Banthus Cave

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Banthus Cave

Hoffman successfully located where Benders is currently hiding. Elsword and his team quickly infiltrates the hideout and defeats Upgraded Benders once again, yet, he still escapes. Fortunately, Elsword spots a letter. Giving it to the citizens of Elder, they soon find out that Wally, the leader of Elder, has hired Benders to steal the Elstone, which also explains why Wally hasn't responded. Quickly finding out that this is a conspiracy, Elsword tries to find out what Wally's motives are.


Monster Image Monster Description
Hungry Bat
A bloodsucking bat that feeds on blood. Don't let it cling onto you!

Does not heal when draining your health, but you can't hit it, have not actually pt'ed this map and gotten bitten, so couldn't say if pt members could..... kill it FAST if necessary KD it

A bat living in the cave. It attacks people who approaches his territory.

fairly simple to dodge, it goes up and does a dive bomb attack, just jump as it passes, like skipping rope

Apple Mong
Monkeys who pick up apples in the Forest. After the forest got polluted, they started living in the Cave.

Ranged.......and farther than Toto.......and hits harder.....makes no sense, meh

Little Brother
A thief who tries to attack you with his knife.

this one is ANNOYING AS ALL HELL!!!! LOVES jumping and jumping attacks, do NOT expect it to be easy to pin this little *bleep*er down

Big Brother
A thief that tries to punch you with it's humongous fists.

again, like jumping and jumping attacks, this time, jumping attacks hit all around impact point so aim is less of an issue, like the Little one, he also KD's you with jumping attacks

Giant Phoru
An enraged Phoru that attacks anything in it's way.

yeah.........I kill this one too fast......recently

Giant Brother
The biggest of the thieves and also the most powerful, watch out!

.....simple punches but he is big they KD

Miniboss: Giant Red Phoru
A very aggressive Phoru from the Ancient Times. It acquired a red-colored body from staying in the deep cave for a long time.

.............same as the giant white one.......

Miniboss: Bat King
A giant bat that can slash you with it's sharp wings.

literally........thats all I could say has a few big differences though, It CAN Manabreak like Ancient Phoru, it has an attack that is harder to dodge where it goes straigth up a bit then just comes back down, this is the slashey one I think

Boss: Awakened Banthus
Banthus who ran away from the El-Tree. He's much more stronger than ever before!

Ok, swing is actually a jump attack and if it hits WILL KD, Guard is super armor, this Banthus can again, Manabreak, EVERY boss from hear on out can Manabreak and has SOME form of self Super Armor


Swing: Banthus will swing his sword right at you.

Guard: With his sword, Banthus guards himself, preparing for any attack you might pull off.

Boss Drops

Bat Muffler Top Accessory: Physical Attack +36 | Magical Attack +16

  • This Boss drop is obtained from the Bat King.

  Banthus's Cutlass: Weapon (Elsword) Lv18:Physical Attack +1469 | Magical Atack +1199 | Critical +2% | Attack Speed +1%

  • This Boss drop is dropped from Awakened Banthus.

See Also

Bat Cave

  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous