Resiam Outskirts

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Revision as of 07:54, 31 October 2012 by Professor Cirno (talk | contribs) (→‎Moves: Minor)

Resiam Outskirts

The entrance to Resiam

A suburban area that connects Hamel and Resiam together.

Inner Resiam

The closer you get to Resiam, the more you will notice the forces of evil lurking around.

Map Layout

Difficulty Map
Normal / Hard
Very Hard


Shadow Walker: This is the basic Shadow monster. They attack with their claws and will sometimes attack back when getting up after being knocked down.
Shadow Charger: This Shadow monster attacks by running forward, damaging any players within its path. They can also grab onto any players, immobilizing them. You can escape from their grasp by rapidly tapping the left and right arrow keys.
Shadow Defender: This Shadow monster will attack launching spears towards you. When a player gets hit by the spears, they will be Cursed and will gradually lose mana over time. Mana will be drained faster when the player is immobilized by a Shadow Charger. They can also emit a Darkness aura which will raise the defense of all monsters within range.
Laguz: This Water Spirit attacks by releasing 3 bubbles in front of them and popping them, which will damage and inflict Frostbite. They can also release a bubble aura to encase any players in range in a bubble. After killing one, they will trap any players close to them in a bubble. When trapped in a bubble, you will not be able to move.
Shadow Sniper: This Shadow monster attacks by slowly charging up their laser and then firing it. The laser will travel across the entire stage.
Black Flower: Black Flowers are plants located on the bottom of various platforms. They will attack by emitting poison gas downwards to poison any players directly under them. After killing one, they will emit a toxic cloud to poison any players that are close to it.

Miniboss: Shadow Stinger

A deadlier creature of the shadows. Has spikes on it. Very nasty.

Appears only on Hard and Very Hard mode.


Forward Spikes Jabs you with a few spikes when you stand in front of it. Pushes you backwards for some distance.
Spike Ball Brings out all the spikes on it. Penetrates all platforms just to poke you. Induces KD.
Spike Roll It's a KD Counter attack. Rolls forward or backwards to poke you with its spikes. Induces KD.
Crystal Stinger Brings forth a crystal in it's chest to poke you with it. Does quite a lot of damage. Induces KD.

Boss: Shadow Master

The Malevolent Shadow Master

The powerful force of darkness and dark energy forms this burst of dark, spiritual manifestation.

Slightly similar to Spriggan of 5-5.


Shadow Swipe: He will drag you towards him and then swipes at you. Throws you upwards for some distance.
Fireball Path: Leaves a few dark fireballs in his path every time he moves. Can be easily avoided but deals high damage over time.
Dark Explosion: Puts a bomb on you and blows you up as he clenches his fist. Impossible to avoid unless a Skill or Awakening is carried out.
Soul Link: Shadow Master links his dark ball to you, reducing your attack speed.

  • This leaves him very open to combos.
  • Can be broken by running away from him.

Shadow Storm: Happens right after his stoic. Summons spheres of darkness that fall from the top of the stage. Can be avoided by standing on the platforms on either side of the stage, or using any move that has invincibility frames. Does moderate damage.
Shadow Orbs: Usually used right after Shadow Storm, summons shadow orbs that will blow up after a few seconds. Can be destroyed by hitting them (good for Hypersonic Stab).


Brun Style By CryingWolf

  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
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  • Noah
  • Lithia
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