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== [[Velder]] ==

=== <u>Chapter 10: Velder is in danger</u> ===
= [[Velder]] =
'''Velder''' is the largest city [[Elsword World#Lurensia|Lurensia]] and the capital of the '''Velder Kingdom'''. The capital houses the Earth Priestess [[NPCs#Other NPCs|Artea]] as well at the Earth El.
Hearing word from [[Ariel]], the El Search Party were informed that that '''Velder''' had been overrun by demons. The energy resonating from the city feels much like the darkness that plagued [[Feita]]. The city has fallen into disarray and the demons have launched a surprise attack from the inside. The El Search Party must put a stop to the demon's rampage before the capital is lost.
=== <u>[[Story/Chapter 9|Chapter 9: Velder is in Danger]]</u> ===
Velder, the Capital City, has fallen under the Demon Forces who have been hiding the stolen El Shards. Residents have set up a station on the outskirts of Velder so that they can have better access to the Kingdom. They planned to attack from the residential areas first. When Elsword and his Party reached the Kingdom, it was already burning, and the Evil Forces and the Dark Elves were to blame.
=== <u>[[Story/Chapter 10|Chapter 10: Leaping Faith]]</u> ===
[[File:Story-7.jpg|thumb|Chapter 10|450px]]
After numerous fights, they finally retrieved the Evil Force plans and decided to enter through the Southern Gate, seeing there were only a few guards there. Soon after, the Party arrived at the Southern Gate and realized that it was a trick and found all the guards waiting for them there. The guards were almost all defeated until Chloe summoned the Dark Nephilim. They used magic and previously learned skills to destroy the Dark Nephilim and escaped the Southern Gate. The Centurion of Velder named Vanessa asked the El Search Party to deliver a rescue letter all the way across the sea to the other side of the continent.

*'''Ch.10 #1''': <u>The Fall of Velder</u>
: <u>Objective</u>:
:*Let’s go chat with Vanessa in Velder Village
: <u>Description</u>: Something happened in Velder Capital that is located in Lurensia Continent.  Let’s go find Vanessa, the <font color=red>Velder Centurion Guard</font>!
: <u>Quest accepted dialogue</u>:
:: Ariel: ''The is serious!  The Velder Kingdom, the greatest state of Elrios Continent, is under attack!  I have  to deliver this news to other states, so I don’t have time to tell you all the details.  Please save the kingdom, adventurer!
: <u>Quest cleared dialogue</u>:
:: Vanessa: ''Thank you for coming.  I’m the Velder Garrison Centurion Guard Vanessa.  I’m glad you are with us.
: <u>Rewards</u>:
:: '''ED''': 78700
:: '''EXP''': 32970
*'''Ch.10 #2''': <u>[Dungeon] Small Fissure</u>
: <u>Objective</u>:
:*Residential Area 3 ‘Any Difficulty’
:*Clear Residential Area 3 (Residential Area 3, ‘Any Difficulty’)
:*Uno Hound (Residential Area 3, ‘Any Difficulty’) 0/1
: <u>Description</u>: The capital of Velder is already invaded by Demons and the Leader of the Centurion Guards has temporarily retreated.  Theㅛ are waiting for the opportunity to attack again.  Vanessa is having difficulty breaking through the Demons defenses.  Let’s find a way to defeat the Demons and enter the palace.  Let’s <font color=blue>pass</font> through the <font color=red>Residential Area 3</font> to approach Hope Bridge.
: <u>Quest accepted dialogue</u>:
:: Vanessa: ''Our Velder Palace had the biggest El Piece in the Elrios Continent.  One day, an army of Demons broke out of the chamber where we stored the El.  Our garrison is known to be the best on the contintent, but even we fell to the endless wave of Demons coming from the chamber.  That’s how we ended up camping outside the palace.  It’s humiliating, but we’re unable to get near the palace gate because of the Demons.  If only we knew a way to sneak into the palace...
: <u>Quest cleared dialogue</u>:
:: Vanessa: ''I didn’t know about that passage!  Who could have known the wall had such a space?
: <u>Rewards</u>:
:: '''ED''': 238400
:: '''EXP''': 99900
:: Items: Antidote x 15
*'''Ch.10 #3''': <u>[Dungeon] The Demons on the Backstreet</u>
: <u>Objective</u>:
:*Residential Area 3, ‘Hard or Higher’
:*Arc Glitter Assassin (Residential Area 3, ‘Hard or Higher’) 0/3
: <u>Description</u>: Some agile Glitters with masks are flanking our soldiers on the road to Hope Bridge.  Let’s eliminate them and protect the soldiers.  Head over to <font color=red>Residential Area 3</font> to defeat <font color=blue>Arc Glitter Assassin</font>!
: <u>Quest accepted dialogue</u>:
:: Vanessa: ''While you were helping to make ways, we sent out scouts to investigate as well.  But our soldiers kept getting attacked by unknown demons on the way to the bridge.  They would hide in the shadows and attack us without warning.  Could you find the culprits and eliminate them?
: <u>Quest cleared dialogue</u>:
:: Vanessa: ''Hiding and attacking like that… cheap demons!  Demons are a lot stronger than we anticipated.  We can’t just fight them head on.  We heard the wandering poet Noel is a great strategist… Could you seek for his advice?
: <u>Rewards</u>:
:: '''ED''': 238400
:: '''EXP''': 99900
:: Items: Armor Enhancement Stone Lv.4 x 1
*'''Ch.10 #4''': <u>[Dungeon] A Song for Warriors</u>
: <u>Objective</u>:
:*Residential Area 3, ‘Very Hard’
:*Glitter March (Glitter Commander, Residential Area 3, ‘Very Hard’) 0/3
:*Arc Glitter Guard (Residential Area 3, ‘Very Hard’) 0/3
:*Arc Glitter Dasher (Residential Area 3, ‘Very Hard’) 0/3
:*Arc Glitter Sniper (Residential Area 3, ‘Very Hard’) 0/3
: <u>Description</u>: The Glitter Commanders are training the Arc Glitters for battle!  Let’s go to <font color=red>Residential Area 3</font> to defeat <font color=blue>Arc Glitters</font> and bring back the <font color=blue>Glitter March</font>!
: <u>Quest accepted dialogue</u>:
:: Noel: ''Heh… I’m just a poet, why ask me about that?... Sigh … I’ve already left the battle life behind me…  Well that’s fine.  Fighting against demons is a bit different than when I was a mercenary I suppose.  I don’t like the killing but I can teach you a thing or two.  You’ll see a demon commander who’s a bit bigger than the others in Commercial Area.  His tactics are a bit odd.  He commands his troopers using music.  If you eliminate him and his subordinates, that would noticeably reduce their strengths.  Oh!  While you’re at it.  Bring me his music sheet “Glitter March".  It looks very interesting.
: <u>Quest cleared dialogue</u>:
:: Noel: ''It wasn’t much of a helpful tip but I’m glad to help.  Thanks for the music too!
: <u>Rewards</u>:
:: '''ED''': 261200
:: '''EXP''': 108770
:: Items: Weapon Enhancement Stone Lv.4 x 1
*'''Ch.10 #5''': <u>[Dungeon] Rediscovery of Hope</u>
: <u>Objective</u>:
:*Hope Bridge ‘Any Difficulty’
:*At the end of Hope Bridge… (Hope Bridge ‘Any Difficulty’)
:*Chloe (Hope Bridge ‘Any Difficulty’) 0/1
: <u>Description</u>: While you were trying to cross the Hope Bridge to Velder Palace, a large group of Demons has ambushed you.  There is nowhere to run on this bridge, so get ready to fight for your life.  Let’s defeat the Demons and <font color=blue>cross the Hope Bridge</font>.
: <u>Quest accepted dialogue</u>:
:: Vanessa: ''Noel was indeed experienced.  he knew exactly how to hurt the enemy camp.  This is the next plan.  Hope Bridge is an essential road path if we want to get to Velder Castle.  But it is heavily guarded by the demons and it would cause many casualties if we just force our entry.  We must first loosen their defense.  According to the reports by our soldiers, they saw beautiful yet very fierce archers in Hope Bridge guarding the road ways.  So place be careful.
: <u>Quest cleared dialogue</u>:
:: Vanessa: ''No way… Demons already set up garrisons all over the bridge?
: <u>Rewards</u>:
:: '''ED''': 261200
:: '''EXP''': 108770
:: Items:
::: Magic Stone x 1
::: +0 Intermediate Shadow Gloves
*'''Ch.10 #6''': <u>[Dungeon] The Best Defense Is a Good Defense!</u>
: <u>Objective</u>:
:*Hope Bridge ‘Hard or Higher’
:*Barricade Structure (Hope Bridge ‘Hard or Higher’) 0/8
: <u>Description</u>: The Demons have installed barricades at <font color=red>Hope Bridge</font> to block entry.  Let’s destroy the <font color=blue>barricades</font> and help our soldiers march across the bridge.
: <u>Quest accepted dialogue</u>:
:: Vanessa: ''They’re crude wooden fences, but they’re still an obstacle.  Please weaken the enemy defense line first.
: <u>Quest cleared dialogue</u>:
:: Vanessa: ''Our attack is now more effective, but the Demons won’t be that easy.
: <u>Rewards</u>:
:: '''ED''': 261200
:: '''EXP''': 108770
:: Items:
::: Magic Stone x 1
::: +0 Intermediate Shadow Shoes
*'''Ch.10 #7''': <u>[Dungeon] The Beginning of the Long Relationship</u>
: <u>Objective:</u>
:*Hope Bridge ‘Very Hard’
:*Arc Glitter Assassin (Hope Bridge ‘Very Hard’) 0/5
:*Stealthy Morfos Hope Bridge ‘Very Hard’ 0/1
:*Dark Elf Sentinel (Hope Bridge ‘Very Hard’) 0/5
:*Chloe (Hope Bridge ‘Very Hard’) 0/1
: <u>Description:</u> There are swift Dark Elves and Arc Glitter Assassins lining up at the <font color=red>Hope Bridge</font>.  I have a feeling we’re going to bump into all the evil leaders like, <font color=blue>Stealthy Morfos and Chloe</font>!!  We must be sure to defeat them so let’s hurry up and head over to the Hope Bridge!
: <u>Quest accepted dialogue:</u>
:: Vanessa: ''Our velder militia is currently preparing to march towards Palace Entrance.  But the biggest obstacles are the Arc Glitter Assassins and Dark Elf Sentinels.  Their tactics are very deadly.  They will ambush us and deal damage and disappear before we can engage in battle.  We can’t let them do that anymore.  We need to finish them out or else they will keep chopping down our soldiers.''
: <u>Quest cleared dialogue:</u>
:: Vanessa: ''They were as formidable as expected.  Please be careful moving forward.  They will… always be in your way no matter where you go.  Hope that’s just a bad omen.''
: Rewards:
:: '''ED''': 285800
:: '''EXP''': 118290
:: Items: Armor Enhancement Stone Lv.4 x1, +0 Intermediate Shadow Top Piece
*'''Ch.10 #8''': <u>[Dungeon] Rag-tag Bunch of Misfits</u>
: <u>Objective: </u>
:*Hope Bridge ‘Very hard’
:*Glitter Commander (Hope Bridge ‘Very hard’) 0/4
: <u>Description:</u> Unlike the normal soldiers in Feita, the Glitters in Velder are wearing decorated armor and moving uniformly under the leader, Glitter Commander.  Let’s go to <font color=red>Hope Bridge</font> and defeat the <font color=blue>Glitter Commander</font>!
: <u>Quest accepted dialogue:</u>
:: Vanessa: ''Velder militia's preparation to advance to the palace is almost complete.  Before we do that, let’s start off with a bang to show the demons what we got!  The demon soldiers who are occupying Hope Bridge are not like demons you faced in Feita.  They are stronger and much more organized as soldiers.  But if we can eliminate their boss, they will just become a bunch of sheep.  Please lead the attacks to break their command line while we finish the preparations.''
: <u>Quest cleared dialogue:</u>
:: Vanessa: ''Our militia has successfully advanced.  Palace is just ahead!''
: Rewards:
:: '''ED''': 285800
:: '''EXP''': 118290
:: Items: Advanced Potion x6, Intermediate Mana Potion x6, +0 Intermediate Shadow Bottom Piece
{{Hunting Fields}}
[[Category:Story Quest]]

Latest revision as of 06:02, 10 August 2021


Velder is the largest city Lurensia and the capital of the Velder Kingdom. The capital houses the Earth Priestess Artea as well at the Earth El.

Hearing word from Ariel, the El Search Party were informed that that Velder had been overrun by demons. The energy resonating from the city feels much like the darkness that plagued Feita. The city has fallen into disarray and the demons have launched a surprise attack from the inside. The El Search Party must put a stop to the demon's rampage before the capital is lost.

Chapter 9: Velder is in Danger

Velder, the Capital City, has fallen under the Demon Forces who have been hiding the stolen El Shards. Residents have set up a station on the outskirts of Velder so that they can have better access to the Kingdom. They planned to attack from the residential areas first. When Elsword and his Party reached the Kingdom, it was already burning, and the Evil Forces and the Dark Elves were to blame.

Chapter 10: Leaping Faith

Chapter 10

After numerous fights, they finally retrieved the Evil Force plans and decided to enter through the Southern Gate, seeing there were only a few guards there. Soon after, the Party arrived at the Southern Gate and realized that it was a trick and found all the guards waiting for them there. The guards were almost all defeated until Chloe summoned the Dark Nephilim. They used magic and previously learned skills to destroy the Dark Nephilim and escaped the Southern Gate. The Centurion of Velder named Vanessa asked the El Search Party to deliver a rescue letter all the way across the sea to the other side of the continent.

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  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
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  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other