Story/Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: The Other Dimensional World

Chapter 21 & 22

Elsword and the gang enter the portal at the far end of Distant Ruins. Right away, they are transported to the Atlas Station, where supplies of diceon ores, which both store and amplify El energy, are managed. They meet the station director, Yuno, and his servant, Nono. They are both Nasod whose technology is more advanced than Eve. Before the Elgang could get answers on the whereabouts of the El Lady, Yuno and Nono are alerted of anomalies at the Diceon Mines. Science Dekal has been stealing supplies to help out the very same person who may lead them to the El Lady and Solace.

[Village] Where is this Place?
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Lv.80
  • Complete the "The end of the Elrios continent." quest.
  • Talk to NPC 'Yuno' (Resting Area 'Atlas Station')

The El Lady is nowhere to be seen, and instead, an unfamiliar world lays before my eyes. An unidentifiable Nasod appears out of the blue. First, let's have A Talk With NPC Yuno.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: Where are we? Where's the El Lady?
  • Chung: This... Does not look like Elrios... What happened?
  • Eve: A completely different world? No... Realm? Moby, Remy, convert to search mode.
  • Add: (Hmm...? What are these components...? I've never seen these before... Interesting... Kukuku..!)
  • Yuno: Hey, you!
  • Elsword: Hm? Who's this kid?
  • Yuno: Oh, I haven't seen your type before! ..Wait, you're not a Nasod?
  • Ara: Ah... We are..
  • Yuno: Hm? What's this soft material?
  • Ara: ..Hyaah!"
  • Eve: (Slap) You dare!

  • Yuno: Ahem... I am the head director of the Atlas Station, Yuno! Ah, sorry about that before, Elegant Nasod, Eve!
  • Elesis: Sigh... I think you're apologizing to the wrong person... Whatever. You're the only one here, so why would there be a need for someone to be in charge?
  • Yuno: N..No! Look! My servant Nono is here!
  • Nono: Beep beep- Beep Hyuuu-
  • Add: 3rd Gen Nasod technology that surpasses Eve's 2nd Gen Nasod tech... Kuku... More things to experiment.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 854,430 N/A N/A
ED 1,705,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Stolen Materials
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Lv.80
  • Complete the "[Village] Where is this Place?" quest.
  • Enter Shyflowne Pond
  • Pond Material Collection Cube (Defeat Monsters in 'Diceon Mines') 0/20

Let's go fetch the Cube of Materials from the Diceon Mines.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Aisha: So, where exactly are we?
  • Yuno: Hm? This is the Atlas Station!
  • Aisha: Uuu... So.... A bigger... world? Dimension?
  • Yuno: Uhh.. This is the Atlas Station...
  • Ara: (...Uu... It is repeating itself like a game NPC...)
  • Elsword: We're looking for the El Lady, do you know anything about her?
  • Yuno: El Lady? What's that?
  • Elsword: Umm.. How should I put it.. Long time ago this bad guy called Solace... Kidnapped...
  • Rena: Sigh...
  • Yuno: So...lace...? (Heartbeat)"
  • Elsword: Y-You know something?
  • Ciel: What's this alarm sound?
  • Nono: Beep Beep- Supply registers failure, previous registration: A1370 Cube
  • Yuno: What? Oh no! A cube disappeared from the diceon mines!
  • Eve:
  • Yuno: Those brats took the supplies again! What do I do... Could you guys help me? They shouldn't be far from here.
  • Rena: Well, we have to find some kind of clues on the El Lady anyways, we'll look.
  • Raven: We have to scout out the area anyways.
  • Elsword: Alright, let's go!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Yuno: Wow! Amazing! I knew you all looked strong from first glance!
  • Ara: Uuuu... Shiny eyes! I'm getting excited!
  • Yuno: Thanks for getting the supplies back. I have no combat functionality so I can't get the supplies back from the forest monsters.
  • Ara: That's right, I will protect you!
  • Yuno: Hehe, thanks! Nono, search.

  • Lu: What a lovely forest. How mysterious, it's not the demon realm nor Elrios.. Wait, what is that up there, some kind of tower?
  • Yuno: Ah, those pillars? Those pillars lead to a really amaaaaaaazing place! This place is split into two continents. One is Atlas where they make the magic stone supplies... And beyond that tower is Elysion, where the gods are gathered. I haven't been to the tower yet but from the rumors I heard it's a wonderful place!
  • Raven: Atlas and Elysion... Two continents, this will mean double the effort... I have a feeling it won't be so easy to find the El Lady.
  • Elsword: If the prophecy is true.. I mean, of course it's true. The El Lady must be in one of the two continents!
  • Nono: (Boop Beep) Scan complete. Incorrect supply code.
  • Yuno: Hmm.. What do I do? These are not the stolen cubes. We're looking for the S rank cube, it's made of the purest of diceon.
  • Rena: Sigh.. I guess we were wrong.
  • Yuno: Hmmm.. Let's see.... Ah, this is from sector 2. All supplies from sector 2 go across the Shyflowne Forest. Creatures there are rather rough so they sometimes take our supplies from the transport tube. Umm.. I'm sorry to to ask you again but could you help me? If you get the stolen supplies back, I'll help you get to Elysion!

  • Eve: Here, these are the supplies they took.
  • Nono: (Boop Beep) Scan complete. Incorrect supply code.
  • Yuno: This...? Nono, search.
  • Elsword: Geh... wrong again? No more, we are in a hurry!
  • Yuno: W--wait!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,322,530 Advanced Magic Stone x 10 N/A
ED 1,759,580 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Region 2 of No Materials
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Lv.80
  • Complete the "Stolen Materials" quest.

