Story/Chapter 48

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48:To the Red Demon Territory

Chapter 48: To the Red Demon Territory

After regrouping back in the Aurora Camp, the group starts to plan their departure to the next destination. Noah warns the party about the Henir Order and decides to join the party for his cause.

[Village] News of White-Ghost Territory
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

Lu talks with the White-Ghost King through the communication device. Time pass by quickly as the old comrades converse.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Lu: ... So Scar tried to summon the Demon God in Lanox and partially succeeded.
  • Aegirp: To think he would do something like that... Though I highly doubt that, even if you failed, the real Demon God would have been summoned.
  • Lu: I agree. Even if he managed to succeed, the best possible outcome for him would have been summoning something like that Plegas being we fought at the ruins.
  • Lu: Though comparable to the Demon God, it's not anything like the Demon God... Huhu, though it's nothing to sneeze at.
  • Aegirp: Yes. They are indeed, quite different. In any case, was this all led by Berngart? I cannot even imagine what he's up to.
  • Lu: He was definitely the most loyal. I didn't hear anything since the Demon King disappeared.
  • Aegirp: I don't truly understand what he's thinking... But I imagine he's grieving.
  • Lu: Do you pity him?
  • Aegirp: Rather... I can sympathize. I believed a new path would open if I followed the Demon King.
  • Aegirp: And I know you weren't so different.
  • Lu: ... I'd rather not talk about it.
  • Aegirp: You decided to lay down your trust and follow the Demon King. You abandoned any lingering doubts and left out of your own volition.
  • Lu: Stop.
  • Aegirp: You made a choice, to find what you wanted.
  • Lu: I told you to stop!
  • Aegirp: Sigh... Even so, I'm glad you seem to have good people by your side.
  • Aegirp: At the very least... You look happier now than back then, Luciela.
  • Lu: .......
  • Aegirp: Haha, I bring up one thing you don't like, and you go straight to sulking. So, enough small talk, let us finish this.
  • Aegirp: First, as we discussed earlier, I give you the permission to use the portals. You can use it any time you need to.
  • Aegirp: But, you can't use it now.
  • Lu: It's fine since we don't have to go back right this moment... but is something wrong? You managed to send a message last time, and I believe there was also someone who came through the portal?
  • Aegirp: Though we did confirm the safety of the portal, there were somethings we wished to test. It might take a bit to fully test them out.
  • Aegirp: Everything was pushed back when Winster announced his retirement.
  • Lu: Retirement...? Is everything fine?
  • Aegirp: Yes. We finished relocating Rigomor, and Asella is taking care of the operations at Aurora, so everything is fine.
  • Lu: That's a relief at least... but then why did he decide to retire? Did he get injured from the last battle?
  • Aegirp: He said he was well due for a rest, and... something about finally teaching his pup a lesson or two.
  • Aegirp: Of course, I would miss him, so I tried to persuade him otherwise, but he looked so determined that I had to let him go.
  • Lu: ... It seems it won't be a true retirement in a sense that he'd be resting. I can see the difficulties laid ahead of him.
  • Aegirp: Huhu, I will also make sure you will receive reinforcements. I believe Asella has already spoken to you about it?
  • Lu: Yes. We got the supplies already. We're in your debt.
  • Aegirp: I'm just trying to pay back what you have done for us.
  • Aegirp: Oh, one last thing, there's someone who's been to the Red Demon territory recently. He should be arriving soon, so you can get the details from him.
  • Lu: Alright.
  • Aegirp: I wish you luck... Luciela.
  • Lu: ...... ... Hm? What do you mean by that?
  • Aegirp: Exactly as I said.
  • Lu: No, that sounded like your plotting voice. What are you thinking?
  • Aegirp: Huhu, nothing so fancy as a plot... Just saying you would need a lot of luck heading to the Red Demon King's territory, since wagers and gambles have never been your strong point.
  • Lu: What? I didn't always lose to that bastard, Tir.
  • Aegirp: Ah, but that's your problem right there, Luciela. Do you still not understand his schemes?
  • Aegirp: He let's you win small victories, luring them to a bigger wager, until he takes everything at the end.
  • Aegirp: Even when you win, you are only winning small battles until you lose the war.
  • Lu: Mrr...
  • Aegirp: How innocent, that you considered those victories, hahaha...
  • Lu: ... You must be doing well, joking around like that. If you're done, why don't we just end this meeting?
  • Aegirp: Haha, sure. After all, I have no intention of winning against you.
  • Aegirp: I'll see you next time.
  • Lu: Sigh... I suppose it's time to get going again.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Rest Their Own Way
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] News of White-Ghost Territory story quest

The El Search Party is each resting in their own way. Though their body is well rested, their mind is full of worry for the unknown future.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: One, two... and one, two...
  • Elesis: You're speeding up! Now, make sure to keep the tempo and the right posture!
  • Ciel: As I was saying, Lu said she will be making negotiations with the White-Ghost King, but it looked more like a reunion heart-to-heart.
  • Elesis: Then we shouldn't have anything to worry about.
  • Elesis: Hey, stick your left foot our further!
  • Ciel: ... Didn't he start training in the morning? It's already time for dinner. Are you still helping?
  • Elesis: We have to train hard when there's time to spare. Since we'll be leaving again soon.
  • Elesis: Plus, he seemed to have a lot of things on his mind, so I'm trying to distract him. Tsk, if it weren't for Berthe saying stupid things...
  • Ciel: About a flaw! I asked Elsword about that earlier, but he doesn't seem to mind it much.
  • Chung: ... I heard him too. I believe he said he's curious what he meant, but didn't think Berthe of all demons would know anything about it.
  • Ain: It seems you also have a lot on your mind, Ms. Knight-Captain. Do you have any idea what he might have been referring to?
  • Elesis: No... That's not...
  • Elesis: ... SIgh, maybe? I don't know.
  • Elesis: He wasn't like this before... But now, it seems like he'd disappear on me if I leave him be. I can't help but keep my eye on him.
  • Ain: Disappear...?
  • Elesis: Agh, now I'm all bothered by it. I'm going to start training too.
  • Elesis: Elsword! Let's do 100 more of those!
  • Elsword: What?! I just finished!
  • Elesis: This time, with me. Now, lift your sword, and get in position!
  • Elsword: Gaaah... One! Two...
  • Ain: So diligent.
  • Ciel: I can see why he'd have so much on his mind. We never had chance to rest fully since we came to the Demon Realm.
  • Ciel: Now that my body's well rested, I'm starting to have a lot of thoughts myself.
  • Chung: ... ... What sort of... thoughts?
  • Ciel: For starters, wondering when Lu is going to come back from negotiations, and wondering what to make for dinner...
  • Ciel: ... Wondering what state the ruins are in, and what information would those of us who went scouting near the Red Demon Territory bring.
  • Chung: Ah... True.
  • Ciel: And wondering why the person next to me is so distracted, that he is responding to me absentmindedly.
  • Chung: Yes... Right, true...
  • Chung: ... Oh! Ah, I'm sorry. What did you say?
  • Ain: You've been staring at the compass for a while now, Mr. Guardian. Did you find something?
  • Chung: No. Ah... I'm not sure. Um, would two of you take a look at this?
  • Ciel: The compass that Master Denif gave? I don't see anything special about it.
  • Chung: I think the needle is moving slightly if you look very closely.
  • Ain: He said this compass can track the Dark El, no? Mr. Guardian, do you think the Dark El is moving?
  • Chung: We don't know for sure. Master Denif did say it should work theoretically. In fact, what he said was that it will point in the direction of something that has the same properties as what was injected inside.
  • Ain: What did you inject?
  • Chung: Part of the El energy that was inside my Guardian Stone. ... Um, How about it? Do you think it's moving, too?
  • Ciel: I can't say. It doesn't seem to be moving right now. Perhaps it moved with your arm movement. Maybe it will be different if you leave it on a flat surface.
  • Chung: No. That's not it... I swear it wasn't like this when I first got it. Strange...
  • Ain: Those who went out to scout returned.
  • Ain: Elsword! Ms. Knight-Captain! Everyone's here, so finish up and come inside.
  • Ciel: Is that Baryon's footsteps? Looks like we found the reason why the needle was shaking.
  • Chung: Mmm...
  • Ciel: Or maybe not. You can think of it. Well, the El in Elrios was in pieces and scattered all across the land.
  • Ciel: Maybe the needle cannot settle because the Dark El is in a similar situation.
  • Chung: I hope that's not the case... Alright.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] The Boy's Warning
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Rest Their Own Way story quest

