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|Description=Another peaceful day in Elrianode. The people who sense someone trapped in Time and Space relay this information to the Masters.
|Description=Another peaceful day in Elrianode. The people who sense someone trapped in Time and Space relay this information to the Masters.
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*''[Elrianode, City Outskirts]''
*{{StoryIcon|Ventus}} '''Ventus:''' ''Mm hm hm, good. Everything looks fine and dandy!''
*{{StoryIcon|Ventus}} '''Ventus:''' ''Another peaceful day! Though the space sometimes distorts thanks to the Henir's Barrier in the sky.''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia2}} ''Gaia:''' ''Master Ventus!''
*{{StoryIcon|Ventus}} '''Ventus:''' ''Hey, Junior, good morning! And Rosso, too!''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia2}} ''Gaia:''' ''Good morning. I see you were patrolling. Did something happen?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ventus}} '''Ventus:''' ''Ah, nothing much. I noticed my spells were not working in some places.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rosso3}} '''Rosso:''' ''... Intruder?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ventus}} '''Ventus:''' ''Whoever it is, they left soon after. Maybe they were just a curious trouble maker.''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia2}} ''Gaia:''' ''Master Rosso, I noticed you were massaging your wrist. Were you perhaps injured during morning training session?''
*{{StoryIcon|Rosso3}} '''Rosso:''' ''It's nothing to worry about.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ventus}} '''Ventus:''' ''If you're injured, you should go to Darkmoon instead of enduring it. She's getting better every day.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ventus}} '''Ventus:''' ''Hm, perhaps it's due to the El?''
*{{StoryIcon|Rosso3}} '''Rosso:''' ''... They became Priestesses because they already had potential.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ventus}} '''Ventus:''' ''Hm? I didn't mean to suggest otherwise.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ventus}} '''Ventus:''' ''I thought maybe the presence of the El was giving them a boost, like giving wings to dragons.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rosso3}} '''Rosso:''' ''What are you talking about. Dragons already have wings.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ventus}} '''Ventus:''' ''Exactly! So they were wingless dragons before the El was restored!''
*{{StoryIcon|Rosso3}} '''Rosso:''' ''Whatever...''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia2}} ''Gaia:''' ''... That reminds me. We never knew, since the Priestesses of our time were mostly there to assist us...''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia2}} ''Gaia:''' ''But Wind Priestesses usually had a special talent like how Darkmoon has a talent for healing.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rosso3}} '''Rosso:''' ''You mean how I was able to find unconscious welps when I went to where Anduran told me to?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ventus}} '''Ventus:''' ''I thought that was fascinating. I asked Anduran about it, and apparently there were number of Wind Priestesses who could read the future.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ventus}} '''Ventus:''' ''Not everyone could do it, but there were some who had especially sharp senses or were good at finding water veins.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ventus}} '''Ventus:''' ''Isn't that interesting? Perhaps it's the influence of their El element? Rosso, what do you think?''
*{{StoryIcon|Rosso3}} '''Rosso:''' ''Who knows.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rosso3}} '''Rosso:''' ''... Maybe it's the elemental El, or maybe those with that kind of talent were prone to be Wind Priestesses.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ventus}} '''Ventus:''' ''Oh? It's not like you to give such a careful response.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rosso3}} '''Rosso:''' ''Are you messing with me? I'm not afraid to beat you up!''
*{{StoryIcon|Ventus}} '''Ventus:''' ''Hahaha, anyway Junior. Why did you bring that up?''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia2}} ''Gaia:''' ''...Huh? Oh, Anduran told us we might have a guest.''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia2}} ''Gaia:''' ''There was the incident last time, so I was discussing it with Master Denif... When Glave approached us.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rosso3}} '''Rosso:''' ''That self-proclaimed administrator of Time and Space?''
*{{StoryIcon|Gaia2}} ''Gaia:''' ''Yes. I have come to get you, since it seems like there's a curious situation upon our hands.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rosso3}} '''Rosso:''' ''A guest for us from... Time and Space...?''
*{{StoryIcon|Rosso3}} '''Rosso:''' ''Wait! Could it be?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ventus}} '''Ventus:''' ''Rosso, are you thinking what I'm thinking?''
*{{StoryIcon|Rosso3}} '''Rosso:''' ''Agh! That means only one thing! Why didn't you mention it sooner...!''
*{{StoryIcon|Rosso3}} '''Rosso:''' ''I'll go ahead first!''
*''(TAP TAP TAP....)''
*{{StoryIcon|Ventus}} '''Ventus:''' ''Ah, Rosso is too hard working for his own good. I suppose we'll need someone to keep him in check.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ventus}} '''Ventus:''' ''I'll go with him. You go first and let Old Man know what we're doing.''

Revision as of 05:14, 23 January 2024

Information: This article is currently under development. Please be patient while we're adding the finishing touches!
  • English
Lithia 8:That's the Story
Lithia 9:Beyond the Rift

[Lithia] Chapter 9: Beyond the Rift

[Village] In to the Rift
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Joyfulite story quest

Lithia and the member of Society got sucked in to the Void Dimension beyond the giant Rift. Beyond the Rift where Joy tried to send Felix back, was not a place that people could live.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Lithia: ... And then, the Rift opened up, causing the whole area to shake. The whole lab fell apart and got sucked in.
  • Rift: .......
  • Rift: Uhm... yeah, this isn't the first time you're telling the story, but...
  • Lithia: It was dumb?
  • Rift: No... I wouldn't...
  • Lithia: I celebrated too early and messed everything up?
  • Rift: I wouldn't go that far...
  • Lithia: Ahhhhh!! If I can go back in time, I want to smack myself in the head!
  • Lithia: I should have escaped immediately instead of standing arond! You dummy! Idiot!
  • Rift: Um... If the pull was strong enough to destroy the building, it probably wouldn't have mattered even if you started moving right away...
  • Lithia: That doesn't give me comfort...
  • Rift: Hm... I wonder what happened to that Society member?
  • Lithia: She's probably somewhere in this realm of chaos.
  • Lithia: She probably met someone she wanted.

  • [Rift, after falling into the Void Dimension]
  • Lithia: Ack! Pant, pant! What's going on! There's nothing here except for this platform! Where is this?
  • Lithia: This is beyond the Rift? Where Felix came from? No... It's different from what I heard...
  • Lithia: This is what Joy's been researching? Can people actually live in a place like this...?
  • Society Member: This is not a place to live.
  • Society Member: This is a primordial realm. The origin of life and the sea of stars... Those are the words used by poets and bards, but not something entirely accurate.
  • Society Member: This is a realm where the rules of time and space do not apply. The realm of void itself.
  • Lithia: ......Ok.
  • Lithia: No, never mind. Nothing's ok about this. I don't understand your words at all.
  • Lithia: Where's the exit? Just tell me how to get out of here.
  • Society Member: I don't know.
  • Lithia: Aw, stop kidding around! You may have business here, but I don't.
  • Society Member: .......
  • Lithia: ... Hey...
  • Lithia: ......... You can't be serious?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Chaos Realm
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] In to the Rift story quest

The member of the Society was actually a member of an organization that believe in the ancient god, Henir. Lithia hears more about this organization from the Society member.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Lithia: [After that, I talked more with the Society member, but didn't gain anything useful that will help me escape.]
  • Lithia: So, you didn't actually plan to come here? Uh, what did you say? Hen...
  • Society Member: Henir's Order.
  • Lithia: So the Society is a front you use, but in actuality you're a religious organization worshipping Henir?
  • Society Member: Worshipping is not the right description. We merely follow what is proven to exist to reveal the lies of this world.
  • Lithia: Uh huh... Is that so... Sigh, what are the lies of this world?
  • Society Member: Everything that we live and breathe.
  • Society Member: In the beginning, the world was similar to this realm. There was only this disorder.
  • Society Member: But order exists even in chaos. Like a carelessly thrown pen can stand straight as it lands.
  • Society Member: But interference of the god of order invaded into the realm of chaos...
  • Lithia: ... And that's the world we live in?
  • Lithia: I don't get it. How can you figure that out? And why does it matter?
  • Society Member: It's perhaps something too complex for you to understand. But you might want to think about it....
  • Society Member: Pain you don't have to feel if we are complete beings, and the possibility of natural order, not being natural at all.
  • Society Member: It's not easy to doubt and deconstruct what you believe in... But once you begin, it can be a step towards having a bigger purpose.
  • Joy: Lithia, theories that have been widely accepted in the past, may be revealed to be false in present day.
  • Joy: That's why as scholars who study knowledge, we have to have flexible minds... constantly doubting and asking questions.
  • Lithia: Huh... That sounds like something Joy would say. I suppose magicians do have overlapping views in some way.
  • Lithia: ... Is it possible to become one here? That, complete being or whatever.
  • Society Member: If you want.
  • Lithia: Hm, but you don't even know how to get out of here. What if you're wrong?
  • Society Member: That merely means you didn't want it.
  • Lithia: Ha! That's convenient isn't it? It sounds like you're making up excuses to me.
  • Society Member: .......
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Farewell from Someone Who Wasn't Protected
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Chaos Realm story quest

Lithia starts a long battle to escape without giving up. But during that time, someone's life is flickering away.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Lithia: [That's when my struggle to escape this place began.]
  • Lithia: Argh... I can see the Rift sometimes appearing outside. Can't we just use it to escape this place?
  • Society Member: Time and space is not linear in this place. The outside view we see may not be the world we came from.
  • Society Member: Or, even if it is the same place, it could be far in the future or the past.
  • Lithia: Ugh, how is that even possible? I don't believe it.
  • Society Member: You're here. You're seeing and experiencing this first hand, yet show a lack of faith.
  • Lithia: Oh no, whatever should I do.
  • (ZIING...)
  • Lithia: Oh, there's another one!
  • (TAP TAP TAP....)
  • Rift: .......
  • Lithia: Ah... This is as far as it goes. I can't reach it like this.
  • Lithia: Hey! Heeyyy!! Is anyone there? If you hear me, please answer me!
  • Rift: (.......)
  • Lithia: I definitely felt a presence... Ah... Maybe I can reach it if I jump really well?
  • Society Member: Aren't you tired?
  • Lithia: No. I'm too busy being angry and frustrated.
  • Society Member: Is that so? Well, I am exhausted. I'm also hungry and thirsty.
  • Society Member: They say humans can live for 3 days without food and water and 7 days with just water.
  • Lithia: You're complaining about being hungry when you haven't even done anything? I even gave you my water bottle because you said you were thirsty. Why don't you restrain youself!
  • Society Member: Thank you, but I think this is the end.
  • Lithia: ... What do you mean?
  • Society Member: Aren't you hungry?
  • Lithia: Not really. I'm not particularly thirsty either... Why do you ask?
  • Society Member: As I thought... It seems you are protected from this chaos realm.
  • Lithia: What kind of protection?
  • Society Member: I don't know. But it's a powerful one.
  • Society Member: When I arrived and saw a stable platform we can stand on, I doubted that this was the chaos realm I was looking for.
  • Society Member: Stability is balance, something opposite of chaos.
  • Society Member: But it seems the stability around us is due to your influence. As evidence, unlike you, I am slowly dying.
  • Lithia: This became a safe place because of me? I don't understand... More importantly, are you alright?
  • Society Member: I'm fine.
  • (SLIP....)
  • Society Member: ... I'll get going now.
  • Lithia: Where are you going? You said this was the only safe place!
  • Society Member: I didn't come here for a safe place. I came to look for somewhere I can become complete.
  • Society Member: I am ready. I'm going to meet the daughter of someone who became great before me.
  • Lithia: .......
  • Society Member: So... this is goodbye.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Curse Without Answer
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Farewell from Someone Who Wasn't Protected story quest

Unfathomable amount of time has passed, and Lithia, left alone, is slowly drowning in despair.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • [Rift, Void Dimension]
  • Lithia: Saying incomprehensible things and then going off on her own... Isn't she just selfish?
  • Lithia: ... I was really scared when I thought I was left all by myself. I'm really glad you showed up.
  • Lithia: Anyway, I wonder how long it has been. There's no sun and no other way to find out the time, but I know it has been a long time.
  • Lithia: One week? I don't think it's that short. One month? Six months? Maybe it's been several years...
  • Lithia: Sometimes, when the Rift opens, I can see the outside world and hear people's voices, but my voice doesn't reach them.
  • Lithia: I haven't eaten anything, but I don't feel hungry... It's like my time has also become tied to this place.
  • Lithia: But I feel weary. Haha... Talking to the Rift that sounds like my friend, anyone would think I'm crazy.
  • Rift: .......
  • Lithia: I shouldn't have ignored what Mathi said. This is a curse.
  • Lithia: Maybe this is all destiny. It was determined from the start that I will be trapped here for all eternity.
  • Rift: .......
  • (CRACK... PAAZZZ...)
  • Rift: (.........)
  • Lithia: Another Rift appeared.
  • Lithia: Heyyy... There's someone trapped in here. Some one save me...
  • Lithia: ... What's the use. That's basically a mirror looking into another world.
  • Lithia: I bet my voice will never reach them.
  • ???: (... ... ... ...)
  • ???: Huh? Oh, it's nothing. I feel like someone's calling me ever since we entered the Abyss.
  • Lithia: Ah... Do you hear me?
  • Lithia: Hey! Help! I'm trapped in here!
  • ???: Someone other than us...? What are they saying?
  • ???: I don't actually hear anything. It' just a feeling. I think it's because of the Abyss...
  • ???: Maybe it's because I'm looking for someone.
  • Lithia: It's not just a feeling... I'm really here! Please find me...
  • ???: He might be stuck in a situation like Rosso was...
  • Rift: (.......)
  • Lithia: Ah... no! Don't disappear like that!
  • Lithia: You noticed me! You heard me! Why... Why can't you understand! Why...
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Empty Space
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Curse Without Answer story quest

A familiar place is created over and over again in the void.
A place where happy memories were made with loving people. That makes being alone in this place more lonely.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Rift: Lithia... Cheer up.
  • Rift: ... Look around. This place, it's almost like a home now. Do you remember?
  • Lithia: Of course I remember. I used to live here. Mathi used to visit all the time, too.
  • Rift: Yeah. This place felt more like home to me than the camp.
  • Rift: Over there is Joy's workshop. We could hear her pen scratching the paper if we stayed really quiet.
  • Lithia: Yeah. I remember. Joy used to keep her door open as she worked. When was it...
  • Rift: ... Ever since we blew up the chair in the living room to practice our spells?
  • Lithia: Hahaha, that's right.
  • Lithia: ...... It's almost time to destroy everything again.
  • Rift: Um... Lithia? Do you want to? We could leave it alone like this.
  • Rift: It's your home. Somewhere you miss. It will make you feel much better than the barren environment of this place.
  • Lithia: That's why I have to destroy it.
  • Lithia: ... You know, I regretted a lot of things since I came here.
  • Lithia: Why did I decide to travel with them? Why did I get them swept up in my mess? It's all my fault.
  • Rift: No... Vera and I were not the ones that were swept. It's the other way around.
  • Rift: Even if we didn't meet you, we would have headed to Velder, since that was our destination.
  • Rift: We would have arrived at the port on time, and without the Rift, we could have gotten on a fancy cruise to arrive in Velder.
  • Rift: There, Vera would have turned into a monster, and I...
  • Rift: .......
  • Lithia: ... I think he would have tried using the forbidden healing magic on Vera. Like me, he's stupid, and thinks he has something to atone for.
  • Lithia: But, if that's the case, this is kind of unfair, isn't it?
  • Lithia: I saved two kids who could have turned into monsters, and this is what I get? I have the right to feel frustrated.
  • Lithia: But... Why do I feel so sad and painful?

  • (BOOM!)
  • Rift: Please, stop Lithia! You only have to hang on a little more...
  • Lithia: It's all their fault!
  • Lithia: I still have a hole in my heart in the shape of Joy and Felix.
  • Lithia: Whenever there's chilling wind, or when I see happy families, that empty space begins to ache.
  • Lithia: That's why I never wanted something like this again...! Why did you have to come into my heart?
  • (SHAKE!)
  • Lithia: If you weren't important to me, then I wouldn't have felt the same pain again!
  • Lithia: I hate this... I might have to stay in this place forever.
  • Lithia: I'm staring at a wall, imagining there's someone beyond going slowly crazy!
  • Lithia: But you know what's worse? What if they're hurt? What if they died? And I won't even know!
  • Lithia: I'm scared I'll be lured by the illusion created by this realm and become and absolute shell of a person!
  • (BOOM!)
  • Lithia: Damn it! I thought this was supposed to be a realm of chaos without rules! Why does it keep creating this place that's precious to me!
  • Lithia: It feels like Joy will appear at any moment... Sniffle, sniffle... uh....
  • Lithia: Waaaah-!!
  • Rift: .......
  • Lithia: If I can't see anyone, I don't need to become something complete!
  • Lithia: Let me out! Let me see other people!
  • Lithia: I want to know what happened to Joy's research! I want to meet Felix again!
  • Lithia: I just... I just want everything to be how it was before...
  • Lithia: Sniff, waaaah!
  • Rift: .......
  • Rift: (So this is how it goes again...)
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Another Peaceful Day
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Empty Space story quest

Another peaceful day in Elrianode. The people who sense someone trapped in Time and Space relay this information to the Masters.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • [Elrianode, City Outskirts]
  • Ventus: Mm hm hm, good. Everything looks fine and dandy!
  • Ventus: Another peaceful day! Though the space sometimes distorts thanks to the Henir's Barrier in the sky.
  • Gaia:' Master Ventus!
  • Ventus: Hey, Junior, good morning! And Rosso, too!
  • Gaia:' Good morning. I see you were patrolling. Did something happen?
  • Ventus: Ah, nothing much. I noticed my spells were not working in some places.
  • Rosso: ... Intruder?
  • Ventus: Whoever it is, they left soon after. Maybe they were just a curious trouble maker.
  • Gaia:' Master Rosso, I noticed you were massaging your wrist. Were you perhaps injured during morning training session?
  • Rosso: It's nothing to worry about.
  • Ventus: If you're injured, you should go to Darkmoon instead of enduring it. She's getting better every day.
  • Ventus: Hm, perhaps it's due to the El?
  • Rosso: ... They became Priestesses because they already had potential.
  • Ventus: Hm? I didn't mean to suggest otherwise.
  • Ventus: I thought maybe the presence of the El was giving them a boost, like giving wings to dragons.
  • Rosso: What are you talking about. Dragons already have wings.
  • Ventus: Exactly! So they were wingless dragons before the El was restored!
  • Rosso: Whatever...
  • Gaia:' ... That reminds me. We never knew, since the Priestesses of our time were mostly there to assist us...
  • Gaia:' But Wind Priestesses usually had a special talent like how Darkmoon has a talent for healing.
  • Rosso: You mean how I was able to find unconscious welps when I went to where Anduran told me to?
  • Ventus: I thought that was fascinating. I asked Anduran about it, and apparently there were number of Wind Priestesses who could read the future.
  • Ventus: Not everyone could do it, but there were some who had especially sharp senses or were good at finding water veins.
  • Ventus: Isn't that interesting? Perhaps it's the influence of their El element? Rosso, what do you think?
  • Rosso: Who knows.
  • Rosso: ... Maybe it's the elemental El, or maybe those with that kind of talent were prone to be Wind Priestesses.
  • Ventus: Oh? It's not like you to give such a careful response.
  • Rosso: Are you messing with me? I'm not afraid to beat you up!
  • Ventus: Hahaha, anyway Junior. Why did you bring that up?
  • Gaia:' ...Huh? Oh, Anduran told us we might have a guest.
  • Gaia:' There was the incident last time, so I was discussing it with Master Denif... When Glave approached us.
  • Rosso: That self-proclaimed administrator of Time and Space?
  • Gaia:' Yes. I have come to get you, since it seems like there's a curious situation upon our hands.
  • Rosso: A guest for us from... Time and Space...?
  • Rosso: Wait! Could it be?
  • Ventus: Rosso, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
  • Rosso: Agh! That means only one thing! Why didn't you mention it sooner...!
  • Rosso: I'll go ahead first!
  • (TAP TAP TAP....)
  • Ventus: Ah, Rosso is too hard working for his own good. I suppose we'll need someone to keep him in check.
  • Ventus: I'll go with him. You go first and let Old Man know what we're doing.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] From the Oddball on an Adventure
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Another Peaceful Day story quest

The voice in the Rift whispers not to give up.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Outside the Rift
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] From the Oddball on an Adventure story quest

An unfamiliar voice that disturbs happy dreams. It's time to leave.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 35,382,200 N/A N/A
ED 419,500 N/A N/A
EP 30 N/A N/A
AP 0

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