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Revision as of 18:47, 10 September 2022 by Ritsu (talk | contribs)

Skill Information

Mode Figure of Repose (Physical) [Valasia Response] Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Soul of the Dead Duration
Party Buff sdg esgv ewgrty Buff sdg esgv ewrty Buff sdg esgv ewrty Buff sdg esgv ew

(Specific Skill Damage Increase
Per Seed Growth Stage)
Figure of Repose Figure of Repose Count

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3
Max Stacks Duration (Removes 3 stacks after duration) Wave 1 Wave 2
PvE 570% 5 Seconds 4% 5 30 Seconds 3 4 5 300 MP 22 Seconds
PvP 217% 2%
PvE 683% 5 Seconds 4% 5 30 Seconds 3 4 5 300 MP 22 Seconds
PvP 260% 2%