Histoire d'Ara

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HistoireMon grand frère et moi 1
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description


  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

La famille Haan se composait de guerriers chargés de protéger le scellement du Gumiho 'Eun'. Ils maîtrisaient l'énergie d'Eldrit de la lune.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • Northern Empire is a giant empire located at the south of the Fluone Desert area. It developed independently at the south of the once whole Elrios continent during the period before the El's explosion without any particular exchanges with the Elrian Kingdom. This was possible because of giant El's influence and the powers of native Spiritual Beasts that dwelled in this region. El's influence made each year's harvest bountiful and Spiritual Beasts protected the people that treated them sacredly and followed them from invaders. But not all native Spiritual Beasts were good and benevolent. Amongst them, there were Spiritual Beasts that only acted out of their own gain regardless of human standards of good and evil. Nine Tailed Fox 'Eun' was one of those Spiritual Beasts. 'Eun' destroyed many towns in order to seize human souls but she was finally 'sealed' by a warrior from the Haan family. After that, Haan family became a martial artist family that protected the seal of the Nine Tailed Fox 'Eun'. Haan family's power was marginal. There was nothing Haan family had to show for themselves except for protecting the seal of the Nine Tailed Fox 'Eun'. Then one day, the moon El flew into Haan family's territory. It was because of the great El explosion. Haan family became able to wield the power of the moon El and gained reputation as fierce warriors in the Northern Region. Other families in the capital weren’t too pleased by Haan family's achievements. They tried to quell Haan family's power by coming up with a likely excuse of imposing a law that appointed eldest son of the family to a position of 'capital's guard captain'. Elder brother Aren was eldest son of the Haan family. Elder brother and I were destined to part with each other ever since we were young.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP - File:Pendulum of Memories.png Pendule du souvenir (7 jours) N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A
HistoireMon grand frère et moi 2
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description


  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

Aren était différent de mes autres frères.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • My mother was 2nd wife of my father. Father fell in love with mother at first sight after seeing her jump in front of a running carriage without any regards for herself in order to save an old woman from harm. Father immediately visited mother's home the next day and proposed to her. Father didn't give up easily despite mother's refusal. He tenaciously and sincerely protected mother's side at all time and mother finally accepted his proposal after recognizing his righteous character. Two got along harmoniously as much as the difficulty they had in becoming together. They were always together and held each other very dearly. But my other siblings didn't seem too pleased about mother and me being in the Haan family. Siblings treated mother rudely and teased me out of sight of the adults. Mother had a soft-hearted personality and was always worried if her actions might hurt the feelings of other siblings. Because of my mother's personality, I tried my best to not to talk about other siblings teasing me to her. I thought that I had to become more courteous and perfect child in every way so that other siblings couldn't find any faults to tease me with. Only one who treated me equally as their sibling was Elder Brother Aren. He was the prop of the household who was loved by the entire Haan family. He acted courteously towards everyone and didn't discriminate me like the other siblings. The more Elder Brother Aren treated me kindly, the other siblings teased me even more but I could withstand them. I could stay strong and withstand them because there was someone who trusted me and treated me dearly.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP - N/A N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A
HistoireMon grand frère et moi 3
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description


