Story/Chapter 22

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22:Land of Angels

Chapter 22: Land of Angels

The Elgang has finally arrived in Elysion in their search for Solace and the El Lady. Eve helped Elsword and the rest of the adventurers in disguising themselves as Atlas troops, just as Solace's message reaches them in a fiery form. As they enter Elysion, Bernard tells them the access to Adrian's Palace had been blocked. While communication with Adrian stopped, the Nasods lost control of the chaos around the city. With Durenda's help, Elsword and the gang rescue Nasod workers outside the city and find out how to locate Solac's Fortress.

[Village] Code Reaction Investigation
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

They cannot let Yuno's sacrifice be in vain. Let's search for Solace in Elysion.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • [Elysion]
  • Elsword: This is the place that Yuno told us about... Elysion...
  • Ara: If Yuno had come with us...
  • Lu: ... He would have been really happy...
  • Rena: ... Now, now! Cheer up, everyone! We're in Elysion! Let's plan out our next step.
  • Elesis: Yeah! For the sake of Yuno, we should move forward! There's also his request...
  • Elsword: Yeah... Solace...! This happened because of that bastard!! I have to fine him...!
  • Aisha: Hey, dummy, where do you think you're going? You're going to get lost!
  • Raven: Aisha's right, Elsword. If we go without a plan, we'll just waste our time and put everyone in danger.
  • Elsword: ... Alright. So what are we going to do now?
  • Eve: I can scout the nearby areas. We'll start moving once we figure out the situation. Moby! Remy! Please scout the area.
  • Eve: ... Wait.
  • Eve: This... it's a signal from Nasods in the area...? Strange. They seem to be reacting to my code.
  • Add: Oh...? Does this mean Her Majesty's code is effective in this dimension, too?
  • Elesis: Wow, that's amazing! Let's start investigating instead of standing around! The Nasods that have been reacting to Eve could be nearby.
  • Elsword: Alright, then let's go!
  • Aisha: Gosh, where is he going? Wait for me, Elsword!!!
  • Eve: ... Scouting complete. How intriguing.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Eve: All the Nasods in this area are reacting to my code.
  • Aisha: You said the Nasods here are more advanced than the ones in Elrios, right? Incredible... And they are all reacting to Eve?
  • Add: (Kuhahaha! As expected, my eyes haven't deceived me. Eve... you never cease to amaze me!
  • Add: Then we can use that to our advantage. What if we trick them into thinking we are one of them?
  • Lu: Hoh, that's a great plan! Excellent!
  • Add: Well... It's, It's nothing...
  • Eve: Then I'll attempt to access their code. Moby, Remy! Assist me.

  • Chung: When do you think she'll be done?
  • Ciel: I'm sure she'll need some time. It doesn't look like a simple task.
  • Elsword: Mmm... We need to hurry and fine Solace...
  • ???: (Finally... The one that... protects the El...)
  • Elsword: Huh? What'd you say?
  • Aisha: What are you on about? Nobody said anything.
  • Elsword: Really? I thought I heard something...
  • Eve: ... Access complete. Input has been successful, but let's double check.
  • Eve: The Nasods here have given me information on which way to go. This way.
  • Elysion Nasod: (PZZZZT!)
  • Elsword: Uuh... They're attacking us, right? Eve, I think something's wrong.
  • Eve: ... Strange. There was no error in the operation.
  • Eve: But due to this new technology, I might have overlooked something when I analyzed the code. Let me check again.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 [Ariel] Star Fruit Tart x30 N/A
ED 0 [Ariel] Star Fruit Tea x30 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
What Stops Them
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Code Reaction Investigation story quest

The red sun warns the El Search Party.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Eve: The central code can only be accessed by certain individuals... All access has been blocked.
  • Raven: Is Solace the one who is responsible for blocking access...?
  • Elesis: (Solace... Ever since Lanox... My head starts hurting whenever I heard that name... Why?)
  • Elsword: ... What the? This place is...
  • Aisha: What's with you, Elsword? Why are you acting like that?
  • Ara: Are you unwell? I'm worried.
  • Elsword: No, nothing like that... I just feel strange since I got here...
  • Ara: Huh!? I don't sense anything...
  • Elesis: (Aahh...! My head...!)
  • Chung: Oh, look everyone! A symbol appeared in the air!
  • ???: ... I didn't think you'd come all the way here. Elsword...
  • Elsword: Who are you?! How do you know my name...?!
  • ???: Should I be congratulating you for getting here...? It's too early for you to step foot in this place.
  • ???: If you give up everything and leave this place I will grant you your life.
  • Elsword: Are you... Solace?! Tell us where you are! I'm going to beat you down...!!
  • ???: ... How pathetic... Are you still stuck on that childish fantasy, that is the El Search Party?
  • ???: If you give up, you and your friends can avoid a tragic ending. It all depends on your decision.
  • Elsword: ... What? What are you saying...?!
  • Elesis: I'm sorry, but I'll have to decline. Who put you in charge?
  • ???: ... You really are oblivious. Then the deal is off.
  • (CRASH!)
  • Aisha: That stone statue up there! It's moving!!
  • Lu: Everyone, be careful! I sense unusual power from that statue!!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Lu: Haa... What is going on?! I could've sworn that statue was only for decoration. Why is it attacking us?
  • Ciel: Ah... We will have to stay on guard whenever we see those statues...
  • Add: The Nasod... Its energy was on a different level compared to other ones. What's going on?
  • Raven: What was Solace warning about? Are you sure you're feeling fine, Elsword.
  • ???: (The El... The only guardian... This way...)
  • Elsword: ...?
  • Elsword: ... Ah, did you say something?
  • Aisha: You're acting strange, you know that? Ever since we came to Elysion!
  • Elsword: M, me?
  • Aisha: You're usually always on about how we need to find the El Lady and restore the El... But you're just staring into space...!
  • Ara: I'm sure they're just tired. Ah! Now that we've come to the village, should we begin our investigation on Solace...?
  • Rena: Yes, that's a good idea! But... Where should we go?
  • Eve: I heard there's a Nasod in charge of the whole village. We can go there.
  • Elesis: Oh! Nice, Eve! Let's go! This way, right?
  • Elsword: ...
  • Elesis: (Elsword is definitely acting impatient since we arrived in Elysion... Is he bothered by what Solace said?)
  • Elesis: (Ahh, my headache is getting worse as well. Why now... I hope it's nothing...)
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 19,447,380 [Ariel] Advanced HP Potion x30 N/A
ED 938,400 [Ariel] Advanced MP Potion x30 N/A
EP 52 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Situation in Elysion
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Code Reaction Investigation story quest

The El Search Party talks to Bernard to find out the current situation...

