Sentimental Point System

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Every character in Elsword has their own unique features that set them apart from other characters.

Sentimental Points

A comparison showing the range increase.

The Sentimental Point System is a system exclusive to Laby which allows her to enhance her command attacks through the use of these Sentimental Points. Laby can regenerate Sentimental Points by using Inner Aurora or some of her other skills. When available, Sentimental Points are automatically consumed when Laby performs her command attacks, one for each applicable command attack.
Command attacks enhanced by Sentimental Points receive the following benefits:

  • Double Attack Chance +10%
  • Defense Ignore 100% (15% in PvP)
  • Damage and Range +30%

Awakening Skill

Laby's awakening attack.
When the awakening gauge is full, automatically enter awakening mode.
When the awakening bead is active, press the CTRL key to activate the skill.
Targets hit by the awakening skill will enter a groggy state.


Automatic Awakening Skill Activation
Base Duration Maximum Duration Thorn Vines (Magical) Sentimental Point Recovery Groggy Duration
30 Seconds 150 Seconds 2234% 10 1 Second


Skill Activation
Thorn Vines (Magical)

Tips and Details

  • The gauge will empty itself upon entering awakening mode, and if the gauge is filled again while still awakened, the duration will stack on top of the remaining awakening duration.
  • While the tooltip will always say "CTRL" to activate the awakening skill, it does use whatever key you have awakening mode mapped to.

Sentimental Point Related Skills


Awakening Skill

+10 SP

Inner Aurora

+1 SP per 0.5 seconds

+1 SP per 0.33 seconds

Sparky Child/
Rumble Pumn
Eternity Winner


+5 SP

+10 SP

Boom Bam Punch (Force)

-1~10 SP

Laby Bomb (Force)

-1~10 SP


-1~10 SP

Laby Thunder

-1~10 SP

Mont Blanc

-1~10 SP

Command Activation Skills

The first part shows an empty Command Activation Skill bar above the normal skill bar.
The second part shows the skill bars after Megaton Punch is registered. Note the skill's 27 second timer and 2 uses.
The third part shows the skill being activated by a command.

Laby's first line of job classes have access to special Command Activation Skills.

When these kinds of skills are used, they are registered into the Command Activation Skill bar for a number of uses. Registering a Command Activation Skill will consume its MP cost and set the skill on cooldown, making it unable to be registered again until the cooldown finishes. Registered skills will have a timer over them, indicating how long they are available to be activated before disappearing from the Command Activation Skill bar.

When performing a specific command attack, the registered skill will activate. The command to activate the skill and the number of times the skill can be activated varies between Command Activation Skills. When the amount of uses of a registered skill is depleted, the skill will be removed from the Command Activation Skill bar, and the skill's cooldown timer will start.


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