Story/Chapter 5: Difference between revisions

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Line 214: Line 214:
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|Amos}} '''Amos:''' ''Oh! You did it! Pong!''
*{{StoryIcon|Raven2}} '''Raven:''' ''...''
*{{StoryIcon|Adel}} '''Adel:''' ''Is, is he dead, pong...?''
*{{StoryIcon|Aisha}} '''Aisha:''' ''He's just unconscious. Can you get rid of the mind control device before he wakes up?''
*{{StoryIcon|Amos}} '''Amos:''' ''Leave it to me, pong!''
*{{StoryIcon|Amos}} '''Amos:''' ''Oh, about the airship that you brought, pong. Is it alright if we fix it up and use it?''
*{{StoryIcon|Amos}} '''Amos:''' ''It would help us a lot in escaping this island, pong.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aisha}} '''Aisha:''' ''It's not really ours, so I don't mind... but can you even fix it? Do what you want with it.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rena}} '''Rena:''' ''I hope everything works out. Oh yeah, we looked around the Black Crow, but could not find the El shard. We will have to ask Raven when he wakes up.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rena}} '''Rena:''' ''I think it's already in King Nasod's hands... Do you know where we might find him?''
*{{StoryIcon|Adel}} '''Adel:''' ''We don't know where King Nasod is located, pong. But it's probably heavily guarded, so we can use that to predict where he might be, pong.''
*{{StoryIcon|Adel}} '''Adel:''' ''There's a vast plain near the village, pong. At some point, we began calling it the Return Plain.''
*{{StoryIcon|Adel}} '''Adel:''' ''It's where all old Nasods go to die. A burial ground for Nasods, if you will, pong.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aisha}} '''Aisha:''' ''I see! If we trace where all those Nasods are coming from, it should lead up to the location of King Nasod!''
*{{StoryIcon|Rena}} '''Rena:''' ''Then we'll go look around the plain. Let's go, Elsword.''
*{{StoryIcon|Elsword}} '''Elsword:''' ''...''
*{{StoryIcon|Aisha}} '''Aisha:''' ''Hello? Hey, get up! Let's go!''
*{{StoryIcon|Rena}} '''Rena:''' ''Ahaha... He did overwork himself this time. No wonder he's knocked out. Let him sleep and we can go on our own, Aisha.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aisha}} '''Aisha:''' ''Ugh! I suppose I'll let it slide! You just rest while I go this time, you dummy!''
*{{StoryIcon|Elsword}} '''Elsword:''' ''Uuu... ugh.''
Line 224: Line 244:
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*''[Return Plain]''
*{{StoryIcon|Rena}} '''Rena:''' ''This place is desolate... and lonely. Maybe because I know it's considered a grave for Nasods.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aisha}} '''Aisha:''' ''I think they're just gathering them in one place because they're useless.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rena}} '''Rena:''' ''Gathering them in one place... Do you think that's all there is to it?''
*{{StoryIcon|Aisha}} '''Aisha:''' ''Well... According to ancient scriptures, Nasods were no ordinary machines. They had high intellect and were capable of social behavior enough to define themselves as a species.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rena}} '''Rena:''' ''I heard that as well. That is wasn't Nasod machines, but the Nasod race... It's been a while since I heard this phrase.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rena}} '''Rena:''' ''I don't think the Nasods Wally made had any intellect. Maybe the Nasods here were different?''
*{{StoryIcon|Aisha}} '''Aisha:''' ''I've never seen a proper Nasod, but if they exist, I'm sure they will be furious when they see the junk of a Nasod Wally made!''
*{{StoryIcon|Rena}} '''Rena:''' ''Hahaha! I have to agree with you. It wasn't exactly aesthetically pleasing!''
*{{StoryIcon|Rena}} '''Rena:''' ''Anyway, all these Nasods have something on them. Is this moss? I haven't seen them around Ruben, for sure.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aisha}} '''Aisha:''' ''It's a bit powdery to be considered moss... Maybe it's mold? The air is really stuffy, too.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rena}} '''Rena:''' ''You think so? Oh, I see more Nasods this way. I think we're on the right track.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aisha}} '''Aisha:''' ''Rena! Look! I thought that was a hill from afar, but it looks like...''
*{{StoryIcon|Rena}} '''Rena:''' ''A giant pile of Nasods! I wonder why there's so many of them piled up here?''
*{{StoryIcon|Aisha}} '''Aisha:''' ''It's strange. They look like they are holding hands, or linking arms.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rena}} '''Rena:''' ''It looks like the Nasods are coming from that cave over there. It looks dark and deep...''
*{{StoryIcon|Rena}} '''Rena:''' ''Hm... Let's end our investigation here. Let's return to the village.''

Revision as of 04:56, 7 August 2021

Chapter 5: The Floating Island, Altera

[Village] Attacker in the Air
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

The El Search Party followed the black airship chasing Wally. The one who attacked them was not someone they expected.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • [Cargo Airship Deck]
  • (CLANG--!)
  • Elsword: Ugh...!
  • ???: ...
  • Elsword: This, sword technique... You are...
  • Elsword: (It's not the same as mine... But this sword technique is definitely based on Velder's. And he's really good...!)
  • Elsword: (He's going to take me down if I'm not careful!)
  • Aisha: Be careful Elsword!
  • (SLAM-!)
  • Elsword: Ack!
  • (THUMP)
  • Rena: Are you ok? That was dangerous... Can you get up?
  • Rena: Who is that person? And that arm...
  • Aisha: One thing for sure, is that the black airship was not on Wally's side.
  • Elsword: Cough, and the El is now in his hands.
  • ???: How pathetic. You followed my ship with that abysmal skill?
  • Elsword: It's not over yet... I can still fight!
  • ???: Bow down, human. Kneel and lower your head. Revere power and submit to authority.
  • ???: That is the repulsive human nature.
  • Rena: ... How can you say that?
  • Elsword: Cough! Ugh, give me a break! You're the one who submitted!
  • Elsword: That arm... That's a Nasod arm you exchanged for power, isn't it?!
  • ???: You dare...!
  • ???: You dare say that... 'I' am not...!
  • (PZZZZZZT---!!)
  • ???: Ugh... Gah...!
  • Rena: Wh, what's going on? He's holding his head...
  • Aisha: Something's wrong. He seems to be in pain. But why...?
  • Rena: Hey! Who are you? We don't know why you are doing this, but we don't want to fight you!
  • ???: You don't know! You make me laugh, human! I will not forgive, I, I...
  • (PZZZZZZT---!!)
  • ???: Agh! Damn... it... Stop interfering me...!
  • Rena: Who is he talking to?
  • ???: ...
  • ???: ... Experiment 137. Mission El Retrieval complete. Returning to the island.
  • (CLICK-)
  • ???: Eliminate all humans before departure. Commence attack.
  • Aisha: What...!
  • Rena: No! We need to get out of here, now!
  • (BANG! KABOOM! KAPOW-!!!!)
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 [Ariel] Intermediate HP Potion x30 N/A
ED 0 [Ariel] Intermediate MP Potion x30 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Ponggo Village
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Attacker in the Air story quest

The man with a machine arm appeared on the black airship stole Ruben's El from Wally and brutally assaulted the Cargo Airship.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Adel: Are you awake, Pong?
  • Elsword: Oww...
  • Rena: Eeuu... Where are we?
  • Aisha: Ponggos?! You are really Ponggos? I heard they all disappeared after the El Explosion!
  • Amos: We didn't hide away on purpose, pong. We are trapped on this floating island, Altera, pong.
  • Rena: Wait, did you say floating island? Like floating in the sky?
  • Adel: Yes, pong. The Black Crows prevent us from leaving, and no one can enter. You were lucky to survive.
  • Aisha: My goodness... I had no idea. I can't believe no one noticed a giant island floating in the sky...
  • Rena: Black Crows? There was a man with a machine arm commanding the black airship. Is that the right guy?
  • Amos: A machine arm? You must be talking about Raven, pong. You guys were really lucky.
  • Elsword: ... Is Raven his name?
  • Adel: Yes, pong. He is the leader of Black Crows. He and the other Black Crows uses the airship to move to-and-fro Altera and steals El shards and Nasod parts.
  • Rena: I heard about them. Apparently an unknown group of bandits were going around pillaging villages. I thought it was a strange rumor, but to think it was true...
  • Aisha: If they are using Nasods, is Wally behind them as well?
  • Aisha: So the Nasods have control of this area?
  • Adel: You are correct, pong. Altera island is ruled by the survivor of the ancient Nasod race, King Nasod, and his army. pong...
  • Amos: We Ponggos know Nasod technology, so King Nasod is detaining us to make sure the technology doesn't spread. That's why we live in seclusion, pong.
  • Rena: Oh, we're underground. I was wondering why I couldn't see the sky.
  • Elsword: You know, replacing body parts with Nasod parts... At first, I thought it was similar to Banthus's arm, but his seemed more... machine-like.
  • Rena: He seemed to have suffered through a lot. He was in pain...
  • Adel: ... It's no surprise. Those who have been modified with Nasod parts have a mind control device attached to their head, pong.
  • Adel: That device caused you to lose your memory of when you were human and leave you under King Nasod's control. Burning with hatred towards humans, pong.
  • Aisha: That's horrible...
  • Elsword: ... His sword technique, it was precise and without hesitation, like a machine...
  • Elsword: ... He's so strong even when he's under control.
  • Amos: You said Raven took your El shard? If you are going to fight him, we will help you, pong!
  • Aisha: Thank you. The Black Crows seemed strong, not to mention Raven himself. We'll need to approach this carefully. Any ideas?
  • Adel: ... How about we neutralize the mind control device, pong? Raven hasn't lost his humanity yet, pong.
  • Rena: Huh? Can you tell me more about that?
  • Amos: One time... Raven escaped and came to us. He asked us to stop the mind control device so he won't have to be forced to commit atrocious crimes under Nasod control, pong.
  • Amos: Before we could do anything, he was discovered by the Nasods and was taken away...
  • Rena: That's...
  • Adel: Raven was put under harsher control due to his escape attempt, but he still resisted, pong. He refused orders and retreated with the Black Crows, giving us time to escape underground, pong.
  • Adel: Even before Raven came to us, we tried to save humans controlled by the mind control device, but no one ever regained their consciousness, pong. However...
  • Aisha: You think with a strong will power like his... it might succeed.
  • Aisha: Once Raven is no longer under control, do you think he can order the Black Crows directly to stop attacking the Ponggos?
  • Adel: It sounds like a possibility, pong.
  • Elsword: ...
  • Rena: Alright. We'll talk to him.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 Yggdrasil Leaf x10 N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
The Wanderer
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Ponggo Village story quest

The floating island, is controlled by King Nasod and his Nasod Army. The El Search Party must persuade the Black Crow leader, Raven in order to save the Ponggos and retrieve the El shard.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • [Black Crow Deck]
  • Elsword: Ugh.
  • Aisha: Are you alright? You can't let your guard down. He's not an easy opponent.
  • Elsword: I... know! Damn it, I'm doing my best.
  • Aisha: This isn't working. I thought we just needed to get rid of the device somehow. What if his mind is completely taken already?
  • Elsword: No, he was definitely resisting. And...
  • (CLANG!!)
  • Elsword: Oof!
  • Elsword: (Again! He shifted. Even though he could have landed a fatal blow at anytime...!)
  • Elsword: ... Hey! Your name is Raven, right?
  • Raven: ...!
  • Elsword: Stop the nonsense about experiment or whatever! You're human! Remember who you are!
  • Raven: Ugh...! Shut up!
  • Elsword: This technique... It's a little different from mine, but I recognize it. You're a swordsman from Velder, aren't you?
  • Raven: ...
  • Elsword: And not just any swordsman. I don't know how someone like you ended up under the Nasod's control...
  • Elsword: But are you going to allow someone to lead your life, fighting for something you don't believe in forever?
  • Raven: ... This is my will.
  • Raven: Until every human is wiped off Elrios, I will not stop...!
  • Elsword: Damn it, give me a break! Then why are you hesitating! You could have killed me several times over already!
  • Elsword: Either hate humans, or wake up and own up! It's annoying when I'm doing my best here, and you're going easy on me!
  • Raven: Agh...
  • Aisha: That resentment is not yours. It's because of King Nasod's mind control device!
  • Rena: ... You were not surprised to see us again. You were never planning on killing us to begin with, weren't you?
  • Rena: You already knew when you shot down our ship that we will make it to the Ponggo village alive.
  • Rena: That's why I know, your stance, your threat, you don't mean any of it. You don't have to lie to yourself anymore!
  • Raven: ... No.
  • Aisha: No...?
  • Raven: I... I never... Not once...
  • Raven: I swear on my blade... That I always acted with honor. Even amidst all the accusations thrown my way, and against injustice I could not overcome on my own...
  • Raven: But it was no use. All that remained was my family tarnished with false accusations, my friend's betrayal, and the death of my fiancé and my comrades!
  • Rena: ...
  • Raven: How can you say this hatred, this rage is not mine!
  • Raven: Even if it wasn't my choice, even if I didn't mean it, can you guarantee that I can go back? Even when I cannot guarantee the same myself?
  • Rena: ... It mgiht not be my place to say so... But yes. I believe you can.
  • Rena: Your pain... your anguish... is the biggest proof that your mind is not completely taken by the Nasods.
  • Rena: So it's not too late. You can go back.
  • Raven: ...
  • Elsword: I think so too. That's why I'm going to give it my all to stop you.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 106,000 Intermediate Hydro Weapon Cube x1 N/A
ED 409,300 Intermediate Hydro Armor Cube x1 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Nasod's Burial Ground
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the The Wanderer story quest

