Southern Gate

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Southern Gate


Arc Glitter Spearman: The same as the Glitter Spearman from Feita, except that it has a horn, has grey skin, wears shiny golden armour and wields a flashier spear. Its attacks are also faster and stronger.
Arc Glitter Protector: The same as the Glitter Shielder from Feita, except that it has a horn, has grey skin, wears shiny goldern armour and wields a flashier shield. It also attacks more frequently.
Arc Glitter Dasher: The same as the Glitter Pounder from Feita, except that it has a horn, has grey skin, wears shiny golden armour and wields a flashier hammer. It also attacks A LOT more frequently and can be a hindrance to you. (Keeps doing the leaping hammer attack which breaks your combos.)
Arc Glitter Sniper: The same as the Glitter Archer from Feita, except that it has a horn, has grey skin, wears shiny golden armour and wields a flashier bow. It also attacks A LOT more frequently and much faster than usual.
Glitter Commander: This is a muscular and taller version of a Glitter. He can get the Glitter Soldiers into formations that can be deadly at times. He has a dagger, but only uses it when his army is dead.
Cockatrigle: A big, yellow chicken-like animal that utilises quick pecking moves and super-armoured laser attacks which can cause a very slight burning ailment.
Siege Tower: A tower like wooden structure that consists of a Arc Glitter Sniper and a Glitter Rock Thrower. When destroyed, if it can flatten if it falls on you.
Glitter Rock Thrower: A Gulito who throws rocks down from high places.
Wyvern: A yellow wyvern with brown spots over its body. Similar to in attacks to its Feita Counterparts, but releases mini-meteors from its mouth instead of high-frequency waves. It is inadvisable to stand in front of a wyvren when he vomits meteors as it can juggle you, dealing very substantial damage.
Arc Glitter Assassin: A Glitter Soldier garbed in a black outfit. This assassin utilises quick, short movements and will roll away from you whenever it attacks you. It can also drop poisonous bombs when it rolls away from you after being knocked down.
Arc Glitter Alchemist: A Glitter who wears red robes and a cap. Can throw a variety of chemicals that cause poison, burning, constant mana drop, unable to move ailments respectively. Can also utilise a combustion move that does substantial damage.
Dark Elf: A skimpily dressed Elf with dark skin. This elf may seem harmless at first, but its avoidability is so consequential it can interrupt many of your combos. It is thus advisable to have at least 10% accuracy to handle these elves. These elves utilise quick arrow shots and occasionally stronger arrow shots at you and can use their knives at close combat. They become invincible whenever they somersault away from you.
Kenaz: A faerie that utilises fire based magic attacks. Will self destruct when it dies.
Blood Eater: Similar to the Mana Eater in Feita, except that it eats 50% of your current HP. You can murder it to re-obtain 1 50% HP refill. Be wise to use it as hp refilling mechanism
Mana Eater: Eats all of your mana. You can murder it to re-obtain one 100% MP Refill.


Barricades: These barricades merely block you way.
Cannons: You can hit them a few times to flip its direction or simply destroy them.

Mini Boss, Stealthy Morfos

Name: Stealthy Morfos
A Sadomasochistic Glitter.


Melee combo: 3 hits (3rd hit is poisonous)
Bomb Spray: Jumps backwards, throwing several bombs at a wide angle on the ground
Trap: May lay a bomb when rising from being knocked down (poisonous)
Special Attack, Hyper Sonic Stab : Horizontal dash across the screen followed by a series of slashes if you're caught in the path. Although this is his special attack, he has no MP gauage and can therefore use this skill at will. (similar to Raven's skill)

Mini Boss, Invincible Vardon

Name: Invincible Vardon
An Elite of Elios who boasts great defense and weight.
The same in attacks as the Heavily Armoured Glitter, but when it falls from jumps it can cause earthquake effects.
The only difference is that it is bigger, and has a special attack in which it clubs you repeatedly with its mace and gives you a body slam.

Mini Boss, Macgerd of the Onslaught

Original Name: Macgerd of the Onslaught
A giant, Elite Gulito Spearman who dons green-black armour and wields a great spear. Rides on a big, black Cockatrigle named "Polka"

Mounted Moves

Typical Cockatrigle mount moves: It is now faster, and super armours more frequently.
Jump slash: With the Cockatrigle , it leaps to you and attacks with a 270 degree swing of the spear.
Chocobo laser: The giant black Cockatrigle unleashes the laser commonly occurred by all other Velder Cockatrigle

Dismounted Moves

Leap Slash: The Elite Gulito Knight long jumps towards you while doing a 560 degree swing of the spear with super armour on.
Typical Gulito Spearman moves: They are now faster and much stronger.
Hurricane Impalement: The Elite Gulito Knight if at full mana takes an epic stance and throws his spear like a javelin. (But the spear doesn't fly for some reason)

Mini Boss, Dismal Hoakin

Name: Dismal Hoakin
A giant version of the Velder Alchemist but wears a Bio-hazard suit.


Toss Chemicals: Similar to the way the Velder Alchemist throws chemicals.
Combustion move: The Pyromaniac Alchemist tosses black powder in the air and causes it to explode.
Pyromania mode: The Pyromaniac starts running around, spreading gaseous kerosene. It then laughs crazily and causes where the kerosene spread to explode.

Boss, Dark Nemphilim

Chole "sacrificed" herself to summon the legendary Dark Nemphilim against you! You must render her endeavor futile!
Disgusting note: The Nemphilim's eye is in its mouth.

Stage 1 Moves

At this stage, the Nemphilim chases after you. You can damage it by using the traps installed in the castle at the right time, that is your chance to attack it.

Double Pound: The Nemphilim pounds on the ground twice and induces flattening to the player
Ground Slam: The Nemphilim slams the ground. The ground shockwave can juggle you to the left. Does substantial damage.
Shards of Darkness: If you go too far left, the Nemphilim will invoke these shards from the sky to hit you.
Purple Laser: Chained from Ground Slam, the Nemphilim will fire a purple beam from its eye in it mouth. Does substantial damage.

Stage 2 Moves

At this stage, the Nemphilim corners you and you will have to face it with your party members.
Ground Slam: The Nemphilim slams the ground. The ground shockwave can juggle you to the left. Does substantial damage.
Summon Purple Projectiles: If you go too far left, the Nemphilim will invoke Purple projectiles from the sky to hit you.
Purple Laser: Chained from Ground Slam, the Nemphilim will fire a purple beam from the eye in its mouth. Does substantial damage.
Enhanced Laser: A more powerful and enhanced version of the Purple Laser. You will not survive this move.


Funnily enough, at stage 2, the Lasers cannot hit you if you stand directly in front of the Nemphilim (aka, at his chin).

  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
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