Elysion Tower

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Elysion Tower

The final obstacle before reaching Elysion. The beam of light that penetrates the skies is the only way inside Elysion.

The final gateway to Elysion. The enormous Light pillar piercing through the sky is the only entrance.
Recommended Level
Required Combat Power
Dungeon Layout
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Ally Image Ally Description
Yuno (Herjuno) - Herjuno will use his powers to build the path ascending Elysion Tower.


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Monster Image Monster Description Monster Moves
CODE_B_Futer - A mechanized beast Nasod modeled after the Alboko Furyta found in the Diceon Mines.
  • Lunge: Performs a short lunge fowards.
  • Electro Stream: It will charge its tail with electricity and fire a constant stream of electricity dealing multiple hits.


  • Does not receive proper hitstun, will instead flinch in super armor allowing it to retaliate.
CODE_B_Libya - A black armored advanced Nasod security unit armed with gauntlets.
  • Gauntlet Shot: Fires its gauntlet like a ranged projectile which returns back to it after being fired.
  • Electro Pulse: Attacks players with highly condensed balls of electricity.
CODE_B_Templar - A black armored advanced Nasod security unit wielding a spear.
  • Triple Swing: Swings its spear three times.
  • Double Swing: It will twirl its spear twice in super armor with extremely large range. Players hit directly will be inflicted with  Enemy DebuffWoundEnemy DebuffWound.
CODE_D_Proto - Nasod security robots that will drop in to intervene.
  • Energy Spike: Stabs with its robotic appendage.
  • Jet Trust: Rearranges itself into a jet and propel itself forward into players.
CODE_C_Proto - A more powerful version of the CODE_D_Proto.
  • Energy Spike: Stabs with its robotic appendage.
  • Jet Trust: Rearranges itself into a jet and propel itself forward into players.
CODE_C_Prober - A Nasod security unit armed with two ion cannons on its arms.
  • Plasma Shot: Rearranges itself then fire a short range pulse of plasma.
  • Plasma Web: Fires a web of plasma out of its arms.
CODE_C_Decepter - A flying Nasod security unit.
  • Jet Blasters: The unit will fire beams straight down out of its two blasters.
  • Plasma Buster: Takes in energy around itself then fire a concentrated ball of plasma downwards.
CODE_C_Silence - A tall humanoid Nasod security unit armed with blades on its arms.
  • Cloak: This unit is capable of making itself completely invisible as well as invincible. A faint trail of sparkles will emit from it while invisible.
  • Cross Slash: Attacks with its two blade arms launching players. Typically done once it has revealed itself from cloaking.
  • Blade Slash: Slashes once with its blade.


Mini Boss
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Monster Image Boss Description Boss Moves
CODE_A_High_Templar - An A class Nasod unit wielding a spear.
  • Double Swing: It will twirl its spear twice with extremely large range.
  • Focus Swing: Delivers one strong swing with its spear.
  • Spear Shock: Electrifies its spear, swings it, then plants it in the ground causing the ground around it to burst with electricity.


  • Does not receive proper hitstun when hit from the front, will instead flinch in super armor allowing it to retaliate. Will still receive proper hitstun when hit from behind.


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Obstacles Image Obstacles Description
CODE_B_Diceon_Shield - A device that generates a shield, reducing damage dealt to enemy Nasods nearby by 80%. Cannot be destroyed by players and will automatically destroy itself once all mobs have been defeated.
Transport Tunnels - Tunnels connecting parts of the tower, they will propel players along the path at great speeds.
Portal - Certain blocks on the ascent up Elysion Tower come with portals allowing players to reach different areas.
Launch Pad - Certain blocks on the ascent up Elysion Tower come with propulsion technology launching players to higher ground. The entire lowest floor in the boss room is one large launch pad to allow players to reach the top platform.
Pitfalls - The boss area has no borders and Maya will attempt to push you off the map. Falling off the map results in a percentage loss of HP.


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Monster Image Boss Description Boss Moves
CODE-Maya - The relentless Commander of Atlas. A Nasod created in Elysion, she protects the gateway between Atlas and Elysion.
  • Teleport Suction Disk: If players are on the platform opposite of her, she will teleport to the other platform. She will create a small black hole with her power disk then makes it explode, launching players a great distance forward.
  • Disk Boomerang: Slashes her disks around herself then throws her power disks forward, before catching them on the rebound trip.
  • Sharp Fall: Maya will assault kick into the air then dive straight down releasing a shockwave of lingering energy.
  • Overclock Movement - Energy Burst: Dashes forward taking any players nearby her with her, then creates a saw with her disks dealing several powerful hits and pushing players away.
  • Dual Advance: Teleports to the center of the lower platform then sends her two disks in opposite directions, pushing any players hit off the map before returning to Maya's side. At the same time, Maya will leap into the air and create a large sphere of electrical energy in the air.
    • Can be avoided by either jumping over each disk or standing on the edge up the upper platform.
  • Limited Code Cancelled: After her health is depleted to 4 bars, Maya will activate a scripted cutscene and create a vacuum of energy that sucks in players while healing 15 life bars.
  • Annihilation Mode: The arena will darken and Maya will become even more powerful but will have less defense. She will enter Annihilation mode after she has regenerated her health with Limited Code Cancelled.
    • During Annihilation Mode, Maya is immune to debuffs.


  • Does not receive proper hitstun, will instead flinch in super armor allowing it to retaliate.


  • Boss Intro Cutscene
  • Mid Boss Dialogue
  • Dungeon Victory Quote
  • Maya: You sure are stupid. Fearlessly coming here. You will regret stepping foot here.
Image Name Boss Character Stats
Atlas Dicetium Staff
Atlas Dicetium Staff

Lv82 Staff:

Physical Attack +4874

Magical Attack +4874

[Unidentified * ?]

Maximize +3%

Add. Damage +3%

Action Speed +3%

  • It is possible to cause Maya to fall off the map resulting in her dying instantly like a normal mob.
    • However she will often times float over the abyss.
  • Despite being a background character, Yuno is considered as a mob and will sometimes have mob buffs with him.
Date Changes
11/19/2015 04/19/2016
  • Elysion Tower added.
03/26/2020 03/25/2020
  • Can no longer skip CODE-Maya's Annihilation Mode by freezing or petrifying her when she has K.O. protection.
07/08/2021 08/04/2021
  • Extra enemy waves improved.
    • All enemies now spawn at once throughout the entire dungeon.
Alternative Names
Server Name Translation
South Korea 엘리시온 타워 Elysion Tower
China (Simplified Chinese) 艾丽西昂塔 Elysion Tower
Germany Elysion-Turm Elysion Tower
Spain Torre de Elision Elysion Tower
France Tour d'Elysion Elysion Tower
Italy Torre di Elysion Elysion Tower
Poland Wieża Elysion Elysion Tower
Brazil Torre de Elysium Elysion Tower

  • Region 7~12
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous