Crimson Cradle of Flames

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Crimson Cradle of Flames

Crimson Cradle of Flames. An area opened up at the center of the tower, blood red, and hollow.

An area opened up at the center of the tower, blood red, and hollow.
Recommended Level
Required Combat Power


Dungeon Layout
  • Up to 8 players can enter, requiring a minimum of at least 3 people.
  • Only three Resurrection Stones can be used to revive.
  • Players are given a 15 second penalty before they can resurrect themselves.

Demon Realm

  • The El's power does not reach into this realm, Attack and HP will be reduced by 50%.

Phase 1: Malice

The initial shell housing the corrupted Master of Fire. A colossal boss in a similar bane to Eltrion, with equally powerful attack that take full advantage of the stage. Large shells will travel across the map and act as obstacles. Most notably, Rosso in later portions of the fight is capable of destroying portions of the stage itself.

Phase 2: Recluse

Out of the ruble of his shell, a half corrupted Rosso will appear, brandishing his scythe, he enters battle in much a similar style to his weapon in previous dungeons.

Phase 3: Dark Recluse

The corruption afflicted on Rosso has taken complete control over the Master of Fire. This form, at his absolute peak of power, takes advantage of nearly all the gimmicks leading up to this fight. The boss will regenerate HP if it is able to defeat a player or if players are too far away from it.

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Monster Image Monster Description Monster Moves
Blood Rage - Shell like structures summoned by Malice. They will both act as barriers and means of attacking players.
  • Push: Spin and push players.
  • Smash: Try to descend and smash players.
  • Quick Spin: It will retreat into the background and then roll on the lower level, hitting players.
  • Self-Destruct: Upon being destroyed, they will explode dealing significant amount of damage to players near them.


  • These only appear in Phase 1.


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Obstacles Image Obstacles Description
Pitfall - Areas without any ground, either to the side of the map or created by Rosso himself. Unlike pitfalls in other dungeons, falling down these pits will quickly tick away at player's HP until they die, effectively making them instant death.
Grey Thorns - Thorns that can only be destroyed using combos or actives.
  • These will be healed if you attack them with the Ember of Retribution debuff.
Red Thorns - Thorns that can only be destroyed using special actives.
  • These will be healed if you attack them with the Ember of Retribution debuff.
Meteor Rain - Meteors will fall from the sky, leaving behind a trail of fire periodically. They are signaled by a purple beam of light.
  • Will only appear during Phase 3.


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Monster Image Boss Description Boss Moves
Malice - A dark colossus made out of volcanic rock by a corrupted Rosso, reawakened by the remnant of the Red Eye. The beam will petrify players.
  • Laser Vision: Raise its head as a blue sigil shines on an eye, firing a beam out of its eye, dragging it across the map. The beam will petrify players for a period of time.
    • The direction that a beam will fire across can be figured out based on which arm is raised and which stays grounded. If his right arm is raised (your left), it's beam will sweep from right to left. Vice versa if his left arm is raised.
  • Destruction Smash: The boss will laugh before slamming its arms into the stage. This attack will then cause Thorn Pillars to raise out of the ground, indicated by a red light. These pillars are especially notable since they destroy segments of the stage itself, making the battle increasingly harder.
    • The boss's hands are not bypass invincibility frames, but deal damage and launch you.
    • Stand at far left side or right side to minimize platform destroying effect to not affect you movement clearly. At the time he laugh you should focus on move to edge of the stage as soon as possible.
    • You can use that strategy 4 times.(2 on each side) The boss hand will land on edge of platform after first four are destroyed. End the battle before fifth slam is advised.
  • Orbs of Chaos: Malice places its hands at the sides and summon many orbs to slowly raise upwards. These orbs will deal damage depending on their size, maneuver around the orbs to avoid taking damage.
    • Malice can still be damage during this phase by homing attacks.
    • Despite orbs seemingly covering the entire map, characters that can fly or hover can stay on the outskirts of the map to remain safe as no orbs arise at the very edges of the map.

Attacks highlighted in red bypass Invincibility frames.


  • The lower boss HP, the quicker boss moves will executed. At the point of 30 HP bars or lower you have about 3 seconds before react to his moves.
  • His move rotation will be : Laser vision (another shot will be used when his HP is low), Destruction Smash , Then Orbs of Chaos.
  • While most will commonly attack the head, his hands do have hitboxes too. Useful to know as if Malice has low HP and shells are close to the head, you can attack the hands and be safe (incase shells self-destruct during the cutscene).
Recluse - A corrupted Rosso, half dark, half light, wielding his scythe.
  • Vertical Swing: The Lonely will swing itself vertically towards the camera. Leaves behinds a flame trail which will inflict the Ember of Combustion debuff.
  • Horizontal Swing: The Lonely will swing itself horizontally towards the camera. Leaves behinds a flame trail which will inflict the Ember of Combustion debuff.
  • Reaper: Slash a purple scythe into the ground at a distance in front of it, then pull it inwards. Targets hit are not able to move for a period of time.
  • Land Breaker: Swing a red scythe into the ground with a wide area of effect. Upon pulling his scythe back, spikes will be left behind to act as an obstacle.
    • These spikes will self-destruct after a certain amount of time has passed.
  • Fire Pillars: The screen will focus onto The Lonely in a cutscene, he'll then cause fire pillars to shoot out of the ground underneath certain players that last 3 seconds. These fire pillars will also destroy parts of the map, making battling increasingly difficult. He is completely invincible during this attack.
  • Horizon Beams: A cutscene will player where The Lonely's eye will glow. Six rows of eye will appear, a black line will indicate which rows will have a laser fire, only one row is safe during this. The attack will fire four sets of lasers.
    • All parts that destroyed from Land Breaker will be restored during this move's cutscene.