If it wasn't the doing of the monsters, the cube wouldn't have made it to the mines in the first place. Let's go investigate the Diceon Mines where the cube was produced.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Elsword: Grr.. What now?
  • Yuno: If it wasn't stolen from the transport tube, then it must have been stolen from the Sector 2 mines. That place has the director of mines from Elysion. If this El Lady is really important as you say then the director from Elysion must know something about her.
  • Elesis: Hm.. Makes sense, I guess. Then.. What is this diceon you speak of?
  • Yuno: Oh, diceon ore? Yeah, it's quite amazing! It can store El energy but combined with a special kind of technology is can multiply the power output!
  • Add: Interesting... An upgraded version of a magic stone?
  • Aisha: I guess we have to get to the mines first.
  • Yuno: Ah.. Umm.. If you find a lost cube on the way...
  • Add: Tsk.. I'll think about it.
  • Chung: Yes, I'll go find it, don't worry! (Add, that kid looked like he was about to cry!)
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Yuno: What? You were attacked by the Nasod miners? A--are you okay?

  • Ciel: Those Nasods.. They were very aggressive for Miners.. We couldn't even meet the one in charge of the mine.
  • Yuno: Hmm... What happened? Nasods in the mines are all D rank, they shouldn't even have the codes to attack.
  • Elesis: This situation is becoming complicated... Let's rest and head out.
  • Aisha: It feels like the situation is getting worse. We have no time to waste here~!
  • Yuno: If you fight the D rank Nasods, could you bring back some samples? It just might help me.

  • Elsword: Hup! Is this enough?
  • Yuno: Ooh, this is good enough! Wow, you guys are really strong! I should be able to find something.
  • Add: That looks interesting, I'll give you all the pleasure of receiving my aid.

  • Yuno: Look, all their codes were altered.
  • Add: Hah! This was child's play! I simply hacked into the circuit to track the codes that were altered. The one who changed the code was also inside the mines.
  • Eve: These Nasods were just doing their jobs... To alter those poor innocent Nasods into combat drones.. Unforgivable..
  • Yuno: Okay, Eve!

  • Yuno: Science Dekal? He was stealing the supplies? To this.. Solace...?
  • Elsword: Yes, that's what I heard. Solace! Something about plans and sending supplies.. It sounded very fishy... What is Solace planning?
  • Elesis: If Solace is in Elysion.. The El Lady must be there as well. I guess we are headed for Elysion.
  • Lu: That Solace causing the El explosion in your world and planning something sinister here as well!! What an evil bastard! Ciel, don't grow up to be like him, got it?
  • Ciel: Lu.. I'm not a kid.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,322,530 File:Blessed Enhacment Stone.png Blessed Enhancement Stone x 10 N/A
ED 1,828,500 Intermediate Weapon Cube N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Remaining Station Excerpts
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Lv.81
  • Complete the "Region 2 of No Materials" quest.

There might be more information regarding Solace and the El Lady left. Let's go to the Diceon Mines to thoroughly investigate Science Dekal's research lab.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Yuno: Hmm.. I think you should investigate Science Dekal's research lab a bit more, you might find some more clues.
  • Chung: A clue... Yes, that would be better than blindly looking for Solace in Elysion.

  • Elesis: Solace... (Throb) Uuee...!
  • Elsword: Sis! What's wrong? Are you okay?
  • Elesis: No.. It's fine, just my head. I'm okay, brother.
  • Raven: Don't let your guard down, we're near the mines.
  • Lu: Huhuh... It wasn't even a challenge for me.
  • Ciel: Careful, Lu. Don't just march ahead without thinking.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Ara: Yuno, we've investigated the research lab and found out how they stole the cube!
  • Raven: Science Dekal, he was bold. He stole the supplies using the official transport tube. Those stolen good are already in Atlas City.
  • Yuno: Uuuu... you!
  • Add: Until death do us part.
  • Elsword: H... huh?
  • Add: Solace, if we follow the tracks left by this precious diceon cube, we'll get to our culprit. You have a brain, I suggest you use it.
  • Chung: Woooooooh! I.. I see!
  • Yuno: Ooouuooo! I see!
  • Elesis: Sigh.. No matter, we have to hurry to Atlas City. Goodbye for now, Mister Head of the Station?!
  • Yuno: Ah? Yeah, you're right..
  • Eve: We'll find the cube, so you don't have to worry about it.
  • Yuno: Thanks, Eve! Go, and be back soon!
  • Elsword: Don't worry, we'll go deal with Solace and meet the El Lady then return! After I'm back, I'll tell you all about my heroic adventures!
  • Aisha: Yes, take care of the station, okay?
  • Yuno: Yes, hurry back.
  • Nono: Beep

  • Chung: Ah, they are returning!
  • Ara: I'm envious, Eve! I wish I had those small servants like you do.
  • Eve: Moby and Remy are not servants. Even though they are small, they are still part of my Nasod family.
  • Ara: Uuu.. Sorry.. (It looks like you are always bossing them around!)
  • Eve: Good work, Moby and Remy. What is the situation? I see.. If we just follow the transport tube, it will lead us to Atlas City.
  • Ciel: Just go straight then? Hm, its sounds simple enough.
  • Eve: Yes, but... They mentioned that there are enemies all over, so we can't let our guard down.

  • Raven: I see it up ahead. That's Atlas City.
  • Rena: Rain clouds are forming.. I have a bad feeling about this.
  • Elsword: Let's go inside!
  • Rena: I'm sure everything will be okay.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,322,530 Stamina Potion x1 N/A
ED 1,828,500 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Chapter 21: ??? (07/08/2021 KR Patch)

Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the ??? story quest
Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • ???: -
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the ??? story quest
Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • ???: -
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the ??? story quest
Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • ???: -
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

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