven: Well…. I can understand you guys being so angry. The day you guys will beat us won't ever come after all. You guys can't beat us even in here… so I don't even need to mention after we graduate.
  • Group of enemies were grinding their teeth and looking towards my direction as if they'd jump at me at any moment. Seris pulled on my sleeves with a startled expression.
  • Seris: I'm fine so let's go… alright? You need to get your leg treated.
  • Owen: Yes, leave it at that. We need rest for tomorrow's exercise. Especially you Raven. You hurt your leg so you can't overstress yourself.
  • Even Owen got in between me and the enemy group as he led me away. I still had mountains of words to throw at them but regrettably started moving due to Owen and Seris's words.
  • Raven: How about you check who you're up against before facing them next time?
  • Fred: How dare you!!!
  • Rage filled shouts came from behind us but we didn't mind as we left the place.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP - N/A N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A
HistoireBribe de souvenir 5
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description


  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

C'est ainsi que nous restèrent amis après la bataille.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • Seris: I…. I can't….anymore….
  • Seris dropped to sit down and panted heavily. Owen grabbed Seris' hand with a dissatisfied expression and pulled her back up but Seris dropped to sit back down and caught her breath. After the day of the mock siege warfare, three of us usually met up and trained together. Ever since we finished mock siege warfare, Owen said that his ideal team had been so close by and started to refer to us as a 'team'.
  • Owen: Here, water. Today's training is over if you just finish one more set.
  • Seris: But….. that's what you said before….!
  • Seris instantly gulped down the water Owen handed to her then got back up to barely finish one more set and dropped to lie down this time. Owen and I looked at each other and shrugged then we went to sit beside Seris.
  • Seris: Owen's training is…. Is way too strict…
  • Owen: You shouldn't have teamed up with me with such a small resolve.
  • Seris: I didn't think it would be like this at the time.
  • Seris gave a sidelong scowl at Owen then raised her body to sit and wiped the sweat off her forehead. She did always complain but Seris was diligently following Owen's training routine. Owen's training routine was difficult but it was structured methodically to fit individual's strong and weak points so Seris's skills were increasing day by day. Seris wasn't the first girl to enroll in a military academy, but instructors all praised her by saying they've never seen a girl this enthusiastic. But she also became a target of jealousy for some students at the same time.
  • Raven: Seris… why did you come to this military academy…. You could have had easier life…
  • Seris: Because I think that I should be the one who constructs my life.
  • Seris drew an unrecognizable picture with her finger on the ground as she continued speaking.
  • Seris: You would normally have to marry somebody picked by your household when you become a certain age right? I absolutely loathed that. What about my freedom? My will? Is a life where I cannot choose anything freely a life at all? I thought about it carefully and concluded that kind of life was no good. Of course, life here is difficult too, but still…. on the day when I fought together with you guys, I finally felt that I was alive.
  • Seris smiled like a child then looked back and forth between Owen and my faces.
  • Raven: (I understand now that….. not all nobles are greedy as I thought.)
  • My narrow-minded thought from when I first came here started to gradually change because of Seris. Maybe that girl's positive personality was affecting me.
  • Owen: Then you have even less time to rest. I'll have you enter special training course starting tomorrow.
  • Seris: What??? No way… I can't… no, I won't! Look, my legs are shaking this much already…
  • Owen: You're overreacting. You should at least be able to handle one person's worth to remain in our team.
  • Seris: Seriously… you're too harsh….
  • Raven: (Although he sometimes spouts out harsh words as if they are nothing…. That must be his way of caring for his friends.)
  • Owen had a completely opposite personality from Seris. He was calm, rational and calculative but he gave an absolute trust towards people that he thought was on his side.
  • Owen: Don't just sit there smiling like an idiot and take this.
  • Owen also handed me a note filled with very dense writings as he stood up.
  • Owen: Raven, you're entering a special training course too. You should raise your strength whenever you can after all. Two of you, don't waste any effort so that I can make use of you guys more effectively.
  • Raven: Ugh….
  • Seris: What's the use if we die in the process?!
  • Owen: People don't die from just this much Seris. Don't worry, I'll immediately call for a medic if you collapse during training.
  • Looking at Owen give a scary smile and starting to coach Seris's training again, I raised my blade also.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP - N/A N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A
HistoireBribe de souvenir 6
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description