  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

Au sein de la famille, j'étais toujours la perdante.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • Ara: (An opening!)
  • Children of the Haan family were required to master martial arts. This was because they were born with the duty of protecting the seal of the Nine Tailed Fox 'Eun'. Ever since we were able to walk, me and my siblings learned from our martial arts instructor how to handle weapons and how to control the power of the moon El. I wasn't particularly good at other things but was confident at least in my spear skills. But…
  • Female Sibling: That kind of lame attack won't work!
  • Ara: Ah….!
  • Sparring with other siblings was difficult. Today's training session was sparring with spears that I was confident in, but the result was my defeat as always.
  • Martial arts instructor: Stop, it's Ara's defeat.
  • At our instructor's shout, I got up while hitting the dust off my back and stood in front of third oldest sister.
  • Martial arts instructor: Ara, your bold attack was fine but you leave too many openings. Your movements were quite good during practice but your body freezes every time during sparring….
  • I offered a handshake as a sign of saying good match but Third Sister picked up her weapon and walked past me.
  • Ara: ….
  • Martial arts instructor: Always think about your own movements as well. Your strong point is your flexible movements so you'll certainly be able to perform better if you throw away your burdens a bit. Why don't you try one more time?
  • Instructor smiled kindly then looked at second oldest brother. Second Brother confidently nodded as he raised his spear.
  • Ara: …. Okay. I'll try one more time.
  • Instructor gave the signal with a gladness in his voice. I corrected my stance as I stepped far away from Second Brother.
  • Ara: (Always think about my own movements….)
  • I had to think about not just my opponent's movements, but my own movements as well. Read the enemy's moves and break through their opening to land a finishing blow. The image I drew in my head was close to perfect but my body didn't move according to my thoughts.
  • Ara: (Throw away my burdens…. How am I supposed to throw it away….?)
  • I barely blocked the spear that approached my head then ran away to create some distance. Second Brother must have not liked me just running away because he ran straight after me as he swung his spear aggressively.
  • Ara: (I shouldn't let myself be beaten by such an obvious attack. I have to dodge the spear with least movements as possible.)
  • I parried the attack by only moving my spear slightly then didn't hesitate to go on the offensive right away. Second Brother easily lowered his spear to block my attack.
  • Ara: (Don't think about anything else. Just focus on the battle in front of me.)
  • I distanced myself far away again as I held my spear with only one hand. Second Brother was running in straightly again and was swinging his spear much more widely this time.
  • Ara: (Now!)
  • I jumped up high to dodge Second Brother's spear and landed behind his back. The moment I was turning around to sweep across his defenseless leg, my hand stopped for some unknown reason.
  • Male Sibling: Heh, what an idiot!
  • Second Brother immediately turned around to land a finishing blow on me.
  • Martial arts instructor: Stop… it's Ara's defeat.
  • I couldn't look straightly into instructor's disappointed face shaking his head left and right that I turned around on the spot and left the training gym. I could hear other siblings mocking me from far away. I will certainly get scolded by instructor for my disrespectful behavior but I couldn't go back. I was always a loser in this place.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP - N/A N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A
HistoireMon grand frère et moi 4
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description


  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

Alors que je ravalais ma colère, Aren apparut soudain devant moi.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • Ara: (It's fine…. That was for the best….)
  • Sparring match with Second Brother from before kept coming up in my mind every time I swung my spear.
  • Ara: (That's right…. Mother will be troubled…. If I had attacked Second Brother and somehow hurt him.)
  • Even though I thought it was for the best in the corner of my mind, there was always me who was regretting stopping my hand at that moment whenever I came to my senses. I struggled to hide this feeling but only a very frustrated emotion remained in the end. How I couldn't live openly with my head held high was frustrating and my mother being pained because of the other siblings was frustrating as well. But most of all, how I couldn't beat the other siblings in something I was most confident at was most frustrating.
  • Ara: (It's not fine…. It's frustrating….)
  • Tears that I tried to hold back burst open. It has been so long since I cried out loud. And after sitting down on the spot and wiping my eyes for a bit, now I even felt angry.
  • Aren: Are you alright?
  • Stream of tears that didn't show any signs of stopping instantly stopped when a familiar voice came from beside me.
  • Ara: O, of course…. I, I'm fine!
  • I stood up hastily while wiping my tears to see Elder Brother Aren with a worried expression. Elder Brother Aren handed me a handkerchief and stood beside me without saying a word until I calmed down.
  • Ara: I'm sorry….. I showed you myself being so unsightly.
  • Aren: No, I fully understand. Everyone has particularly difficult times…..
  • Elder Brother Aren who was picking up my spear from the ground below his feet made a quite serious expression. I took the spear and thanked him as I took couple steps in order to leave quickly. But I couldn't go far because I had no choice but to stop from Elder Brother Aren's words.
  • Aren: Would you like to have a proper sparring match with me?
  • As I pondered for a while thinking about what I should say in order to refuse without being disrespectful, Elder Brother Aren challenged me to a sparring match one more time.
  • Aren: This isn't a request. This is an order as the eldest son.
  • There was no way I could refuse. Elder Brother Aren approached me who was turning around unconfidently then fixed the sword he was holding. He spoke as he lightly hit my spear with the sword.
  • Aren: Try attacking me all you want. Don't think about anything else.
  • Elder Brother Aren swung his sword strongly as he pressured me without showing even a slight hint of openings. I had to focus all my strength on blocking Elder Brother's attacks.
  • Aren: This shouldn't be all there is to your skills! Try more seriously!
  • I was gradually pushed back and fell into a position where I couldn't escape anymore because I had my back to a giant tree. I was looking for a chance to try and escape to a more open area when Elder Brother's sword approached me again. I couldn't dodge it. I had to face it instead. I saw an opening in Elder Brother's attack for just a very slight instant. I quickly blocked the sword with my spear then attacked Elder Brother's side with the back of my spear. Then I turned around as I raised the spear. My spear had approached the tip of Elder Brother's chin.
  • Ara: H…. how…. can this…?
  • Aren: Amazing… I lost. It's my defeat.
  • Elder Brother Aren smiled joyfully as he dropped his sword. My movements just now were exactly the same as the movements I had always drawn in my mind.
  • Aren: I know that you're always timid from being wary about other brothers and sisters.
  • I looked up at Elder Brother's face as I withdrew my spear.
  • Aren: But if you continue to steadily devote yourself to your training, there will certainly come a day when you can openly express yourself.
  • Elder Brother was staring far off into an unknown distance. His face looked slightly tired.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP - N/A N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A
HistoireMon grand frère et moi 5
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description


  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

La fête des familles qui vénèrent les ondes des âmes se tenait tous les cinq ans et allait bientôt avoir lieu.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • There were multiple families that worshipped Spiritual Beasts in the Northern Empire. Our Haan family was technically protecting the seal of 'Eun' so it was hard to say we were worshiping a Spiritual Beast, but we also attended meetings among those families nevertheless. Festival that was held every 5 years was one of those meetings. Families that worshiped Spiritual Beasts gathered in the capital every 5 years and held a festival that promoted friendship with each other. Although it was a festival, in actuality, it was a place for Northern Empire's emperor who was afraid of powers of each of the families to keep an eye out for dangerous or questionable individuals. Since it was a place where heads of all families, their wives and their direct children gathered, there was no better place for emperor to gather information. Participating families taught their family members to be cautious of their actions in festivals when emperor was present. They all told their family members in unison that if you are in a place where emperor's eyes could reach, it was best to not stand out so no matter what happens you should just 'stay put'. Do we have to stay put even if a Spiritual Beast like 'Eun' starts running amok? At my question, elders laughed and answered that I should. I got a feeling that emperor and the elders were both just cowards but nodded and told them that I understood. But I was just as much of a big coward as them. Highlight of the festival was martial arts sparring contest. It took place on the last day after couple days of joyous festivities. All unmarried children of each family participated and a family with only their children remaining at the end was determined victorious.
  • Ara: (…. I won't be much of a help. I'm going to soil our family's reputation instead….)
  • I was scared. If I make a big mistake in the sparring contest, many blames will certainly fall upon mother as well.
  • Ara: (I don't want to participate….)
  • I was making up various excuses while rolling my spear on the ground with my feet but sighed in the end and stood up. I knew that nothing will be solved by worrying right now, so I decided to do whatever I can. I held my spear and swung it widely towards a target in front of me. It felt like my mind was becoming a bit lighter.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP - N/A N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A
HistoireMon grand frère et moi 6
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description