Attacks highlighted in red bypass Invincibility frames.


  • The Ember of Combustion debuff will burn 5% MP per second.
Dark Recluse - A corrupted Rosso empowered by consuming the remaining dark energy from the remnants of the colossus, his body is now completely consumed in darkness. At peak power, he won't give up without putting up a fight.
  • Vertical Swing: The Lonely will swing itself vertically towards the camera. Leaves behinds a flame trail which will inflict the Ember of Retribution debuff.
  • Horizontal Swing: The Lonely will swing itself horizontally towards the camera. Leaves behinds a flame trail which will inflict the Ember of Retribution debuff.
  • Reaper: Slash the scythe into the ground at a distance in front of it, then pull it inwards. Targets hit are not able to move for a period of time.
  • Land Breaker: Swing its scythe into the ground with a which area of effect. Upon pulling his scythe back, spikes will be left behind to act as an obstacle.
    • These spikes will self-destruct after a certain amount of time has passed.
  • Death Prison: The boss will imprison a player in a shell. If the shell is not destroyed within 20 seconds, the player is immediately killed.
    • The shells are color coated much like the spikes, grey shells only take combo/active damage while red shells only take special active damage.
    • The prison will be healed if you attack them with the Ember of Retribution debuff.
  • Thorn Pillars: The boss will move around the map before making Thorn Pillars to raise out of the ground, indicated by a red light. These pillars are especially notable since they destroy segments of the stage itself, making the battle increasingly harder.
    • The central platform however is immune to being destroyed. So stay in center as you can.
    • This move have exactly 60 seconds cooldown. Boss will tend to use this move when it is ready.
    • Do note that if party leader quit from search party (from disconnected or whatever) will make 60 seconds cooldown become unknown. Making boss move harder to predict.

Attacks highlighted in red bypass Invincibility frames.


  • The Ember of Retribution debuff will burn 5% MP per second and heal fire enemies hit instead of harm them.


  • Add: Oi, what do we do now?
  • Elsword: I'm certain he's still in there. It's just that his cage became that monstrous body instead of the orb!
Legendary Weapon
Icon Name Stats Enhancement Bonuses
Flames of Judgement - Demonic Weapon

Lv99 Weapon:

[Unidentified Stats]

[Unidentified Stats]

[Unidentified Stats]

Resistance to Fire Attributes +50

+1% chance of inflicting burning effect (Applies only to fire element)

Adaptation +5% (Dungeon)

When attacking, 2% chance of firing Black Titan's Beam (Cooldown: 60 secs) (Dungeon)

Enhancement +9: Special Mystic Stone Slot opens, MP Cost -5% (Dungeon)(Max 35%)
Enhancement +10: All Skill Damage +10%
Enhancement +11: Physical/Magical Attack Power +Lv.10
Enhancement +12: Physical/Magical Attack Power +5%
Enhancement +13: Critical Damage +10%

Image Name Boss Character Stats Set Effects
Mark of Inferno
Mark of Inferno
Mark of Inferno
Dark Recluse

Lv99 Accessory (Weapon):

All Skill Damage +10% (Hyper Active/Wedding Skills excluded)

When attacking, All Resistances decrease by -15 for 10 seconds (Max 10 Stacks) (Dungeon)

When attacking, All Resistances decrease by -5 for 10 seconds (Max 10 Stacks) (Match)

Eternal Flame:

2 Pieces:

  • Resistance to Dark Attributes +100
  • Damage dealt to Boss Monsters +5% (Dungeon)

3 Pieces:

  • Resistance to Fire Attributes +100
  • Polarize +5% (Max 55%) (Dungeon)
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Alternative Names
Server Name Translation
South Korea 홍염의 요람 Cradle of Crimson Flames
Japan 紅炎の揺りかご Cradle of Crimson Flames
Germany Blutflammen-Grube Pit of Bloody Flames
Spain Fosa de llamas sanguíneas Pit of Bloody Flames
France Caveau de la Flamme sanguinaire Vault of Bloody Flame
Italy Fossa della Fiamma Sanguinaria Pit of Bloody Flames
Poland Jama Płomieni Krwi Pit of Bloody Flames
Brazil Berço das Chamas Escarlates Cradle of Scarlet Flames

  • Region 7~12
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous