Story/Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Wally's Whereabouts

Mines Ghost Scare
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

A strane sound echoes in the abandoned mines. It might have something to do with Wally, so let's go investigate.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Richian: Hey, gorgeous adventures! I heard the news. You took care of Kayak? Then you can finally investigate the mines!
  • Aisha: I'm worried we spend too much time taking care of the Lizardman. It was necessary to go to the mines but still...
  • Rena: Let's hurry. Richian? Can you tell us why the mines were closed down? Anything we should be aware of?
  • Richian: Fine darlings, I'll give you a lovely, but speedy explanation.
  • Richian: Richie Mines is a dormant mine. I closed it down because there was a danger of the mines collapsing. It's been quite a while since it closed down.
  • Richian: Yes, yes. I admit I may have forgotten about it for a while. But the point is, someone heard sounds coming from my mines!
  • Richian: But did anyone see people entering the mines? No, nothing! Nada. How could that be, unless there are actually ghosts haunting the mines, am I right, babies?
  • Aisha: Uhh... Ghosts? No way.
  • Elsword: Anyway, we'll go investigate in case Wally is involved.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • [Richie Mines]
  • (TDDDDDD---!)
  • Elsword: A Nasod! I knew this was Wally's doing!
  • Rena: They were using Nasods for the mining operation. No wonder people thought there were ghosts.
  • Aisha: Not bad for a hideout, but this should be enough of a trail to catch Wally. Let's follow the Nasods.
  • Aisha: Wally should be where they are headed.
  • (...)
  • Rena: Is that... a ship? I see two of them. Why are they here?
  • Elsword: Is that a ship? It looks different from normal ships. There's no water here.
  • Aisha: That's an airship! The Nasods are loading the minerals there. They must have transported the minerals using that airship!
  • Rena: All the Nasods from the mines must have come out from there! I wonder how many more Nasods are inside that airship...
  • Rena: Oh dear... I didn't think he'd go far with the tin can Nasod we saw before, but an airship! If we lose Wally here, we will never catch him on our own!
  • Elsword: I won't let that happen! We're going in!
  • Aisha: Wait! If you lift your head up like that...!
  • Wally No. 8 MK-2: BEBEBEEP--!
  • Elsword: Uh...
  • Wally No. 8 MK-2: BEEP- BEEP- BBEP
  • (CLICK, BANG!)
  • (BOOM!!!)
  • Aisha: You dummyyy!! Think before you move!!
  • (CRACK, CRACK...)
  • Rena: Oh no! Everything is falling down! We have to get out of here!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 70,170 Intermediate Shining Weapon Cube x1 N/A
ED 255,100 Intermediate Shining Armor Cube x1 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Airship in the Mines
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Mines Ghost Scare story quest

Deep inside the mines, the Nasods were working on the mines. The El Search Party tried to investigate the airship transporting the minerals, but is attacked by a giant Nasod.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Richian: Hey huns. Back already?
  • Aisha: Yup, we had to run with our target right in front of our noses because of SOMEBODY here.
  • Elsword: ...
  • Rena: Ahaha... We were discovered by the Nasods, and the mine collapsed... So we figured it was a good idea to come back.
  • Richian: I see. Oh, babies! I have something to show you!
  • (FLIP)
  • Rena: What is this? ... A request?
  • Richian: Yes! Wally sent a letter a while back asking for permission to use Richi Mines. I was already planning on closing it down, so I refused and forgot about it.
  • Richian: Here, this is the evidence you wanted, isn't it? The evidence that Wally is involved in the mines.
  • Aisha: ... You should have remembered before we left for the mines!
  • Elsword: We already found Wally's airship and everything!
  • Richian: Oh sorry darling, but an airship? What is happening?
  • Rena: You didn't know? It was there on the passage that goes through the mines and leads to the outside.
  • Rena: Wally was using the Nasods to load the minerals on to the airship.
  • Richian: Oh, he used machines to mine? That's not a bad idea! Genius! Gorgeous! I better get one of those myself!
  • Aisha: You should take it more seriously. Wally was doing this for a long time. I bet the airship is also swarming with Nasods!
  • Rena: I hope there's a way to enter safely. Or at least a way to neutralize the Nasods.
  • Richian: 'You totally should. Mm, but this is the first time I'm hearing about an airship, and I'm no good with machines.
  • Richian: Toma knows more about machines than I do, so to talk to him. I bet he'd be interested.

  • Toma: An Airship? There's an Airship in Bethma?
  • Richian: That's right, boy!
  • Toma: Whoa... I always wanted to be on one! An airship... What kind of airship? Did it have giant cannons? Red sails? Maybe even a huge ballonet!
  • Elsword: Hm... Sorry to disappoint you, but it was just a large piece of junk. Oh, there were two of them.
  • Toma: Oh, I see... That rules out the mysterious Sandtilus. Or Skyfang that is said to have disappeared beyond the horizon... Nor Amaryllis...
  • Toma: If there are multiple ships, and it's covered with metal... It's probably not a legendary ship, but an airship specially made for transport. Wow, I'm so excited!
  • Elsword: It could be dangerous, but we'll protect you. So could yo help us disarm the devices related to the Nasods?
  • Toma: Sure! Count me in! I'm so excited! This is the first time I'm going on an airship! I'm curious about the Nasods as well.
  • Richian: Use your amazing moves to get on the airship, alright darling? Be careful!
  • Rena: Of course not, darling!
  • Elsword: ... Having fun?
  • Rena: Heehee. Maybe?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 File:Blessed Enhacment Stone.png Blessed Enhancement Stone x10 N/A
ED 0 Advanced Magic Stone x10 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Airship in the Mines story quest

The El Search Party sneaks inside the airship with Toma, but Wally gets away again. Let's use the other airship behind the cliff to chase Wally.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • (TDDDDDD...)
  • Aisha: No! Wally's getting away!
  • Elsword: Darn it, we're too late! We can't chase him if he flies away!
  • Toma: Whoa... So that's the airship. But they're only taking one.
  • Rena: Hm? They only took one?
  • Toma: Yes. Airships used for transport usually operate in pairs. One for transporting good, and one for battle.
  • Toma: See over there? Behind the huge cliff? There's one more ship over there!
  • Aisha: Oh yeah! I forgot there were two ships! We can take the other one to chase Wally!
  • Rena: How's this. We'll take that airship and approach Wally's airship. When we're close enough, we can jump ship.
  • Rena: Then, we defeat Wally, retrieve the El, and return to Ruben! Mission complete!
  • Aisha: And the way back should be a breeze! I like it.
  • Elsword: Alright, Wally, here we go!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • [Cargo Airship]
  • Wally No. 9: (BANG-- BEEBEEBEEP...)
  • Elsword: Again? How many of these Wally whatevers are there?!
  • Elsword: You defeat one, and a new one pops out... and you defeat the new one, another one pops out from inside!
  • Aisha: Ugh! How many times are we letting Wally get away! Aggggh!! I'm so frustrated...!
  • Rena: Everyone, this is no time to complain! We need to move before we fall too far behind!
  • Elsword: Is that black ship also Wally's? Why does he have to be so thorough when he's a bad guy...!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 100,270 [Ariel] Lizard Jerky x30 N/A
ED 327,700 [Ariel] El Fire Smoothie x30 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

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