The El Search Party meets the quiet, yet determined boy and hears about the dangerous organization they have faced before.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Noah: That's all I know at the moment. It's most likely that the Order's headquarters is somewhere in the Demon Realm.
  • Noah: I hurried here to relay this information to you.
  • Add: .......
  • Eve: Henir's... Order?
  • Noah: Do you have anything else to share about the Order?
  • Aisha: Um... No, I don't think so.
  • Add: Hey, you didn't hear this from anyone else?
  • Aisha: Erm... This is the first time I'm hearing about it. Master Denif did mention something similar before, but...
  • Aisha: A member of the Order in the Landar family? To start, I'm not even sure what to think about this Order.
  • Aisha: (... We're back to this topic here. What is it? Why didn't Grandpa tell me any of these things?)
  • Eve: The only members of Henir's Order were Hennon and the mutants at Elrianode.
  • Add: Yes, and it's thanks to him that we learned about the Dark El.
  • Aisha: But we don't know much else beyond that. And we haven't encountered any here... I think.
  • Add: But isn't it all your speculation that the Order members are after us?
  • Add: And Debrian... You must know the weight of that word as well.
  • Add: Why ae you telling us all of this when you don't even have solid proof?
  • Noah: But the Order is dangerous! I heard you fought against them. Then surely you understand as well?
  • Eve: Add may have been blunt with his words, but I do agree. Of course, I don't deny that the Order is dangerous.
  • Eve: Since we stopped them from taking the Large El, it makes sense that they're not happy with us.
  • Eve: But if their goal is the El, they do not have much reason to target us. Everyone knows that the Large El is in Elrianode.
  • Eve: Why do you think Henir's Order is targeting us foremost and not the El?
  • Noah: That's...
  • Noah: .......
  • Aisha: Anyway, thanks for letting us know. It's a relief to hear from Elrianode.
  • Aisha: Don't worry too much about the El. That's why the Masters and Priestesses are in Elrianode and why we came to the Demon Realm.
  • Aisha: Even if we suddenly have to face the Order, we can take care of ourselves!
  • Aisha: I guess your goal is to find the Order? Good luck. How did you find out about all of this anyway?
  • Aisha: About the Order working from the shadows... Well, I guess you faced the Order member in the Landar family, but I've never heard about the Seven Tower.
  • Noah: That's...
  • Clamor: .......
  • Noah: ... Sigh
  • Noah: It's just as I told you. I left home and came here because I was dragged into the Order's business. All that information...
  • Noah: ... I suppose I was just lucky.
  • Aisha: Hm? I suppose that's fine. Welcome to the El Search Party, I guess?
  • Aisha: Anyway, where's Chung? I thought he was just inside. I guess he left already.
  • Eve: The others should be returning soon, so we should leave as well. I hope there's news concerning the Red Demon territory.
  • Noah: Oh, I'll follow you.
  • Clamor: ... Looks like the Order hasn't approached them yet.
  • Noah: That's good... But I'm worried. I don't think I was able to properly convey how dangerous the Order is.
  • Clamor: It's understandable. From their perspective, it will seem too abstract even with a warning since they do not know much about the Order.
  • Clamor: Let's think of the long run and be patient. Just think about getting close to them for now.
  • Noah: ... I forgot how well you spoke.
  • Clamor: What.
  • Noah: What? Every time I tried introducing you, you shut your mouth as if you're an ordinary weapon!
  • Noah: Really! Because of you, I...!
  • Clamor: You... What.
  • Noah: I... look like a weirdo trying to brag about his weapon!
  • Clamor: Ku... Hahaha!
  • Noah: You think this is funny?! Really! Just what were you...!
  • Rena: Hm? Oh there you are. Everyone's here. Are you coming?
  • Noah: Oh, coming!
  • Noah: (We'll talk about this later!)
  • Clamor: .......
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] News of Red Demon Territory
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] The Boy's Warning story quest

After hearing the news about the Red Demon territory from Baryon, the El Search Party is left confounded.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Rena: Asella, Baryon... and us! It's been a while since everyone's gathered like this. Everyone's here, right?
  • Laby: Elsword! You're a mess! What have you been doing?
  • Elsword: Special training.
  • Rena: Huhuhu, looks like everyone in supplies were done and was resting for a while. Let's start with the ruins then.
  • Raven: The ruins calmed down after we successfully sealed it. It was in a similar state as last time.
  • Asella: Then we won't have to worry about it for a while. Though it will attempt to escape again once it gains enough demonic energy.
  • Asella: We'll need to check on it regularly. Thank you. Leave the rest to us.
  • Eve: The plan was to go beyond the ruins and scout the vicinities. How was the Red Demon territory?
  • Rena: I thought it would be difficult to see because of the clouds when we left, but by the time we arrived, it cleared up enough that we could get a glimpse.
  • Rena: Buuuut, we haven't seen anything worth reporting. If they knew that Berthe was defeated, they would have shown some activity... No, they would have moved already.
  • Elesis: But nothing? Ah, the fact that there's nothing is actually more concerning.
  • Lu: Speaking of, someone with news from the Red Demon territory should be coming here. Did he not arrive yet?
  • Asella: Ah, he's been here.
  • Ain: Is that so? I was outside all day, but didn't see anyone else.
  • Baryon: Ahem.
  • Rose: Oh, is it you, Baryon?
  • Add: Hm? For all that you said about not being under Berthe, why do you know about the situation in the Red Demon territory? Are you a spy?
  • Baryon: How could you say that! I never lied. Tsk, you could say this is my actually occupation.
  • Baryon: I lead a small group of merchants so I visited the Red Demon territory often.
  • Asella: I thought you were just a scoundrel playing bandits. To think you actually had a proper occupation.
  • Asella: Now, explain so we can understand what's going on.
  • Baryon: Oof... Anyway, I've been going back and forth between the White-Ghost Land and the Red Demon territory to trade.
  • Baryon: But when Berthe started rampaging around, things became unsettled.
  • Baryon: Back then, we were still at the Red Demon territory and had to decide between staying at the Red Demon territory despite the possible loss, or return to the White-Ghost Land... In the end, we decided to return.
  • Baryon: Instead, we decided to approach carefully, and split our group in two. I left with the first group. Well, as you can see, we were captured and had to play lackey.
  • Baryon: I heard that the second group we left behind encountered Dream Demons in the Red Demon territory.
  • Rena: Were they from the Red Demon Army...? Did they end up clashing?
  • Baryon: Apparently, their village was newly built and full of vigor. I heard they were having a party.
  • Eve: A party...?
  • Baryon: They wanted to stay permanantly.
  • Ara: Stay? What about the invasion...?
  • Baryon: So they received a very warm reception until they safely returned to the White-Ghost Land.
  • Laby: Warm reception...?
  • Baryon: It didn't look like they would cause trouble. And perhaps because their group has newly formed, they were friendly toward outsiders.
  • Baryon: They looked like they would welcome anyone who's willing to spend money. How about it? Was that helpful?
  • Noah: ......?
  • Aisha: No...? Not at all.
  • Rose: It seems we have more questions than we started with. What is going on?
  • Elesis: They were fooling around instead of preparing for an invasion?
  • Raven: I don't understand... Is it a trick? Perhaps Ran left to another place leaving only a small troop behind.
  • Ara: .......
  • Chung: ... We'll have to see for ourself.
  • Raven: Chung's right. Nothing's for certain unless we see for ourselves.
  • Laby: Um, what are Dream Demons?
  • Asella: Red Demon territory is the land of shadows. Dream Demons are residents there. They probably don't have a lot of influence if they just managed to form a village.
  • Asella: But as Baryon said, they're not exactly... aggressive.
  • Elsword: Is that so? They seemed aggressive enough while invading Elrios.
  • Asella: I was actually surprised to hear that. But... considering their trait, I suppose it makes sense.
  • Asella: Dream Demons themselves have no personality, and tend to follow the personality of their leader. That's why each group of Dream Demons are vastly different from each other.
  • Asella: If their leader was belligerent, I can see how they would have assisted in the invasion.
  • Elesis: No personality? I remember them to be extremely eccentric.
  • Rena: Since we defeated their Queen, Karis... If they got a new leader, they could be vastly different from the last time we've encountered them, right?
  • Elsword: So they're easily swept by their environment?
  • Asella: What's certain, is that you shouldn't let your guard down regardless of whether or not they are part of the Red Demon King's army.
  • Baryon: I liked those folks. What is there to be afraid of if you're not afraid to face death?
  • Asella: And that's the problem! The longer you stay in the land of pleasure, the more useless you'd become!
  • Asella: Do you understand? If you fall into their tricks and fool around, it will be over.
  • Ain: Wow, I've heard people telling us to be careful, but this is the first time anyone's told us to not play.
  • Add: Is that a tactical advice? Or a life advice from someone older?
  • Asella: Hmph, it's both. Anyway, you would know once you experience them. Be wary of the easy choice.
  • Asella: Once you find out about the Red Demon Army, let us know.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] To Land of Shadows
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] News of Red Demon Territory story quest




Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

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