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • [Elysion Village]
  • Bernard: Hm... This is bad. This is really bad. Hmm...
  • Elsword: Hey, Mister! Are you the Nasod in charge of this village?
  • Bernard: Hmm...? You are...?!
  • Bernard: Ah, are you part of the Atlas army? I heard the message but I didn't think you would get here so soon...!
  • Add: (Hoh, it seems Eve's commands are working in this village... We're being recognized as Atlas troops... Keukeuk, how exciting!)
  • Ara: It's not that, we are...
  • Rena: (Shh! We're being recognized as Atlas troops thanks to Eve!)
  • Ara: (I, I see...! I almost made a mistake!)
  • Bernard: Yes... Thanks for coming at a time like this! I am relieved... I am, the one who oversees the village.
  • Chung: Bernard, can you tell us what the situation is?
  • Bernard: Yes, you should also know... All this happened when the communication was cut off from Adrian's Palace.
  • Eve: Adrian? Do you mean... Adrian, the Father of the Nasods?
  • Bernard: That's right. That place over there in the far distance is his palace.
  • Eve: Adrian... who went missing... built Elysion here...?
  • Bernard: All schedules in our village are decided based on orders from the Palace...
  • Bernard: But all orders have suddenly stopped. At first, I thought it was a temporary error... but even after time has passed, there was no order.
  • Raven: Either something happened to the palace... or there's something blocking the signal...?
  • Bernard: I'm afraid so. It's not just the palace. Even the guards around here are on high alert... It's highly possible something happened at the palace.
  • Bernard: And... I'm not sure if this is related, but several Nasod scouts have gone missing.
  • Lu: You mean you haven't even done anything yet?
  • Bernard: The Nasods of this village are not allowed to move without orders from the Palace. I have no choice but to wait here...
  • Bernard: Ahh... Of course, this village will be safe. It's been fine here... but strange incidents have been occurring...
  • Elsword: Forget that, we're looking for Solace. Do you happen to know where he is?
  • Bernard: Solace? Who is that? I've never heard such name...
  • Elsword: You don't know...? But earlier, at the entrance...
  • Eve: Stay calm, Elsword. First, we need more information on this place.
  • Add: Missing Nasod scouts... Hey, is there some kind of defense system around here?
  • Bernard: Right now there's a class one defense system activated near this village.
  • Eve: Then... We might want to check the memories of the Nasods outside.
  • Eve: We might figure out what the issue is if we can see what caused the defense system to activate.
  • Add: Then we can look at the Nasod memory I copied earlier. Kuhuhu!
  • Eve: ... What? When did you do this?
  • Add: ...
  • Lu: Oh ho, he's well prepared. Something to aspire towards, don't you think, Ciel?
  • Ciel: ... Lu, am I not enough as I am right now?
  • Lu: Oh ho ho! I'm saying you can always improve as my butler!
  • Ciel: If that is your wish... We can start from your daily food intake. You've been eating a lot of sugar, so I think you should cut down on cookies.
  • Lu: Whaat...? No! I've changed my mind! You're fine just the way you are, Ciel!
  • Rena: Those two seem really close.
  • Eve: In any case... I will read the memory.
  • Eve: ... Ah, I never thought something like this would happen...
  • Elesis: Why? What is it?
  • Eve: Currently, Adrian's Palace is blocked from any outside contact because of a barrier.
  • Bernard: A barrier... Adrian... What happened to Adrian?!
  • Eve: I do not know. But the energy waves from the barrier... It matches the energy responsible for moving the statue as the entrance.
  • Raven: It seems like Solace is responsible for creating a barrier around the Palace...
  • Eve: One more thing, it's the Nasod guards from that palace that have been abducting the Nasod scouts.
  • Aisha: How did you know this way happening? You would have found out about this if you just put together a group to scout the area!
  • Bernard: That's impossible... Without the Palace's orders, our code forces us to stay ehre.
  • Elsword: Err... These guys are third generation? They only follow orders like the Nasods from Elrios.
  • Eve: ... Why would he put such limitation...
  • Bernard: Hmmm... We can rescue the captured Nasods and gather information from them.
  • Bernard: First... Can you send this information to Durenda, the officer in charge of Hernacyd, the Nasod troops stationed in the village? She might be able to figure something out.
  • Eve: I see, we'll look for her immediately.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 Secret Dungeon Entry Permit x5 N/A
ED 0 [Ariel] Advanced HP Potion x30 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Missing Nasods
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Situation in Elysion story quest

Durenda says she didn't order the guards to kidnap the Nasods. What is going on?

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Rena: Are you, Durenda?
  • Durenda: What do you want?
  • Aisha: (Urgh, this tone... It reminds me of someone.)
  • Ara: (Hahaha... I think I'm thinking of the same person as you, Aisha.)
  • Add: Tsk! Stop whispering... You there. You heard that the Nasod scouts have gone missing, right?
  • Durenda: Yes, I heard.
  • Chung: ...
  • Chung: Umm... From what we've investigated, the ones that have been abducting the Nasod scouts were Nasod guards...
  • Durenda: You think I ordered the kidnappings? You have the gall to accuse me?
  • Add: Ha... She's being difficult. Your Majesty show the memory of the Nasod!
  • Eve: Don't order me around, Add. I'm sure you know a better way to request help while showing respect.
  • Add: Ah... ugh... Please.

  • Durenda: Outrageous...
  • Elesis: Anything would be great. Do you have any idea why they are acting this way?
  • Durenda: Tsk...! There's one thing. Ever since we lost communication with Adrian's Palace, the Emperacyds have turned on us.
  • Chung: Emperacyd... You mean the palace guards? Why would they turn on you?
  • Durenda: I do not know. But when something happens at the palace, it's emergency defense system activates. The defense code might have also activated on the Emperacyd.
  • Elsword: Can't you tell them to stop? Innocent Nasod scouts are being taken in.
  • Durenda: Hmph, he must have deemed them dangerous and gave them a direct order. If it is a direct order, my orders will not go through.
  • Ciel: Then you're just going to stand there and do nothing?
  • Durenda: That is the plan. If you have no other business, leave. It's almost time for Phobos to rest.
  • Ara: Phobos? Is there someone else here? I can't see him?
  • Aisha: Ahh... Ara, why would you say that? That's terrifying!
  • Rena: They won't listen to orders...? Surely we can ask them somehow?
  • Eve: ... Durenda is correct. I tried to access the code of the Nasod guards, but as expected, access has been restricted.
  • Raven: We'll have to go up against the Nasod guards then.
  • Eve: Let's look around Elysion more. We might learn something more.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • [Elysion Outskirts, Near the Palace Barrier]
  • Elsword: Kugh, we were able to go through the barrier... But the attacks are relentless...
  • Eve: As I thought... The barrier uses the same energy as the statues in front of the village entrance. It's Solace's power.
  • Elesis: I have no idea what he's planning... But Adrian must get in the way of Solace's plans.
  • Rena: Adrian gets in the way of Solace's plans? How do you know?
  • Chung: I see... If Adrian was involved with forming the barrier, they would not have kidnapped the Nasods. This is all Solace's doing...
  • Elesis: Oh, I guess that's one way to look at it. I just thought that if it were Adrian who casted the barrier, he would have stopped attaking or would have brought down the barrier once he recognized Eve.
  • Elesis: But that didn't happen, so I assumed it must have been Solace.
  • Eve: ...
  • Worker Nasod: ... BEEP.
  • Eve: Ah... You are one of the captured Nasods... Did you manage to escape? Poor thing... Your body is slightly damaged.
  • Rena: That's terrible... How sad...
  • Add: A lost item. We can just leave it at the village and continue the investiga...
  • Eve: ...
  • Add: ... Ahem...
  • Worker Nasod: BEEP, BEEP-
  • Eve: Hm? Is there something you want to tell me? A memory... You stored all the information in your memory? I'm really proud.
  • Elsword: What are they saying?
  • Eve: I will take a look... It seems that... there are a lot more captured Nasods than we thought. This Nasod is asking us to save them.
  • Raven: Save them? Looking at the way this one is damaged... There must be something more doing on to them than being captured. Any more information?
  • Eve: Wait... I see... an unfamiliar place. ... This... isn't the Palace. It's an extremely dark place... It looks like the dungeons. And...
  • Eve: A diceon cube? I see stolen diceon cubes from Atlas... it seems they're being used as the main energy source.
  • Lu: Main energy source for what? Can you explain in more detail?
  • Eve: ... Its memory has been damaged... That's all the data I can recover. Moby, Remy... Please repair this Nasod...
  • Elsword: The kidnapped Nasods were connected to the missing diceon cubes... For now, I think there's only one thing we can do.
  • Chung: Yes, let's go save our Nasod friends!
  • Ciel: If we've lucky, one of his friends might hold solid memories.
  • Elsword: Yeah, wait here! I'll save your friends!
  • Worker Nasod: BEBEEP!
  • Eve: This Nasod... is expressing his thanks to everyone.
  • Elesis: Haha, what a cute guy! We didn't even set off yet. Let's take this guy to the village first, and find out more about the dark place Eve saw.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 Secret Dungeon Entry Permit x5 N/A
ED 0 [Ariel] Advanced MP Potion x30 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Going Beyond the Palace Barrier
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Missing Nasods story quest

The El Search Party finds out where the missing Nasods and the diceon cubes are. The El Search Party talks to Bernard for a way to enter the palace dungeons.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • [Elysion Village]
  • Bernard: I heard you rescued the captured Nasods. You are helping us in more ways than I could have imagined... I'm truly grateful.
  • Elsword: Stop being so humble... This is nothing, no need to worry about it.
  • Aisha: You make it sound like you did all the work.
  • Elsword: You know it's not like that!
  • Rena: Sigh... And just when I thought they've matured. I guess kids don't grow up so quickly. Now, stop it! We have to listen to what Bernard has to say.
  • Eve: Bernard, do you know the way to the dungeons?
  • Bernard: You mean... the palace dungeons? Hmm... I've never heard of such place. I do not think anyone has gone to the palace dungeons.
  • Add: Kuhuhu, wherever it is, if it's within Elysion, shouldn't you be able to access it via your code? Have you tried?
  • Eve: Of course. But I could not access it. It was like a giant barrier blocking it.
  • Ara: Do you think it has something to do with the barrier surrounding Adrian's Palace?
  • Bernard: Hm... That might be the case.
  • Bernard: Ah, perhaps Adrian or Herbaon know something about it...
  • Elsword: Her... baon? Not Herjuno?
  • Lu: Who is Herbaon?
  • Bernard: Ah... Herbaon has been filling in for Adrian. He's Elysion's key code that is in charge of all construction and management.
  • Bernard: You can say he's the one currently in charge of Elysion.
  • Add: ... In the end, we need to meet Adrian or Herbaon to find out how to get to Solace's Fortress...
  • Bernard: Yes. They say Solace's Fortress is under the Palace, but no one even knows how to get there...
  • Ara: Oh, Durenda? What are you doing here?
  • Durenda: There you are. I heard you were able to get past the barrier. Is this true? Report what you've seen at once.
  • Elsword: Sigh.. I didn't see anything with all the Nasods attacking me.
  • Durenda: It seems he was agitated if he didn't even realize you were reinforcments.
  • Durenda: ... Perhaps he didn't even hear the news, seeing how they're isolated.
  • Add: Didn't you come here for something?
  • Durenda: Ah, yes. At first I thought you were ordinary Nasod soldier, but you are stronger than I thought.
  • Durenda: As such, I will advise you how to get past the palace defense. I'm sure Phobos will agree.
  • Aisha: Phobos?! Just who is that?
  • Ara: Don't pinch me, Aisha!
  • Chung: Um, the one you keep mentioning... Are you talking about Herbaon?
  • Durenda: Yes. Herbaon's orders are higher priority than mine. That's why I assumed my orders would not work.
  • Ciel: So you weren't just being uncooperative. Now, what's the method that will allow us to go past the palace guards?
  • Durenda: As I said, it's just an advice. You can hear the details from Hugo.
  • Durenda: That is... If you can understand what he's saying.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Chung: Excuse me. Is anyone there?
  • Rena: Hmm? Seems like there's something this way...
  • Rena: Aaahhh?! I stepped on something!
  • Hugo: S-, Sorry. I didn't meant to. I thought there was something wrong with the device and dropped I did a part accidentally. Looked I did all over... but didn't see it.
  • Hugo: Thinking was I where it went when saw it I did right there in the middle of the machine! So thinking was I, hey, utilize the power I should of my Nasod arm to get it out! But!
  • Hugo: Lent it I did to a friend who is a scout, and was here wondering what to do, and at that moment, showed up! You did, I mean.
  • Ara: Ahh... I don't understand a word.
  • Lu: Uuuuu... My head hurts, Ciel. Go find out what he is saying.
  • Ciel: ... I believe he said something about a problem with the device... Hmm... and something was done to it.
  • Add: Tsk, you can't even understand something this simple. Move.
  • Add: Hey, you know a lot about battle Nasods... Do you know about the Nasod inside the Palace, too?
  • Hugo: Ah! If it's about that, then know it I do! Yessiree. Know about this place, there's nothing I don't. Adrian asked for help, I did one time, help I mean. So what is it I'm saying, through those Nasods... Ah, no, show you is better I should...
  • Add: We couldn't look around because of their attacks. Just tell us what you know. Briefly.
  • Hugo: That... W-Wait, let me summarize...
  • Aisha: (Wow, he's gotten quiet. Add is surprisingly talented in a lot of strange things.)
  • Hugo: It's not hard, nope nope! It's a simple principle! In short, right now in a high alert situation we are, so battle Nasods have positioned in and out of the Palace they did. When...
  • Add: We don't need an explanation. Just a summary.
  • Hugo: Ah, think you might though later... Why not ask I did... What was it... If knew it I did, easier to handle it would have been...
  • Add: You sure are talkative. I was interested in the Nasods around these parts. This is a perfect opportunity to take you apart to...
  • Eve: I will not forgive such actions.
  • Add: ... Just saying.
  • Hugo: Barrier... The barrier surrounding the Palace. Break it, you must. The barrier, that is! If break it, you do... go down the treat levels...
  • Hugo: And be released, barriers will. Stop Herbaon's emergency alert, it does and weaken in their attacks the Nasods will...
  • Add: ... So if the Palace barrier is broken... the pests will vanish...
  • Aisha: Argh!!! Everyone knows that! Of course we can sneak in more easily once the barrier is broken!
  • Hugo: No-no-no-nope, no matter how amazing the caster... Not easy it is to maintain power of this magnitude.
  • Hugo: There is. Certainly, certainly! Something maintaining the barrier that is! An energy source or battery, or... or something!
  • Raven: Hmm, I see... It isn't easy to maintain a barrier around the Palace. There should be a power source nearby...
  • Eve: We'll look for it. Moby, Remy. Lend me your power. We need to find what's powering this barrier.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 [Ariel] Star Fruit Tart x30 N/A
ED 0 [Ariel] Star Fruit Tea x30 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

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