Raven already gave the El shard to King Nasod. The El Search Party follows the trail of King Nasod's location to Return Plains, a place known as the burial ground for Nasods.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • (SLAM)
  • Amos: Oh! You did it! Pong!
  • Raven: ...
  • Adel: Is, is he dead, pong...?
  • Aisha: He's just unconscious. Can you get rid of the mind control device before he wakes up?
  • Amos: Leave it to me, pong!
  • Amos: Oh, about the airship that you brought, pong. Is it alright if we fix it up and use it?
  • Amos: It would help us a lot in escaping this island, pong.
  • Aisha: It's not really ours, so I don't mind... but can you even fix it? Do what you want with it.
  • Rena: I hope everything works out. Oh yeah, we looked around the Black Crow, but could not find the El shard. We will have to ask Raven when he wakes up.
  • Rena: I think it's already in King Nasod's hands... Do you know where we might find him?
  • Adel: We don't know where King Nasod is located, pong. But it's probably heavily guarded, so we can use that to predict where he might be, pong.
  • Adel: There's a vast plain near the village, pong. At some point, we began calling it the Return Plain.
  • Adel: It's where all old Nasods go to die. A burial ground for Nasods, if you will, pong.
  • Aisha: I see! If we trace where all those Nasods are coming from, it should lead up to the location of King Nasod!
  • Rena: Then we'll go look around the plain. Let's go, Elsword.
  • Elsword: ...
  • Aisha: Hello? Hey, get up! Let's go!
  • Rena: Ahaha... He did overwork himself this time. No wonder he's knocked out. Let him sleep and we can go on our own, Aisha.
  • Aisha: Ugh! I suppose I'll let it slide! You just rest while I go this time, you dummy!
  • Elsword: Uuu... ugh.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • [Return Plain]
  • Rena: This place is desolate... and lonely. Maybe because I know it's considered a grave for Nasods.
  • Aisha: I think they're just gathering them in one place because they're useless.
  • Rena: Gathering them in one place... Do you think that's all there is to it?
  • Aisha: Well... According to ancient scriptures, Nasods were no ordinary machines. They had high intellect and were capable of social behavior enough to define themselves as a species.
  • Rena: I heard that as well. That is wasn't Nasod machines, but the Nasod race... It's been a while since I heard this phrase.
  • Rena: I don't think the Nasods Wally made had any intellect. Maybe the Nasods here were different?
  • Aisha: I've never seen a proper Nasod, but if they exist, I'm sure they will be furious when they see the junk of a Nasod Wally made!
  • Rena: Hahaha! I have to agree with you. It wasn't exactly aesthetically pleasing!
  • Rena: Anyway, all these Nasods have something on them. Is this moss? I haven't seen them around Ruben, for sure.
  • Aisha: It's a bit powdery to be considered moss... Maybe it's mold? The air is really stuffy, too.
  • Rena: You think so? Oh, I see more Nasods this way. I think we're on the right track.
  • Aisha: Rena! Look! I thought that was a hill from afar, but it looks like...
  • Rena: A giant pile of Nasods! I wonder why there's so many of them piled up here?
  • Aisha: It's strange. They look like they are holding hands, or linking arms.
  • Rena: It looks like the Nasods are coming from that cave over there. It looks dark and deep...
  • Rena: Hm... Let's end our investigation here. Let's return to the village.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 241,310 [Ariel] Intermediate HP Potion x30 N/A
ED 500,000 [Ariel] Intermediate MP Potion x30 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] The One Who Moves Forward
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Nasod's Burial Ground story quest

The El Search Party scouted Return Plains and found a suspicious cave where decommissioned Nasods were tangled together. They decide to investigate the cave further to search for King Nasod's location.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • ???: -
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 Fried Cracker x30 N/A
ED 0 Kool El-Aid x30 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

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