Heart of the Ancient Waterway

From Elwiki

Heart of the Ancient Channel

The Heart of the Ancient Channel

After defeating the Taranvash of Light, the group delve deeper into the catacombs of the Ancient Channel. The waterway contains an ancient mechanism which lines the area with various traps.


Mini Boss: Chloe the Corrupt

Chloe, has been revived and corrupted by the forces of darkness. She has lost her bow, so now her moves are pretty much like Wind Sneaker's.


Advanced Kick Combo: Starts with 2 normal kicks followed by 3 powerful kicks: A rear horse kick, knee kick and a long range knee kick.
Slash: Chloe draws her knife and slashes you TWICE with it. Induces KD and Bleed (see Status Effects)
Tumble: Tumbles backwards. Very annoying. Completely invincible then
Air Kick Combo 1 & a half: Chloe performs the Triple Air Kick maneuver. However, she only stops at the second kick and starts combo-ing you later.
Spinning Kick: Dark Ver.: Chloe spins horizontally, drilling into opponents with her feet. Similar to Spinning Kick
Slide Double Kick: Dark Ver.: Chloe slide kicks behind the you followed by a kick and another kick into the air. Similar to Slide Double Kick

Boss: Victor

Victor, the ine responsiboe for the disappearance of Hamel's water.

One of the Aggressive and Quarrelsome bosses in Elios. Possesses superhuman strength. Loves violence.


Victor Combo: Smashes you to the ground 3 times.
Victor Swing: Swings his fists upward into the air and throws you upwards.
Victor Charge: Occurs only if you're a certain distance away from you. It's like Burning Rush only MORE POWERFUL
Body Slam: Body Slam
TOUCH DOWN!: Victor leaps into the air and tries to crush you with his weight. He roars after he lands. However, this move can be avoided as he only lands on your initial spot, so walk away from it.


Brun Style


At the bottom of Victor's Stadium, Ronan's (from Grand Chase) Dragon Knight Symbol can be seen at the bottom. It also looks like the symbol used for Dragon Roar in Maple Story

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