Story/Chapter 58

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58:Backtracking Guide

Chapter 58: Backtracking Guide

[Village] Relying is Important
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • -


Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Raven: The trail is becoming more sporadic.
  • Ciel: Is this... a creature of the Abyss? It hasn't been long since it died.
  • Laby: Do you think Vasili defeated it? Laby sure hopes so...
  • Add: .......
  • Add: (Damn it.)
  • Add: (Damn it, damn it, damn it...)
  • Add: (Why, can't, I, calm, down...!)
  • Add: (I'm the last Debrian. I've jumped through time, and there's no one chasing after me. The past no longer concerns me.)
  • Add: (Then why...! Am I making this my problem.)
  • Add: (I know what this anxiety means...!)
  • Add: (Then why can't I control it...!)
  • Add: (Ugh... This is all the blue hair's fault. He couldn't shut his mouth...)
  • Add: (Demons... Abyss... I don't like any of this.)
  • Add: (Damn it... Watch and see. I won't let this drag me down...!)
  • Elesis: .......
  • Elesis: Add, a moment, please.
  • Add: What.
  • Elesis: Your neck. Didn't you promise you won't scratch it anymore?
  • Add: I never made such promise.
  • Elesis: .......
  • Add: If you're worried I'll hold you back, you can drop the worrying act.
  • Add: It's like you said. It doesn't matter as long as I do my job. I'll do my job, so mind your own business.
  • Elesis: ... No, I won't mind my own business. Come here.
  • Add: Kugh, what's this? Get if off me!
  • Elesis: It's a handkerchief. Stand still! It's not going to kill you!
  • Add: I don't need it!
  • Elesis: I know you don't need help. I'm sure you can eventually overcome whatever it is you're dealing with.
  • Elesis: But some people are dying to help you. They might not show it, but I'm sure everyone's worried about you.
  • Elesis: Even if you're doing fine, let others help you out, time to time. You know it's nice to have something like that sometimes.
  • Elesis: Now... I'm going to wrap this around your neck, so whenever you feel like scratching, focus on this scarf. You should feel better soon after you distract yourself like that.
  • Add: .......
  • Elesis: Done! Now go on!
  • Add: Can't you tie it properly? This looks stupid.
  • Elesis: Uh uh. Beggars can't be choosers. Don't take it off! You better have that around your neck until we get out of here.
  • Add: Tsk... Fine. I'll have it around my neck. You stop bothering me.
  • Elesis: Sure, sure! Come on, let's go!
  • Add: (STARTLE)
  • Add: Hm?!
  • Elesis: What? Something on my face?
  • Add: No, it's nothing.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Captured Guide
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Relying is Important story quest
  • -


Quest Completion Dialogue
  • (CRAACK-!!)
  • Chung: Kugh...!
  • Chung: Vasili! Snap out of it... Please!
  • Add: Tsk, not bad for a wimpy shrimp. Though he's terrible at actually landing a hit.
  • Laby: Add! No attacking, ok?
  • Add: What am I supposed to do then? Stand still until he finally gets a clean hit?
  • Vasili: Ahhh... Will you stop bothering me? I have something to protect.
  • Vasili: But... What was that something...? From what...?
  • Lu: It's not use... He doesn't recognize us at all.
  • Ciel: Tsk, he's been consumed by the demonic energy...
  • Aisha: But I thought it was fine for Vasili! Didn't you say that the demons of Red Demon Territory can withstand the Abyss?
  • Red Demon King's Eye: Hm, did I say that?
  • Laby: Don't play dumb! And Vasili said he'd be ok, too!
  • Red Demon King's Eye: Hahaha! There's no way he was going to be unaffected. You really believed that? I can't believe you're that foolish.
  • Red Demon King's Eye: Don't get me wrong. It wasn't all a lie. It's true he wouldn't easily die in Abyss. But I can't say the same thing about his mind.
  • Aisha: Dream Demons act in a hive... Some that stand out end up leading the group, and others follow them and become part of the group...
  • Red Demon King's Eye: No matter what group they end up in, they slowly change their individuality to match the identity of the group. And right now... We're in the Abyss.
  • Aisha: You mean... He was the most susceptible one to turn into an Abyss Worshipper from the start?!
  • Lu: Tir. You were planning on entering the Abyss before we came back to Magmelia.
  • Lu: Did you force him to, expecting this will happen?
  • Red Demon King's Eye: Dear me, are you trying to place the fault on me? I'd really rather not hear this from you, Luciela.
  • Red Demon King's Eye: Besides, I didn't force anything. In fact, I gave him a chance. With his sacrifice, the group could buy time to run away.
  • Red Demon King's Eye: With you along, there's even a chance to stop Ran all together. I'm sure he has no regrets.
  • Red Demon King's Eye: We both had an understanding. All I did was remain silent following his wishes.
  • Aisha: He... knew? Why would he... How could he make such a decision? It's his life we're talking about!
  • Red Demon King's Eye: Strange... Is that important right now? He did as he promised. He said he was going to help you meet Ran.
  • Red Demon King's Eye: Thanks to him, you came down here at a pace that would have been impossible on your own.
  • Lu: ... I hate your methods. I always have.
  • Red Demon King's Eye: Huhu, the feeling is mutual.
  • Chung: But this... This is not what we wanted... Is there anything we can do?
  • Raven: Elesis, let's switch positions. Can you handle Vasili with Chung for now?
  • Elesis: Sure. Tag!
  • Aisha: Raven, do you have something?
  • Raven: Hm. It's not much, but I noticed he'd hesitate whenever his name is called.
  • Ciel: You mean, he didn't lose all his memories.
  • Add: You sure he's not flinching from your shouting? The two with the biggest voices kept creaming his name, after all.
  • Raven: You're right. Tilting your head to the side is definitely a kind of action you take when you hear a sudden loud noise.
  • Add: Tsk, you could have told us that first.
  • Raven: Abyss Worshipers all look alike. So do Dream Demons of Magmelia.
  • Raven: But Vasili still looks like himself, even though he's not acting like himself.
  • Ciel: We might not be too late.
  • Laby: Even if Vasili said it's fine, Abyss is dark and sad. He must be lonely...
  • Laby: Let's wake him up so he can return to his friends!
  • Lu: But I'm not sure how effective it will be to call his name over and over again.
  • Vasili: My mission... is to protect. With my life... But what?
  • Aisha: Hm... A way, some kind of way...
  • Aisha:' Lu, didn't you say that you become an Abyss Worshipper when you are lured by the demonic energy of the Abyss?
  • Lu: I did. Do you have a plan?
  • Aisha: Hm... I don't know. I'm not sure if it will work...
  • Aisha: But if the problem is being overly affected by the demonic energy of the Abyss, maybe using all that demonic energy will return him back to normal?
  • Ciel: Make him use all his power? But we're inside the Abyss. It's no use if he uses all his demonic energy, leaving him nothing to resist the Abyss.
  • Raven: It's a fine plan. I believe it will work.
  • Ciel: Oh, that's heartless...
  • Add: That's not it. If you still don't get it, why don't you look up.
  • Red Demon King's Eye: Hey!
  • Laby: Oh, Tir's eye! It's protecting us!
  • Ciel: I see! As long as we're within its gaze, the power of the Red Demon King will protect us.
  • Lu: It has potential! Let's try this!

  • Vasili: ... I don't know, but a hunting dog does not ask questions.
  • Vasili: Incarcer, Torta. An order must be obeyed.
  • Vasili: I need to protect it. Even if I don't know what it is.
  • Chung: Vasili! Please... Snap out of it! You can't let the demonic energy control you!
  • Vasili: Control? Hahaha... Torta is never controlled! Always in control!
  • Vasili: Scared little prey running away... They're easy targets.
  • Vasili: Quesito... But I don't know about you. You're almost within reach, but never actually within grasp. One moment you're attacking, and the next you're running away.
  • Aisha: Come on! Get a hold of yourself! We came to stop Ran together, remember? You came to protect the village and the Dream Demons!
  • Vasili: Hello? Excuse me, I don't think we've met. Do I know you?
  • Vasili: Protect... That word resonates with me. Is it an order?
  • Laby: It's not an order! You wanted to! To protect everyone!
  • Elesis: ... Torta, is that where you belong?
  • Aisha: It's like he went backwards in time, instead of losing his memory.
  • Laby: Backwards?
  • Ciel: When you first become a Dream Demon, you lose your memory until you awaken...
  • Lu: Backwards in time... You mean when he was in a different group before he was awakened!
  • Laby: Ooh! Then how do we make him go forward in time?
  • Aisha: I... don't know...
  • Vasili: Oh, I see... So I'm the prey. Is that it?
  • Laby: Huh?! That's not it!
  • Vasili: Hahaha! How fun...! A hunting dog designated as prey?
  • Vasili: Fine. Then you will be my prey. I'll think about the order later.
  • Raven: Looks like he calmed down after his awakening.
  • Vasili: Now... Hahaha! Run, little prey. Torta never misses their mark!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Screaming Inside
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Captured Guide story quest
  • -


Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Chung: (Idiot... I'm an idiot.)
  • Chung: (Find my way to the Abyss by myself! I can't believe I said something so irresponsible!)
  • (KLAKAKA!!)
  • (BANG!)
  • Chung: Ugh...! Cough, cough!
  • Lu: Laby! Take care of Chung. Make sure he can rest even for a moment.
  • Laby: Ok! Chung, are you ok?
  • Chung: I, I'm fine...!
  • Add: It's simple, but fast and powerful. I didn't expect him to pack a punch.
  • Lu: Now is not the time to be impressed.
  • Add: What's impressive is not his power and speed.
  • (... KLAKAKA! BANG!)
  • Ciel: Ha!... Not bad, but maybe you should look before you hit?
  • Vasili: Ahh... So annoying. Stop hopping around.
  • Ciel: For all your talk about hunting and prey, you're not that impressive.
  • Lu: Ciel is doing a good job wasting his power by aggravating him. Though he's still too lively...
  • Elesis: Hey, his attacks seem off doesn't it? He's got the direction right, but can't seem to get a hold on the distance.
  • Raven: You're right. He has too many openings to be a 'skilled hunter' like he wants us to believe.
  • Aisha: Oh! Oh dear, do you think it's because he doesn't have his glasses?
  • Elesis: What? You mean his eye sight is that bad?
  • Add: All his talk about meeting first time, and he didn't even look at our faces properly?
  • Laby: Maybe he'll recognize us if he has his glasses back!
  • Add: Too late for that. Someone snuffed out that possibility long ago.
  • Aisha: Cough, cough! There's no guarantee that he'll return to normal with the glasses anyway.
  • Aisha: It will be worse if he starts attacking properly because he can see, right?
  • Vasili: Aha! Hahaha! You guys are playing with me! You know my eyes are my weak point.
  • Vasili: Not bad, playing with your prey... But I have my ways.
  • Ciel: Hm? And what is that?
  • Vasili: Well, I feel strangely energized. If I can't hit you, then I'll wipe everything off! Hehehehehe...
  • Ciel: Whoa, I think that's my sign to step back.
  • Lu: He has to get exhausted at some point. Let's continue with our strategy.
  • Laby: Yeah. Since Vasili always looked tired, maybe he'll remember everything when he's exhausted again!
  • Add: What a mess...

  • Chung: I thought it wasn't fair. I didn't think I was being selfish to want to go on my own.
  • Chung: But that wasn't it.
  • (CRASH!)
  • Lu: Kyu!
  • Laby: Lu! Are you ok?
  • Red Demon King's Eye: Is this really necessary? You guys waste time at the weirdest moments.
  • Raven: ... It is necessary.
  • Elesis: Hey, at least we managed to somewhat tire him out. He should start reacting by now...!
  • Vasili: Pant, pant... You're not easy prey, are you. Especially you.
  • Chung: .......
  • Vasili: I tried to take them one by one after scattering them, but they keep gathering around you... Are you their leader?
  • Raven: Watch out, Chung! He's going to target you next!
  • Lu: What?! I'll go!
  • Raven: You won't make it on time! Aisha, any spells?
  • Aisha: They're too close to each other! Chung will be caught in the spell!
  • Add: Tsk, Almost...!
  • (KABOOM!)
  • Ciel: It's fine, he took it!
  • Elesis: ... I don't think he can take it a second time. Let's separate them!
  • Vasili: This is pretty sturdy. What is it, a cannon?
  • Chung: ... I was selfish.
  • Vasili: Hm?
  • Chung: I didn't think about the ones I'd be leaving behind.
  • ???: (Whern't you curious?)
  • Chung: If something happened to me, everyone would have been sad.
  • Chung: That's why he refused outright. Because, Elsword already made that decision before.
  • Vasili: ... What are you doing?
  • Chung: I realized my mistake. That's why I won't let you do that same!
  • ???: (Chasing and hunting, do you really enjoy doing it?)
  • Vasili: Kugh... Whose voice is this...?
  • ???: (In my eyes, I see someone afraid and uncertain.)
  • ???: (A frightened beast raised its fur.)
  • ???: (So... Are you going to hunt me down?)
  • Chung: Snap out of it.
  • ???: (Or... Do you want to come with me?)
  • Chung: You have to go back!
  • ???: (Then get up!)
  • Chung: Remember who you are!
  • Diana: Wake uuuuuuuup!
  • Chung: Wha?
  • Vasili: ... What is this tattered bunny. Move.
  • (FLICK! ... SQUEAK!)
  • Diana: Wah! You awful meanie! I can't believe you don't recognize me!
  • Diana: Sigh... I knew it! I knew this was going to happen! That's why I wanted to come down instead!
  • Aisha: Huh? Isn't that the rabbit doll that Add took from the magician?
  • Add: Hmph, I thought I felt something squirming. Something must have activated.
  • Diana: Aww, I'm sorry I yelled at you. You're scared right? That's why you changed back to how you were before. I'm really sorry.
  • Diana: And... Everyone has a weak side. That's why I hope you don't think of yourself as a burden. I should have told you this before you left.
  • Diana: Oh! I'm talking to you through Hat's rabbit. I had to interrupt his teatime with Puppet, but I was so worried.
  • Vasili: Huh, what...? Wait... What are you talking about? Too much information... I need to...
  • Diana: If it were up to me, I would have zipped down there... But Hat said he can't teleport me without a frame no matter how close we are... I'm sorry.
  • Vasili: Nng... ... Wait, what?
  • Diana: Hm? I said! There's no frame in the Abyss!
  • Diana: So I can't use the frame to zoom to your side no matter how close we are...
  • Vasili: Close? What is?
  • Diana: Huh? Didn't I tell you? Well...
  • Diana: We... didn't evacuate. We're all waiting for you at the entrance of the Abyss!
  • Vasili: WHAT?!?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Run Away In Your Dreams
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Screaming Inside story quest
  • -


Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
False Relief
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Run Away In Your Dreams story quest
  • -


Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

General Guides
Character Progression
Other Media
  • Region 19~21
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous
  • Region 19~21
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other