  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

La célébration se terminait en apothéose : le tournoi des combats.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • Group from our family arrived at the capital after a long journey. Capital was so large to the point where it made Haan family's territory look like a backyard and its palace was extravagant as well. The festival started as we unpacked our bags at a designated lodge.
  • Ara: (…. I might be better off just staying at the lodge rather than soiling our family's reputation.)
  • I munched on the foods in front of me and looked around at the noisy festivities. But I couldn't stay seated comfortably because of my worries about the approaching sparring contest. Should I say I'm sick? Or maybe hide somewhere…? While I thought and thought again for a way to escape, sound of a gong signalling the start of the sparring contest was heard.
  • Ara: (I should…. hide.)
  • I only had a slight glance of the sparring arena as we headed to our lodge but there seemed to be quite many places to hide. I hid myself under the stone stairs of the sparring arena then held my breath as I waited for the sparring contest to end.
  • Ara: (Elder Brother Aren probably couldn't participate…. He hurt his arm while trying to ride an untamed horse.)
  • Sound of a drum notifying someone being eliminated was heard each time the crowds became noisy. I wanted to peek my head out to see what was going on, but I couldn't get up easily because I could get caught.
  • Zhen family participant 1: What? I was expecting more because the Haan family was so famous…. They are nothing too special.
  • Zhen family participant 2: I know, brother. They were just all talk! At least that guy named Aren looked quite skilled, but it seems he hurt his arm…. Isn't this our Zhen family's complete victory?
  • Haan family's opponents seemed to be Zhen family. Zhen family's participant was diminishing other siblings' skills with a loud voice.
  • Aren: Wait a moment. We still have our final participant.
  • I heard Elder Brother Aren's voice. Final participant must mean me. My heart started beating fast.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP - N/A N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A
HistoireMon grand frère et moi 7
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description


  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

I gathered up the courage and went to watch.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • Zhen family participant 1: Where is this final participant? Did they run away? Well… it's to be expected from a family that protects some ominous Nine Tailed Fox. Hahaha!
  • Ara: Haan family's final participant, Ara Haan is here.
  • I unknowingly stood up and raised my hand at Zhen family participant's words. Crowds became noisy again. My other siblings were also looking at me with a dumbfounded expression. Only Elder Brother Aren was smiling and holding his hand out towards me. I took Elder Brother Aren's hand and walked up the stairs. I fixed the position of my spear that I brought just in case and stood in front of the Zhen family's participant. My opponent had a much larger build than me so I had to raise my head high to look at him. He sneered then picked up his weapon that was overly large to be considered a spear.
  • Zhen family participant 1: I won't go easy because my opponents is a girl. Try not to get hurt!
  • As the gong sounded the start of the match, my opponent dashed in quickly as he swung his spear. I also quickly adjusted my spear's location to block the opponent's attack.
  • Ara: (He isn't just big, he's strong too….! I can't face him directly like this. I'll get pushed back for sure.)
  • I quickly withdrew my spear but the opponent swung his spear as if he was waiting for me to do so. I ducked to barely dodge the opponent's attack then used an opening in his attack to strike his side.
  • Zhen family participant 1: Kugh….
  • The opponent was very startled and barely managed to block my attack. I exchanged attacks with the opponent couple more times then pretended to directly clash with his incoming attack as I slightly lowered my spear to directly slash across his waist.
  • Zhen family participant 1: How dare you leave a wound on me!
  • The opponent changed his stance then attacked while swinging his spear down excessively widely. The attack wasn't too difficult to dodge thanks to his movements becoming wider.
  • Ara: It's over!
  • While the opponent tried to regain his stance, I quickly dashed in and jumped over the opponent's head while swinging my spear. After landing, I stretched out my spear backwards. The opponent saw my spear that was at the tip of his chin and dropped his weapon dejectedly then collapsed on the floor. Drums sounding that a participant had been eliminated was heard. While standing still, I lowered my spear and looked at Elder Brother who was watching me from afar.
  • Aren: See, didn't I tell you?
  • Ara: That if I continue to steadily devote myself to my training, there will certainly come a day when I can….. openly express myself?
  • Elder Brother answered me with a bright smile instead. Haan family became the final victors of this day's sparring contest.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP - File:Pendulum of Memories.png Pendule du souvenir N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A