  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

À l'époque, je pensais que rien ne pourrait nous séparer.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • Seris: If only every day was like today~
  • It was a leisurely day without classes or training. Seris came to my room first thing in the morning and pestered me to go eat breakfast together with her. We filled our stomachs with a simple breakfast then were taking a stroll around the campus to pass the time.
  • Seris: Oh, it's Owen!
  • We could see Owen with his arms full of books heading to the library. Seris ran towards Owen with cheerful footsteps.
  • Seris: Good morning Owen!! Where are you going? Library? You're studying even on a day off?
  • Raven: They look heavy….
  • Owen: It's fine.
  • Owen always had books near him. He didn't let go of books even during training.
  • Seris: Wow~ you finished this many books in just one night? That's amazing.
  • Owen: Most important thing in coming up with strategies is to widen your field of view. It's easier to think flexibly if you know more, and you'll be able to see sides that you couldn't see before. So you two should do some reading when you have free time….
  • Seris: Ugh… nagger….
  • Seris covered her ears and distanced herself from Owen. Owen made two fake coughs then continued speaking as if he didn't mind.
  • Owen: There were lots of books that I haven't read before in this library. I'll recommend one to each of you so try reading them.
  • Seris: I don't like reading….
  • Seris hung onto me as her body became loose. She then snatched one of Owen's books and started to examine its contents.
  • Owen: …. Recently, I've been thinking that I'm really glad to have come to this school, and met you two.
  • Seris: What are you saying all of a sudden?
  • Owen: When I'm alone, I somehow keep getting thoughts that how it would have been if I didn't come to this place, what I would be doing otherwise. I probably would have been spending my days blaming my own circumstances and my family.
  • Owen: I also wouldn't have met you two. And….
  • Seris: Owen… you were always speaking so bluntly but you've been caring about after all! Haha, I think that I was fortunate to have met you guys too!
  • Seris hung onto Owen's back this time and placed the book she was holding back on top of Owen's pile of books. My gaze unknowingly turned towards Seris face as she smiled joyfully.
  • Owen: …. No, it's not that…. I was just saying that I would have regretted missing out on such useful chess pieces.
  • Seris: Chess pieces…..? That's so harsh…
  • Seris pouted as if she was very disappointed at Owen's words then turned the topic around and asked me.
  • Seris: Then how about you Raven?
  • Raven: My thoughts are the same.
  • Seris: Raven, even you too.... as chess pieces….
  • Raven: No, I meant that it was an unparalleled fortune to have met you two.
  • Seris who had been pouting again walked couple steps without saying anything, she then shouted in a loud voice as she hung onto my neck.
  • Seris: Wow…. Wow….! Raven… I'm so moved…!
  • Owen: You say such embarrassing words so easily. We're here. Be quiet in the library.
  • Owen shook his head and entered the library, leaving behind me who was struggling because of Seris. It must have been just my imagination but it looked as if a smile that I haven't seen on Owen before was hanging on his mouth.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP - N/A N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A
HistoireBribe de souvenir 7
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description


  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

Au bout d'un certain temps, je remarquais que j'imitais presque mes camarades.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • Seris: Shh, be quiet.
  • Seris silently followed behind Owen and approached right behind his back.
  • Seris: Even the expressionless Owen might make a funny face if he's surprised. Raven, you want to see too right?
  • Seris put her finger in front of her mouth as she made a mischievous smile. She then carefully raised both of her hands above Owen's head. Smile unknowingly formed on my mouth at how childish she looked.
  • Seris: Woah!!!
  • Seris's shout rang out across the quiet library. Thankfully, there was no one else using the library this early in the day. I eased my mind and turned my gaze towards where Seris and Owen were.
  • Owen:
  • We couldn't see any change in expression from Owen. Seris muttered with a very disappointed expression as she looked up at Owen.
  • Seris: What, you're no fun.
  • Owen: Keep quiet in the library. Isn't it also written in the entrance?
  • Seris: Alright, enough nagging!
  • Seris pouted and gave a sidelong glare at Owen then turned her gaze towards me. She was making a childish smile as if she had never pouted. Ah… it's that smile again. It was a face I've always seen but Seris's smiling face felt good to watch every time. It had the power to make others smile along with her.
  • Raven: (She was smiling when I first met her, also when we were victorious in siege warfare, when we were training together and when walked around the school together, always…)
  • I was always seeking Seris's face. And the moment when I realized this fact was….. for some reason today. Today that was supposed to be particularly no different than any other days, this moment right now.
  • Raven: (… Why am I feeling like this now….?)
  • Why now….? I had no ways to explain. But it didn't take too long for me to collect my feelings, my emotions and accept them.
  • Raven: (I see… that girl… I….)
  • I must like that girl. Seris was approaching me while smiling just like the days before.
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PP - File:Pendulum of Memories.png Pendule du souvenir N/A
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