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The El Search Party barged on the Succubus Queen's performance to stop the ritual that turns them into Dream Demons.<br>It's not easy stopping the show at the height of it's climax.
The El Search Party barged on the Succubus Queen's performance to stop the ritual that turns them into Dream Demons.<br>It's not easy stopping the show at the height of it's climax.
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''Ara:''' ''Everyone! I'm so happy to see you all again!''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''Laby:''' ''Heya! Did you all come here after you saw Gurumi?''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''Rose:''' ''Yes! Along with a spark that looked like Add.''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''Ain:''' ''Do we have a plan to deal with this situation?''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''Elsword:''' ''Yup! We need to stop the performance to interrupt the ritual before it's too late!''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''Oh? Looks like our special guests have arrived on stage. Welcome! Let's create a wonderful performance together.''
*{{StoryIcon|DB}} '''Add:''' ''Kugh, ... There's a barrier surrounding the queen. How inconvenient.''
*{{StoryIcon|AS}} '''Aisha:''' ''It makes sense to protect the one performing the ritual... Chung! Can you fire a cannonball in the air? One that's really big and flashy!''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''Chung:''' ''Oh, of course! If we make a big commotion, they might be distracted. I'll try.''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''Chung:''' ''Everyone close your eyes!''
*''(PSSS... ... BOOOM!!)''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''Elesis:''' ''... Hm? I think they loved it...?''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''Raven:''' ''It's already so loud, more noise is only adding to the excitement.''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''Elesis:''' ''How about it, want to try breaking the barrier? It might be possible if we all strike together.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lib}} '''Noah:''' ''Clmore, what do you think? Can we remove the magic?''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor3}} '''Clamor:''' ''It's a waste of time. That guy over there has been attacking it for a while now, but hasn't even made a dent. The ritual is going to end before we manage to do anything.''
*{{StoryIcon|AS}} '''Aisha:''' ''The stage set! It's amplifying the sound, so they'll have to stop if we destroy them!''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''Ahaha! Everyone having fun? Unfortunately, we're already on our last song. Let's enjoy it 'til the end!''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''Ciel:''' ''Stay calm. We just have to end it!''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''Elsword:''' ''I'll head to the left. I'll leave you the rest!''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''Ara:''' ''I'll head to the opposite side!''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''Elesis:''' ''Then I'll take care of those that get in our way!''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*''(... ... ... ...)''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''Laby:''' ''Uuuh... It seems like the show's over. Then are we done for, too?''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''Now! That's all the songs I've officially prepared for today's performance. Did you all have fun?''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''Chung:''' ''No... We just need a bit more...!''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''Ain:''' ''(I thought they were beastly dreams, dreams of primitive desire... But perhaps I shouldn't have disregarded them.)''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''Ain:''' ''(A curse that binds us for the demons to complete the ritual... I can break free the moment I stop intervening. I can end this right away. But...)''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''Ain:''' ''(Who knows what will happen if I stop intervening in front of all these onlookers.)''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''Ain:''' ''(I would have to do something before the situation becomes irreversible, but...)''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''Rose:''' ''... I see an opening. We can aim for the Queen now.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lib}} '''Noah:''' ''Send me. I can do it, as long as you buy me some time.''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''Ain:''' ''Shh. Wait.''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''Ain:''' ''... You're hesitating. Do you have something to say?''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''Ah, I hoped everyone would enjoy the performance... but it seems you didn't. Did you not like the special stage?''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''Rose:''' ''How can we enjoy the stage when our lives depend on it?''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''Elsword:''' ''You may not understand, since you are already dead, but we have an important mission. We can't lose it all here!''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''Why do you think we don't understand? We were all alive once. We each had our names, a desperation for our goals, lives, and yearning.''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''We only enjoy this life because we realized when we escaped from our restraints, how futile everything is. Huhu, but I know you don't understand yet.''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''Goals, mission... Those are like names. You believe it's yours when someone else bestowed it to you. Though it's yours, it's also not.''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''Hope, determination... Those are sparks that last only a moment. They soon wilt away like flowers. If so, then the only thing that can be considered eternal is love for yourself, isn't it?''