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The Statue of Wally,
Leader of Elder

Elder, the small town situated in the northern region of Lurensia, is ruled by the leader Wally. Due to the great technological advancements made by Wally, the town, as seen by its appearance, is rather prosperous. In the middle of the city lies the giant statue of the leader Wally.

After calming the Ancient Phoru, Elsword and his gang chase Banthus all the way to Elder. But the citizens of Elder have a much bigger problem of their own to deal with...

Chapter 2: The Chase! Banthus!

From Hagus to Hoffman
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

You need some information to find Banthus who is hiding somewhere in Elder. Let's go find the Great Merchant, Hoffman.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Hagus: Elder is an important town for trades and travel. We also receive a lot of supplies through them, not to mention I personally know Hoffman from Elder.
  • Aisha: Merchants... I can never trust them thanks to the past experiences.
  • Hagus: Ladies, please take care of Elsword for me. Unlike his appearance he's quite delicate.
  • Elsword: No thanks, mister.
  • Rena: Thanks, although I have a feeling I need to take care of more than one thing...
  • Elsword: You're Hoffman? Know a bandit by the name of Banthus?
  • Rena: ...... Hello, Mr. Hoffman. I'm here to see you as Hagus instructed.
  • Hoffman: I've heard a lot from Hagus. Please, come in and make yourselves at home.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Aisha: We've had enough tea, tell us about Banthus.
  • Hoffman: Banthus is also known in Elder. It's not just Ruben, recently there has been multiple disappearance of El Shards in other towns. The Lord of this land is not doing anything but staying inside his castle. Not to mention the guards, they are all inside their castle. There has been an increase in bandits that go after traveling merchants.
  • Elsword: So, that's why the bandit numbers have increased...
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 759 N/A N/A
ED 700 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Field] Develop Trust
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

Elder Village merchants don't easily trust outsiders. In order to gain Hoffman's Trust, we must go to Wally's Memorial Bridge and gather the Stolen Goods!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Hoffman: There's a Wally monument outside the village and near it are many bandits that harass merchants. If you go and take care of them and get their stuff back you will be able to gain their trust.
  • Elsword: Fine by me. I don't like these guys roaming free near the town!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: There are bandits everywhere, would this be enough?
  • Hoffman: Oh, the goods the bandits stole. The merchants of Elder will be pleased.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 2,800 N/A N/A
ED 6,900 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Hoffman's Trust
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

Until we gain Hoffman's trust, let's get Hoffman's Sticker! You must always do what needs to be done.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Hoffman: Banthus is the leader of the Bandits around town. He finally something unimaginable. We would like to provide you his info.. But in the world of merchants, nothing is free.
  • Elsword: For a merchant, you are very cheap.
  • Hoffman: Hahaha, we always measure the weights between two things.
  • Elsword: what do we do?
  • Hoffman: You must prove yourself and build their trust in order to receive their help. If you help us solve our problem that we cannot do ourselves we will use everything in our power to locate Banthus.
  • Rena: Alright. The merchants have a pretty good grasp on things so it can be trusted. I'm sure things will move swiftly.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Hoffman: As expected, you have gained their trust. We will do everything we can to help you from now on.
  • Elsword: Haha...Leave it to me!
  • Aisha: Hmm.. I have a feeling this won't be the first time.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 759 Weapon Enhancement Stone Lv.1 x 1 N/A
ED 900 Magic Stone x 1 N/A
EP 0 Red Pocket x 1 N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] ENThralled Opponents
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Shadow Forest, "Any Difficulty"
  • Investigate the cause of the corruption (Shadow Forest, "Any Difficulty")
  • Fallen Antique Ent's Branch (Enraged Ent, Shadow Forest, "Any Difficulty") 0/1

A forest near town has been tainted and turned into a Shadow Forest. There have been strange things happening there since the El went missing. Let's investigate the cause of the corruption.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Hoffman: As you know Elder is a town of merchants and to us trust is one of the most important things.
  • Elsword: What? I have to get this stupid trust thing still?
  • Hoffman: Not at all. Because you helped us while the town was in dire need of help keeping the town in check, you have gained the merchants' trust.
  • Elsword: Haha! That was just a warm up!
  • Rena: (Too easy to read.)
  • Hoffman: You have helped us all you can, now it is our turn to return the favor and locate Banthus. Recently there has been increased activity and ferocity from the forest spirits and causing trouble with the villagers. This happened when the El Shard disappeared so it might have something do with Banthus... Would you investigate it for us?
  • Elsword: Arg...Stop giving me tedious work...
  • Aisha: Sigh.. Typical merchants.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Hoffman: Enraged Forest Spirit and Ent attacked people and dark being are roaming around? That's very strange... It's too weird to only blame it on the disappearance of the El Shard...but.. This sounds like the Great Monster Outbreak that had happened to the Black Forest long ago.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 2,300 Weapon Enhancement Stone Lv.1 x 1 N/A
ED 2,600 Magic Stone x1 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Mage Mischief
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Shadow Forest, "Hard or Higher"
  • Defeat Ghost Magician (Shadow Forest, "Hard or Higher") 0/4
  • Defeat Kira-Kira (Shadow Forest, 'Hard or Higher') 0/1

Kira-Kira and the Ghost Mages have corrupted the forest trees, the Ents. Those trees are acting way too violent. Let's go to the Shadow Forest and defeat Kira-Kira and the Ghost Mages!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Hoffman: You said you saw many Dark Wizards inside Dark Forest? They say those being only show up when the Forest is surrounded in dark energy. Rumor has it that it might be related to this strange place called the Demon World...
  • Elsword: Demon World? What's that?
  • Aisha: Ha.. Do I have to explain everything?
  • Elsword: My Elder You've only been born a few months early!
  • Rena: A great threat... Then what the elder was saying...
  • Hoffman: I'm sure it was the Dark Wizards spreading those nasty dark energies to the Fairies and the Ents. We have to rid of them.
  • Elsword: Right, leave it to me!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Hoffman: You've dealt with them? Thank you.
  • Elsword: I won't stand by while you destroy the forest!
  • Hoffman: We are not sure how far spread the Dark Energies are , we should observe first.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 2,300 Bandit's Shoes x 1 N/A
ED 3,100 Banthus Bandits' Hoods x 1 N/A
EP 0 Armor Enhancement Stone Lv.1 x 1 N/A
AP 0
[Field] Banthus, Beware!
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Enter Wally's Memorial Bridge
  • Strange Map Pieces (Scout Bandit, Mercenary Bandit, Wally's Memorial Bridge) 0/20

Hoffman has given clues as to where Banthus might be. He and his gang might be hanging around Wally's Memorial Bridge. You can soon find where he's been hiding!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Rena: Such a lovely town, if only I had the time to go shopping..
  • Aisha: Stop! Say that again, Lightning bolt!
  • Elsword: WHAT!! I called her little because she was little!
  • Rena: If I had a little bit more time..
  • Hoffman: Oh, Luichel has found information on Banthus. I'm glad we could help.
  • Luichel: Hello- My name's Luichel. I heard a lot about you. I've heard info the bandits hanging around the Wally Statue is under Banthus.
  • Elsword: Right, leave it to me!
  • Rena: This is why my skin is getting worse these days.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Hoffman: This map piece, it's shows the location of Banthus' hideout.
  • Luichel: Oh, how lucky.
  • Elsword: My hunches are always right!
  • Aisha: Everything you go head in, I have to clean the mess.
  • Hoffman: We finally have a shot at bringing back Ruben's El Shard.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 2,300 Armor Enhancement Stone Lv.1 x 1 N/A
ED 9,600 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Threat Removal
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Banthus Cave, "Any Difficulty"
  • Bat (Banthus Cave, "Any Difficulty") 0/5
  • Red Giant Phoru (Banthus Cave, "Any Difficulty") 0/1

Lenphad warns you about Banthus' Hideout. He is somewhere in Banthus Cave with a Red Giant Phoru as his watch guard. Let's go to Banthus Cave to defeat the Red Giant Phoru and the bats

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Hoffman: We finally found where Banthus is hiding.
  • Lenphad: Yoo, Hoffman. I heard you found Banthus' hideout?
  • Hoffman: I was just about to ask these adventurers for their help.
  • Lenphad: Hahaha, these kids?
  • Aisha & Elsword: What?
  • Hoffman: Mr. Lenphad, these adventurers have solved the Dark Forest incident. Please don't be so rude to them.
  • Lenphad: Alright but you can't blame me for not having an ounce of trust in them An opponent even 'I' myself struggled against is in that hideout. Especially watch out for the bats here. Also I heard there is a Giant Red Phoru inside this cave that is 3 times faster than a regular one.
  • Elsword: This is not fair, just because it's red it suddenly became 3 times faster?
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Hoffman: What do you think, Mr. Lenphad?
  • Lenphad: It seems I have underestimated you lot, I apologize. Hahahaha!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 2,610 Armor Enhancement Stone Lv.1 x1 N/A
ED 4,400 Magic Stone x1 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] The Truth Revealed
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Banthus Cave, "Hard or Higher"
  • Bat King (Banthus Cave, "Hard or Higher") 0/1
  • Wally's Secret Letter (Banthus, Banthus Cave, "Hard or Higher") 0/1

I think Wally and Banthus are working together... but we have no evidence. Let's find some Evidence inside Banthus Cave.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Lenphad: The number of bandits are increasing.
  • Elsword: There are bandits everywhere but they are not doing anything about it? Something's fishy
  • Hoffman: That's right. The bandits that stole the El Shard snuck into the village but there was no movement from the guards... This is very strange.
  • Elsword: There must be someone behind everything.
  • Rena: Hm? You look a little different today, Elsword.
  • Lenphad: I can't ask the villagers for their help without solid proof. Would you guys investigate first? People say they saw bandits in the underground waterway.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: (Shows the letter) Banthus was working for Wally!
  • Aisha: It was Wally who ordered Banthus to steal the El Shard and he also took it.
  • Hoffman: What? We've been tricked all this time?
  • Lenphad: These bastards... We can't stand idle for any longer, let's move!
  • Elsword: Wally must have the El Shard, we need to find a way into the castle.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 3,060 Bandit's Gloves x 1 N/A
ED 5,200 Banthus Bandits' Hoods x 1 N/A
EP 0 Weapon Enhancement Stone Lv.1 x 1 N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Secret Passages?
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

Luichel was a thief herself when growing up. She sort of has an idea how Banthus got away through a secret passage but it's been so long. Let's go to Underground Waterway and begin scouting!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Lenphad: We'll storm the castle first thing tomorrow!
  • Hoffman: Going head on is not a good idea. You never know what they are scheming inside the castle and might be traps there too.
  • Elsword: We have to find a way to sneak in there.
  • Rena: Ooh?
  • Hoffman: I guess we'll need her help.
  • Luichel: Hmm.. There is an underground passage to Wally's castle inside the underground waterway. But it hasn't been used for a while so I don't know if you can still use it.
  • Elsword: I guess we'll have to see if that is still valid.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: We ran into Banthus and couldn't explore the area more..Darn it.
  • Aisha: It wasn't the same Banthus, one arm was mechanical and he became stronger.
  • Luichel: If we can't figure out the passage, Lenphad can't lead the villagers to infiltrate the Castle.
  • Rena: This plan will fail if we can't deal with Banthus.
  • Hoffman: It won't be easy but you must stop Banthus.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 3,550 Intermediate Potion x 5 N/A
ED 6,100 Original Ring x 1 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] Banthus' Source of Strength
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Underground Waterway, "Hard or Higher"
  • Banthus's Battered Necklace (Banthus, Underground Waterway, "Hard or Higher") 0/1

