Story/Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: Land of Angels

[Village] Code Reaction Investigation
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

They cannot let Yuno's sacrifice be in vain. Let's search for Solace in Elysion.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • [Elysion]
  • Elsword: This is the place that Yuno told us about... Elysion...
  • Ara: If Yuno had come with us...
  • Lu: ... He would have been really happy...
  • Rena: ... Now, now! Cheer up, everyone! We're in Elysion! Let's plan out our next step.
  • Elesis: Yeah! For the sake of Yuno, we should move forward! There's also his request...
  • Elsword: Yeah... Solace...! This happened because of that bastard!! I have to fine him...!
  • Aisha: Hey, dummy, where do you think you're going? You're going to get lost!
  • Raven: Aisha's right, Elsword. If we go without a plan, we'll just waste our time and put everyone in danger.
  • Elsword: ... Alright. So what are we going to do now?
  • Eve: I can scout the nearby areas. We'll start moving once we figure out the situation. Moby! Remy! Please scout the area.
  • Eve: ... Wait.
  • Eve: This... it's a signal from Nasods in the area...? Strange. They seem to be reacting to my code.
  • Add: Oh...? Does this mean Her Majesty's code is effective in this dimension, too?
  • Elesis: Wow, that's amazing! Let's start investigating instead of standing around! The Nasods that have been reacting to Eve could be nearby.
  • Elsword: Alright, then let's go!
  • Aisha: Gosh, where is he going? Wait for me, Elsword!!!
  • Eve: ... Scouting complete. How intriguing.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Eve: All the Nasods in this area are reacting to my code.
  • Aisha: You said the Nasods here are more advanced than the ones in Elrios, right? Incredible... And they are all reacting to Eve?
  • Add: (Kuhahaha! As expected, my eyes haven't deceived me. Eve... you never cease to amaze me!
  • Add: Then we can use that to our advantage. What if we trick them into thinking we are one of them?
  • Lu: Hoh, that's a great plan! Excellent!
  • Add: Well... It's, It's nothing...
  • Eve: Then I'll attempt to access their code. Moby, Remy! Assist me.

  • Chung: When do you think she'll be done?
  • Ciel: I'm sure she'll need some time. It doesn't look like a simple task.
  • Elsword: Mmm... We need to hurry and fine Solace...
  • ???: (Finally... The one that... protects the El...)
  • Elsword: Huh? What'd you say?
  • Aisha: What are you on about? Nobody said anything.
  • Elsword: Really? I thought I heard something...
  • Eve: ... Access complete. Input has been successful, but let's double check.
  • Eve: The Nasods here have given me information on which way to go. This way.
  • Elysion Nasod: (PZZZZT!)
  • Elsword: Uuh... They're attacking us, right? Eve, I think something's wrong.
  • Eve: ... Strange. There was no error in the operation.
  • Eve: But due to this new technology, I might have overlooked something when I analyzed the code. Let me check again.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 [Ariel] Star Fruit Tart x30 N/A
ED 0 [Ariel] Star Fruit Tea x30 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
What Stops Them
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Code Reaction Investigation story quest

The red sun warns the El Search Party.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Eve: The central code can only be accessed by certain individuals... All access has been blocked.
  • Raven: Is Solace the one who is responsible for blocking access...?
  • Elesis: (Solace... Ever since Lanox... My head starts hurting whenever I heard that name... Why?)
  • Elsword: ... What the? This place is...
  • Aisha: What's with you, Elsword? Why are you acting like that?
  • Ara: Are you unwell? I'm worried.
  • Elsword: No, nothing like that... I just feel strange since I got here...
  • Ara: Huh!? I don't sense anything...
  • Elesis: (Aahh...! My head...!)
  • Chung: Oh, look everyone! A symbol appeared in the air!
  • ???: ... I didn't think you'd come all the way here. Elsword...
  • Elsword: Who are you?! How do you know my name...?!
  • ???: Should I be congratulating you for getting here...? It's too early for you to step foot in this place.
  • ???: If you give up everything and leave this place I will grant you your life.
  • Elsword: Are you... Solace?! Tell us where you are! I'm going to beat you down...!!
  • ???: ... How pathetic... Are you still stuck on that childish fantasy, that is the El Search Party?
  • ???: If you give up, you and your friends can avoid a tragic ending. It all depends on your decision.
  • Elsword: ... What? What are you saying...?!
  • Elesis: I'm sorry, but I'll have to decline. Who put you in charge?
  • ???: ... You really are oblivious. Then the deal is off.
  • (CRASH!)
  • Aisha: That stone statue up there! It's moving!!
  • Lu: Everyone, be careful! I sense unusual power from that statue!!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Lu: Haa... What is going on?! I could've sworn that statue was only for decoration. Why is it attacking us?
  • Ciel: Ah... We will have to stay on guard whenever we see those statues...
  • Add: The Nasod... Its energy was on a different level compared to other ones. What's going on?
  • Raven: What was Solace warning about? Are you sure you're feeling fine, Elsword.
  • ???: (The El... The only guardian... This way...)
  • Elsword: ...?
  • Elsword: ... Ah, did you say something?
  • Aisha: You're acting strange, you know that? Ever since we came to Elysion!
  • Elsword: M, me?
  • Aisha: You're usually always on about how we need to find the El Lady and restore the El... But you're just staring into space...!
  • Ara: I'm sure they're just tired. Ah! Now that we've come to the village, should we begin our investigation on Solace...?
  • Rena: Yes, that's a good idea! But... Where should we go?
  • Eve: I heard there's a Nasod in charge of the whole village. We can go there.
  • Elesis: Oh! Nice, Eve! Let's go! This way, right?
  • Elsword: ...
  • Elesis: (Elsword is definitely acting impatient since we arrived in Elysion... Is he bothered by what Solace said?)
  • Elesis: (Ahh, my headache is getting worse as well. Why now... I hope it's nothing...)
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 19,447,380 [Ariel] Advanced HP Potion x30 N/A
ED 6,042,400 [Ariel] Advanced MP Potion x30 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Situation in Elysion
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Code Reaction Investigation story quest

The El Search Party talks to Bernard to find out the current situation...

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • [Elysion Village]
  • Bernard: Hm... This is bad. This is really bad. Hmm...
  • Elsword: Hey, Mister! Are you the Nasod in charge of this village?
  • Bernard: Hmm...? You are...?!
  • Bernard: Ah, are you part of the Atlas army? I heard the message but I didn't think you would get here so soon...!
  • Add: (Hoh, it seems Eve's commands are working in this village... We're being recognized as Atlas troops... Keukeuk, how exciting!)
  • Ara: It's not that, we are...
  • Rena: (Shh! We're being recognized as Atlas troops thanks to Eve!)
  • Ara: (I, I see...! I almost made a mistake!)
  • Bernard: Yes... Thanks for coming at a time like this! I am relieved... I am, the one who oversees the village.
  • Chung: Bernard, can you tell us what the situation is?
  • Bernard: Yes, you should also know... All this happened when the communication was cut off from Adrian's Palace.
  • Eve: Adrian? Do you mean... Adrian, the Father of the Nasods?
  • Bernard: That's right. That place over there in the far distance is his palace.
  • Eve: Adrian... who went missing... built Elysion here...?
  • Bernard: All schedules in our village are decided based on orders from the Palace...
  • Bernard: But all orders have suddenly stopped. At first, I thought it was a temporary error... but even after time has passed, there was no order.
  • Raven: Either something happened to the palace... or there's something blocking the signal...?
  • Bernard: I'm afraid so. It's not just the palace. Even the guards around here are on high alert... It's highly possible something happened at the palace.
  • Bernard: And... I'm not sure if this is related, but several Nasod scouts have gone missing.
  • Lu: You mean you haven't even done anything yet?
  • Bernard: The Nasods of this village are not allowed to move without orders from the Palace. I have no choice but to wait here...
  • Bernard: Ahh... Of course, this village will be safe. It's been fine here... but strange incidents have been occurring...
  • Elsword: Forget that, we're looking for Solace. Do you happen to know where he is?
  • Bernard: Solace? Who is that? I've never heard such name...
  • Elsword: You don't know...? But earlier, at the entrance...
  • Eve: Stay calm, Elsword. First, we need more information on this place.
  • Add: Missing Nasod scouts... Hey, is there some kind of defense system around here?
  • Bernard: Right now there's a class one defense system activated near this village.
  • Eve: Then... We might want to check the memories of the Nasods outside.
  • Eve: We might figure out what the issue is if we can see what caused the defense system to activate.
  • Add: Then we can look at the Nasod memory I copied earlier. Kuhuhu!
  • Eve: ... What? When did you do this?
  • Add: ...
  • Lu: Oh ho, he's well prepared. Something to aspire towards, don't you think, Ciel?
  • Ciel: ... Lu, am I not enough as I am right now?
  • Lu: Oh ho ho! I'm saying you can always improve as my butler!
  • Ciel: If that is your wish... We can start from your daily food intake. You've been eating a lot of sugar, so I think you should cut down on cookies.
  • Lu: Whaat...? No! I've changed my mind! You're fine just the way you are, Ciel!
  • Rena: Those two seem really close.
  • Eve: In any case... I will read the memory.
  • Eve: ... Ah, I never thought something like this would happen...
  • Elesis: Why? What is it?
  • Eve: Currently, Adrian's Palace is blocked from any outside contact because of a barrier.
  • Bernard: A barrier... Adrian... What happened to Adrian?!
  • Eve: I do not know. But the energy waves from the barrier... It matches the energy responsible for moving the statue as the entrance.
  • Raven: It seems like Solace is responsible for creating a barrier around the Palace...
  • Eve: One more thing, it's the Nasod guards from that palace that have been abducting the Nasod scouts.
  • Aisha: How did you know this way happening? You would have found out about this if you just put together a group to scout the area!
  • Bernard: That's impossible... Without the Palace's orders, our code forces us to stay ehre.
  • Elsword: Err... These guys are third generation? They only follow orders like the Nasods from Elrios.
  • Eve: ... Why would he put such limitation...
  • Bernard: Hmmm... We can rescue the captured Nasods and gather information from them.
  • Bernard: First... Can you send this information to Durenda, the officer in charge of Hernacyd, the Nasod troops stationed in the village? She might be able to figure something out.
  • Eve: I see, we'll look for her immediately.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 Secret Dungeon Entry Permit x5 N/A
ED 0 [Ariel] Advanced HP Potion x30 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Missing Nasods
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Situation in Elysion story quest

Durenda says she didn't order the guards to kidnap the Nasods. What is going on?

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Rena: Are you, Durenda?
  • Durenda: What do you want?
  • Aisha: (Urgh, this tone... It reminds me of someone.)
  • Ara: (Hahaha... I think I'm thinking of the same person as you, Aisha.)
  • Add: Tsk! Stop whispering... You there. You heard that the Nasod scouts have gone missing, right?
  • Durenda: Yes, I heard.
  • Chung: ...
  • Chung: Umm... From what we've investigated, the ones that have been abducting the Nasod scouts were Nasod guards...
  • Durenda: You think I ordered the kidnappings? You have the gall to accuse me?
  • Add: Ha... She's being difficult. Your Majesty show the memory of the Nasod!
  • Eve: Don't order me around, Add. I'm sure you know a better way to request help while showing respect.
  • Add: Ah... ugh... Please.

  • Durenda: Outrageous...
  • Elesis: Anything would be great. Do you have any idea why they are acting this way?
  • Durenda: Tsk...! There's one thing. Ever since we lost communication with Adrian's Palace, the Emperacyds have turned on us.
  • Chung: Emperacyd... You mean the palace guards? Why would they turn on you?
  • Durenda: I do not know. But when something happens at the palace, it's emergency defense system activates. The defense code might have also activated on the Emperacyd.
  • Elsword: Can't you tell them to stop? Innocent Nasod scouts are being taken in.
  • Durenda: Hmph, he must have deemed them dangerous and gave them a direct order. If it is a direct order, my orders will not go through.
  • Ciel: Then you're just going to stand there and do nothing?
  • Durenda: That is the plan. If you have no other business, leave. It's almost time for Phobos to rest.
  • Ara: Phobos? Is there someone else here? I can't see him?
  • Aisha: Ahh... Ara, why would you say that? That's terrifying!
  • Rena: They won't listen to orders...? Surely we can ask them somehow?
  • Eve: ... Durenda is correct. I tried to access the code of the Nasod guards, but as expected, access has been restricted.
  • Raven: We'll have to go up against the Nasod guards then.
  • Eve: Let's look around Elysion more. We might learn something more.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • [Elysion Outskirts, Near the Palace Barrier]
  • Elsword: Kugh, we were able to go through the barrier... But the attacks are relentless...
  • Eve: As I thought... The barrier uses the same energy as the statues in front of the village entrance. It's Solace's power.
  • Elesis: I have no idea what he's planning... But Adrian must get in the way of Solace's plans.
  • Rena: Adrian gets in the way of Solace's plans? How do you know?
  • Chung: I see... If Adrian was involved with forming the barrier, they would not have kidnapped the Nasods. This is all Solace's doing...
  • Elesis: Oh, I guess that's one way to look at it. I just thought that if it were Adrian who casted the barrier, he would have stopped attaking or would have brought down the barrier once he recognized Eve.
  • Elesis: But that didn't happen, so I assumed it must have been Solace.
  • Eve: ...
  • Worker Nasod: ... BEEP.
  • Eve: Ah... You are one of the captured Nasods... Did you manage to escape? Poor thing... Your body is slightly damaged.
  • Rena: That's terrible... How sad...
  • Add: A lost item. We can just leave it at the village and continue the investiga...
  • Eve: ...
  • Add: ... Ahem...
  • Worker Nasod: BEEP, BEEP-
  • Eve: Hm? Is there something you want to tell me? A memory... You stored all the information in your memory? I'm really proud.
  • Elsword: What are they saying?
  • Eve: I will take a look... It seems that... there are a lot more captured Nasods than we thought. This Nasod is asking us to save them.
  • Raven: Save them? Looking at the way this one is damaged... There must be something more doing on to them than being captured. Any more information?
  • Eve: Wait... I see... an unfamiliar place. ... This... isn't the Palace. It's an extremely dark place... It looks like the dungeons. And...
  • Eve: A diceon cube? I see stolen diceon cubes from Atlas... it seems they're being used as the main energy source.
  • Lu: Main energy source for what? Can you explain in more detail?
  • Eve: ... Its memory has been damaged... That's all the data I can recover. Moby, Remy... Please repair this Nasod...
  • Elsword: The kidnapped Nasods were connected to the missing diceon cubes... For now, I think there's only one thing we can do.
  • Chung: Yes, let's go save our Nasod friends!
  • Ciel: If we've lucky, one of his friends might hold solid memories.
  • Elsword: Yeah, wait here! I'll save your friends!
  • Worker Nasod: BEBEEP!
  • Eve: This Nasod... is expressing his thanks to everyone.
  • Elesis: Haha, what a cute guy! We didn't even set off yet. Let's take this guy to the village first, and find out more about the dark place Eve saw.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 Secret Dungeon Entry Permit x5 N/A
ED 0 [Ariel] Advanced MP Potion x30 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Going Beyond the Palace Barrier
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Missing Nasods story quest

The El Search Party finds out where the missing Nasods and the diceon cubes are. The El Search Party talks to Bernard for a way to enter the palace dungeons.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • ???: -
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 [Ariel] Star Fruit Tart x30 N/A
ED 0 [Ariel] Star Fruit Tea x30 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

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