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''Eve:''' ''Are you trying to persuade us? So that we agree to becoming Dream Demons out of our own free will?''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''Ahaha. I just want you to understand our way of life. Yes, many underestimate Dream Demons.''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''They think we are foolish, seeking only pleasure and passion without thought. But we are beings that walk ahead of you.''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''Ain:''' ''... If life is one long journey, some might say you have already reached your destination.''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''Ain:''' ''But I do not appreciate the flowery language when our lives are in danger.''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''Ain:''' ''If you have something you wish to suggest, why don't you get straight to the point?''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''Huhu, alright. To tell you the truth, I've been watching you from the moment you stepped foot in this land. You see, Bettys all act as my eyes.''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''I do not know what answers you seek, but you know what they say, the world is a monster you cannot convince.''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''To be frank, I like you, the heroes that set on a journey with no reward... So I wished to show you another future.''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''Chung:''' ''Another future...?''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''A life full of trials, a wish with restraints, family and friends, companions, and yourself...''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''Freedom that comes only after you lose them all... I can give you that.''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''Raven:''' ''Even if you say that... Our answer is already decided.''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''Rena:''' ''And that is, no.''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''Chung:''' ''We're not here to convince the world. And we never wanted any rewards.''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''Chung:''' ''We just want our journey to end safely, and we are each able to gain what we want from it.''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''Eve:''' ''We apologize for assuming you wouldn't understand because you are already dead. But, you are also making assumptions about us.''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''Eve:''' ''As someone who's already reached your destination, did it seem like our journey was only a meaning less struggle asking for pain?''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''Ciel:''' ''Though it will be sad if we die without anyone to remember our name, everything must come to an eventual end with the passage of time.''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''Elesis:''' ''True. Everyone thought the Ancient Kingdom was infallible, yet here we all are, born after the kingdom fell.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''Thought you made a compelling argument... They all have too much to live for to just lay down their lives because you told them 'everyone will die someday'.''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''Huhuhu... I see.''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''Rena:''' ''Now that we have our point across... Let's talk about the ritual. Are you going to fight? Or stop?''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''With that kind of determination, I'm sure you'll leave even after I turn you into one of us. And that's no good for me.''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''Thought the ritual is already complete... I accept your strong determination to refuse our courtesy!''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''So then... shall we continue with this show?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''Continue? You won't stop?''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''Yes. It's a way to neutralize a complete ritual. We just need to leave it be until the sun rises and that will scatter our magic for the night.''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''I would say... we have time for three more songs.''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''Raven:''' ''We just need to stall for time...? Then what should we do?''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''You just do what you're supposed to do, as an audience.''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''Enjoy. With no regrets. Like there's no tomorrow.''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''That's my condition for ending the ritual. I won't forgive you if you act like amateurs and try to ruin the show again!''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''Ara:''' ''But... We can't relax when our lives are...''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''Haha, at least pretend. Once you let go of yourself even a bit, your mind and body will do the rest.''
*{{StoryIcon|Victoria}} '''Victoria:''' ''Ahh, I knew it. Only thing eternal is desire!''

Revision as of 17:31, 2 March 2022

  • English
52:Queen's Concert

Chapter 52: Queen's Concert

Meeting with the New Queen
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

The El Search Party follows the origin of the curse and finds themselves at the crowded Magmelia Square.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Rena: What a crowd! Looks like all the Dream Demons in the village gathered here!
  • Ciel: What's that installation? It's new, isn't it?
  • Elesis: What is going on? Let's take a closer look!
  • Chung: Excuse me! Coming through!
  • (TAP, TAP, TAP)
  • Crowd: (WHOOOOO!)
  • Victoria: Silence!
  • Add: Is that the new Succubus Queen after Karis? It's the first time we're actually seeing her.
  • Victoria: Ladies and gentlemen of the night... Huhu, hello! I am happy to have all of you gathered here again tonight!
  • Victoria: It seems like yesterday when we settled here, but look how marvelous our village has grown... It's giving me tears of joy!
  • Victoria: I know you all feel the same. Now, put your hands together for Magician, Puppet Master, Shadow, and all my brothers and sisters who allowed this dream to become a reality!
  • Victoria: But we can't be satisfied here! It's time to expand our horizon with even more comrades and even bigger land! It's time we have our voices heard!
  • Victoria: Tada! These humans wish to be with us, so let's begin this ritual just for them!
  • Victoria: To our new brothers and sisters! Let's go!
  • Elsword: ... Is she talking about us?
  • Lu: Brothers? Sisters? What's going on here?
  • Add: Hey, what's this on our necks? Get it off!
  • Diana: Huhuhu, no can do. You can't escape until the ritual is over.
  • Eve: Why are you doing this? Are you seeking revenge?
  • Diana: Revenge... Not going to lie, I did entertain the thought.
  • Diana: But once I saw how much you enjoyed this place, I decided to resolve this in a peaceful manner.
  • Diana: Now, become one of us and stay!
  • Rose: You have a convoluted idea of peace.
  • Elsword: But... How can we become one of you? At least Lu and Ciel are part demons, but the rest of us aren't...?
  • Diana: Huhuhu, it's fine! I know just the thing. Once the show comes to an end... You will meet the end of your first life.
  • Aisha: What!!?!
  • Diana: Oh? Hahaha, you sound so surprised. I was just like you once. Remember, Vasha? I bet it was hilarious.
  • Vasili: For the last time, my lady... I wasn't even born when you became a Dream Demon.
  • Add: Damn it! How do I get rid of this? I can't... even grab it!
  • Aisha: I, I don't want to die! We've went though too much to die like this!
  • Noah: (Will I be able to go back even if I become something else? Back to the beginning?)
  • Vasili: Let it go. Besides, you're not truly dying. You will soon be resurrected.
  • Vasili: Next time you open your eyes, you will forget your old life and live your second as one of us.
  • Diana: We'll be together until Death do us apart the second time. Forever!
  • Rena: Nooo!!!!
  • Diana: I invite the ladies to the decadent and alluring world of dreams brought by night.
  • Vasili: Become the servants of darkness, an avid follower of nightmare and chaos hidden by night!
  • Victoria: Now, the show has already begun. Until the brilliant morning sun parts the darkness and steals our power... Please, enjoy!
  • Laby: Are we going to become like them if we stay still?!
  • Raven: We can't let that happen. Stop her!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Laby: Ugh, where is everyone?
  • Rena: Ara! Ain! Elesis! Ciel! Ugh, who else is missing?
  • Eve: Rose and Aisha are also missing. We've been split up by the crowd. It won't be easy finding them.
  • Raven: Now's not the time to worry about that. We won't notice them even if they're close with this crowd...
  • Raven: If you attack without thinking, we might end up attacking each other. Do not act rashly!
  • Add: Damn it, think of the other possibility. If the others do anything, then WE'RE doomed!
  • Lu: This is unfortunate. A ritual like this... It didn't even cross my mind.
  • Noah: But why? Aren't we their enemies?
  • Elsword: Yeah. Why are they trying to turn us in to one of them? It doesn't make any sense.
  • Lu: I thought so too, initially. However, I failed to consider their ecology. Remember how I told you that all Dream Demons are already dead?
  • Lu: How do you think they increase their numbers?
  • Eve: I see. They must turn other species in to their own through this ritual.
  • Raven: It's lie a contamination... Like vampires from legends.
  • Raven: Once we're Dream Demons, whatever relationship we had before will be rewritten... So it's actually beneficial for them.
  • Chung: Oh... But I don't want that to happen! Is there any other way?
  • Add: Are you all going to sit around and do nothing? If that's the case, I'm leaving!
  • Elsword: No, Add! If you're alone...
  • Chung: He's gone. I bet he's going to destroy the stage.
  • Elsword: Tsk, not every one can fly to wherever we want like him.
  • Lu: Wait, destroy the stage? That's not a bad idea.
  • Noah: ... How is it not bad other than taking out our frustrations on the Dream Demons?
  • Rena: A component of the ritual! She said there are procedures that must be met in order to have a successful ritual. If the ritual is in the form of a show, then...
  • Chung: Once we stop the show, we can stop the ritual.
  • Laby: Then let's all follow Add!
  • Chung: How are we going to relay this plan to others? It's so loud, I doubt they can listen even if we shout.
  • Noah: ...... Gurumi.
  • Noah: Laby! Get Gurumi up! Have it float above us, then move towards the stage!
  • Laby: Aha! And when everyone sees Gurumi, they'll follow us to the stage. Good idea, Noah!
  • Laby: Ok, Gurumi! Grow and grow! Float to the stage!
  • (... PSS... BOOM!)
  • Rena: A signal flare! That must be Rose!
  • Raven: They must have gotten the message. Alright, let's go!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Dream Demon's Ritual
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Meeting with the New Queen story quest

The El Search Party barged on the Succubus Queen's performance to stop the ritual that turns them into Dream Demons.
It's not easy stopping the show at the height of it's climax.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Ara: Everyone! I'm so happy to see you all again!
  • Laby: Heya! Did you all come here after you saw Gurumi?
  • Rose: Yes! Along with a spark that looked like Add.
  • Ain: Do we have a plan to deal with this situation?
  • Elsword: Yup! We need to stop the performance to interrupt the ritual before it's too late!
  • Victoria: Oh? Looks like our special guests have arrived on stage. Welcome! Let's create a wonderful performance together.
  • Add: Kugh, ... There's a barrier surrounding the queen. How inconvenient.
  • Aisha: It makes sense to protect the one performing the ritual... Chung! Can you fire a cannonball in the air? One that's really big and flashy!
  • Chung: Oh, of course! If we make a big commotion, they might be distracted. I'll try.
  • Chung: Everyone close your eyes!
  • (PSSS... ... BOOOM!!)
  • Elesis: ... Hm? I think they loved it...?
  • Raven: It's already so loud, more noise is only adding to the excitement.
  • Elesis: How about it, want to try breaking the barrier? It might be possible if we all strike together.
  • Noah: Clmore, what do you think? Can we remove the magic?
  • Clamor: It's a waste of time. That guy over there has been attacking it for a while now, but hasn't even made a dent. The ritual is going to end before we manage to do anything.
  • Aisha: The stage set! It's amplifying the sound, so they'll have to stop if we destroy them!
  • Victoria: Ahaha! Everyone having fun? Unfortunately, we're already on our last song. Let's enjoy it 'til the end!
  • Ciel: Stay calm. We just have to end it!
  • Elsword: I'll head to the left. I'll leave you the rest!
  • Ara: I'll head to the opposite side!
  • Elesis: Then I'll take care of those that get in our way!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • (... ... ... ...)
  • Laby: Uuuh... It seems like the show's over. Then are we done for, too?
  • Victoria: Now! That's all the songs I've officially prepared for today's performance. Did you all have fun?
  • Chung: No... We just need a bit more...!
  • Ain: (I thought they were beastly dreams, dreams of primitive desire... But perhaps I shouldn't have disregarded them.)
  • Ain: (A curse that binds us for the demons to complete the ritual... I can break free the moment I stop intervening. I can end this right away. But...)
  • Ain: (Who knows what will happen if I stop intervening in front of all these onlookers.)
  • Ain: (I would have to do something before the situation becomes irreversible, but...)
  • Rose: ... I see an opening. We can aim for the Queen now.
  • Noah: Send me. I can do it, as long as you buy me some time.
  • Ain: Shh. Wait.
  • Ain: ... You're hesitating. Do you have something to say?
  • Victoria: Ah, I hoped everyone would enjoy the performance... but it seems you didn't. Did you not like the special stage?
  • Rose: How can we enjoy the stage when our lives depend on it?
  • Elsword: You may not understand, since you are already dead, but we have an important mission. We can't lose it all here!
  • Victoria: Why do you think we don't understand? We were all alive once. We each had our names, a desperation for our goals, lives, and yearning.
  • Victoria: We only enjoy this life because we realized when we escaped from our restraints, how futile everything is. Huhu, but I know you don't understand yet.
  • Victoria: Goals, mission... Those are like names. You believe it's yours when someone else bestowed it to you. Though it's yours, it's also not.
  • Victoria: Hope, determination... Those are sparks that last only a moment. They soon wilt away like flowers. If so, then the only thing that can be considered eternal is love for yourself, isn't it?
  • Eve: Are you trying to persuade us? So that we agree to becoming Dream Demons out of our own free will?
  • Victoria: Ahaha. I just want you to understand our way of life. Yes, many underestimate Dream Demons.
  • Victoria: They think we are foolish, seeking only pleasure and passion without thought. But we are beings that walk ahead of you.
  • Ain: ... If life is one long journey, some might say you have already reached your destination.
  • Ain: But I do not appreciate the flowery language when our lives are in danger.
  • Ain: If you have something you wish to suggest, why don't you get straight to the point?
  • Victoria: Huhu, alright. To tell you the truth, I've been watching you from the moment you stepped foot in this land. You see, Bettys all act as my eyes.
  • Victoria: I do not know what answers you seek, but you know what they say, the world is a monster you cannot convince.
  • Victoria: To be frank, I like you, the heroes that set on a journey with no reward... So I wished to show you another future.
  • Chung: Another future...?
  • Victoria: A life full of trials, a wish with restraints, family and friends, companions, and yourself...
  • Victoria: Freedom that comes only after you lose them all... I can give you that.
  • Raven: Even if you say that... Our answer is already decided.
  • Rena: And that is, no.
  • Chung: We're not here to convince the world. And we never wanted any rewards.
  • Chung: We just want our journey to end safely, and we are each able to gain what we want from it.
  • Eve: We apologize for assuming you wouldn't understand because you are already dead. But, you are also making assumptions about us.
  • Eve: As someone who's already reached your destination, did it seem like our journey was only a meaning less struggle asking for pain?
  • Ciel: Though it will be sad if we die without anyone to remember our name, everything must come to an eventual end with the passage of time.
  • Elesis: True. Everyone thought the Ancient Kingdom was infallible, yet here we all are, born after the kingdom fell.
  • Lu: Thought you made a compelling argument... They all have too much to live for to just lay down their lives because you told them 'everyone will die someday'.
  • Victoria: Huhuhu... I see.
  • Rena: Now that we have our point across... Let's talk about the ritual. Are you going to fight? Or stop?
  • Victoria: With that kind of determination, I'm sure you'll leave even after I turn you into one of us. And that's no good for me.
  • Victoria: Thought the ritual is already complete... I accept your strong determination to refuse our courtesy!
  • Victoria: So then... shall we continue with this show?
  • Lu: Continue? You won't stop?
  • Victoria: Yes. It's a way to neutralize a complete ritual. We just need to leave it be until the sun rises and that will scatter our magic for the night.
  • Victoria: I would say... we have time for three more songs.
  • Raven: We just need to stall for time...? Then what should we do?
  • Victoria: You just do what you're supposed to do, as an audience.
  • Victoria: Enjoy. With no regrets. Like there's no tomorrow.
  • Victoria: That's my condition for ending the ritual. I won't forgive you if you act like amateurs and try to ruin the show again!
  • Ara: But... We can't relax when our lives are...
  • Victoria: Haha, at least pretend. Once you let go of yourself even a bit, your mind and body will do the rest.
  • Victoria: Ahh, I knew it. Only thing eternal is desire!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Lead to the Shadow Earl
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Dream Demon's Ritual story quest




Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0


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