Banthus is incredibly stubborn. Banthus and his gang have become stronger with help from Wally. He will become more troublesome if we let him be. Let's go to Underground Waterway to steal the Necklace from Banthus and end this once and for all!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Luichel: Banthus is one persistent person.. Now with a mechanical arm
  • Hoffman: If it is a mechanical arm there should be a device that controls it.
  • Elsword: Oh, I remembered something. I think his amulet shined whenever used his mechanical arm.
  • Aisha: Are you sure you are remembering it right?
  • Rena: It's not really reliable...but it's worth a shot. Let's focus on Banthus's amulet this time.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: tired.. I brought the amulet but it feels strange.
  • Aisha: I feel something.. But it's not magic.
  • Hoffman: Not magic... or a simple machine.... Could it be??!
  • Lenphad: Banthus seems weakened, let's take care of him first and get inside the castle.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 3350 Bandit's Bottom Piece x 1 N/A
ED 6100 Banthus Bandits' Hoods x 1 N/A
EP 0 Weapon Enhancement Stone Lv.1 x 1 N/A
AP 0
[Field] Underground Water Soldiers
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Enter Twin Watchtower
  • Big Soldier's Glove (Watchtower Guard, Twin Watchtower) 0/10
  • Small Soldier's Knife (Wally Scout, Twin Watchtower) 0/10

The soldiers are guarding the passageway already. If they keep this up, the discovery of the passage will soon be useless. Let's disarm the soldiers beneath the Twin Watchtower to ensure the safety of our men!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Luichel: In front of the entrance to the underground waterway are twin watch towers.
  • Elsword: To enter the Capital, we have to get rid of the soldiers.
  • Hoffman: If we don't care of things here we won't be able to guarantee our safety in the underground waterway.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: I've cleared the entrance.
  • Luichel: All we have to do is enter the castle. Wally's not going to like what's coming for him.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 4,150 Weapon Enhancement Stone Lv.1 x 1 Bandit's Weapon x 1
ED 13,300 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Chapter 2-1: The perfect companion for your adventures!

[Dungeon] (Pet) Tainted Life Crystal 1/3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • No requirements needed
  • Shadow Forest, 'Any Difficulty'
  • 4 Purified Jewels (Shadow Forest, 'Any Difficulty') 0/4

In order to cleanse the Tainted Life Crystal, Purified Jewel is needed. Go to Shadow Forest and bring Purified Jewel from the Ghost Magicians.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 530 File:Consume11.png Honey Potion x 5 N/A
ED 900 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] (Pet) Tainted Life Crystal 2/3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • No requirements needed
  • Shadow Forest, 'Hard or higher'
  • Ent Orb (Shadow Forest, 'Hard or Higher') 0/1
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 620 Intermediate Potion x 5 N/A
ED 1000 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Dungeon] (Pet) Tainted Life Crystal 3/3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • No requirements needed
  • Banthus Cave, 'Any Difficulty'
  • Giant Phoru (Banthus Cave, 'Any Difficulty') 0/1

Go to Banthus Cave and kill Giant Phoru

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 860 Life Crystal (Pocket Phoru) x 1 N/A
ED 1500 El Tree Seed x 10 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Chapter 2-2: Cobo Service

A Journey Supported by Cobo Service
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • No requirements needed
  • Speak to Ariel from Cobo

Hoffman's reference will allow me to start the Cobo service, the biggest adventurer support. Let's show Hoffman's Reference to Ariel. She will give a surprising gift to all new adventurers.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 590 N/A Cobo's Special Battle Weapon x 1
ED 2,360 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

General Guides
Character Progression
Other Media
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous