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'''Fragile Pillar''': Walking near these fragile pillars can cause them to crumble, smashing everything (including enemies) in its area but does not cause the flatten ailment for some reason.<br/>
== Boss, Teach the Tyrant ==
'''Teach''' is a Giant Claustrophillic Golem, who has appeared to hinder your progress to enter the Feita Temple....His attacks are extremely slow, but can do extremely high damage if you are not careful. All of its moves are done with super armour on.<br>
=== Moves ===
'''Clap''': This is the basic skills all golems do, that can cause a long flinch. However, from here, he can enter into other combos.<br> '''Smash''': Chained from the clap, the golem puts his arms together and smashes you downward, dealing substantial damage.<br> '''Slap down''': Chained from the clap, the golem raises his arm, spins it a few times, then slaps down on you dealing substantial damage.<br> '''Rock Throw''': A scare move. The golem takes a rock floating around itself, and spins around dramatically, then tosses the rock afar. The thing about this move is that you are completely safe right in front of him, and his dramatic movement is just to scare you and make you run to where the rock would roughly land.<br> '''Swan Dive''': Yes, the traditional swan dive by all golems in Feita, except that this one is extremely inaccurate and it ends up flying over you and falls behind you. Can flatten you and do substatial damage, but he picks himself up slowly and gives you time to attack it.<br>
=== Basic Strategy  ===
Nearly every character has the ability to move through an enemy (Its usually the dashing moves that can do it.)
'''Elsword:''' SKs can do &gt;&gt;ZZZ, MKs can do &gt;&gt;ZZX
'''Rena:''' Both Classes can use &gt;&gt;X
'''Aisha:''' Both Classes can use &gt;&gt;X
'''Raven:''' Naturally, he can't, BUT, you can use Shadow Step.
'''Eve:''' She doesnt have any either, BUT, her high glide jumps can be used.
You're going to be spamming it to avoid Teach's heavy blows. Other then that, be wary of what moves he'll do and wail on him.
<br> <br>


Revision as of 21:18, 14 June 2011

Spiral Corridor

As the Elsword Team enters the Temple, they encounter a spiral corridor they have to descend from....

Map Layout

Difficulty Map
Normal / Hard / Very Hard


Monster Image Monster Description
Gullito Spearman
A demonic soldier that attacks you using it's spear!
Gullito Defender
A demonic soldier that uses his shield to protect others and himself from any attack!
Gullito Archer
A demonic soldier that uses it's crossbow to attack you from any range!
Lantern Fly
This shining sphere of light tries to rush at you with it's nimble body!
Gullito Necromancer
A Gullito that uses it's dark powers of magic to attack you!
Stone Golem
A golem that uses it's rocky fists to crush you!
File:Port3x-2.png Portal
This portal doesn't attack you, it merely transports you to a different part of the stage!
Boss, Teach the Tyrant
A tremendous golem that guards the Spiral Corridor!

Body Slam: Teach will run and then jump, using it's body to flatten you!

Clap: When near you, the boss will clap using his hands, dealing heavy damage.

Spin: When crowded, Teach will spin himself around, dealing damage to all those near him.

Throw: If you run away, Teach throws one of his floating boulders right at you!


  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
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