Story/Lithia Chapter 2

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  • English
Lithia 2:At Zaya Mountains
Lithia 3:Chaos in Denice

[Lithia] Chapter 2: At Zaya Mountains

Searching for Libra Herbs
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Familiarity story quest

Zaya Mountains is located between Sander and Hamel. Apparently there are many wild animals that like libra herbs.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • [Senace Border, Middle of Zaya Mountains]
  • Sou Sou: TWIRRP...!!
  • Lithia: Alright, we got it cornered! Mathi, catch it!
  • Mathi: How am I supposed to catch a wild animal with my bare hands?
  • Mathi: More importantly, why are we trying to catch one in the first place? I though we were headed to Senace to get on a ship...?
  • Lithia: Shouldn't it be obvious? This is where libra herbs grow. Don't you know how rare they are?
  • Lithia: Oh, it's getting away! Hurry!
  • Mathi: Ah, it escaped!
  • (PRRR)
  • (GRAB!)
  • Sou Sou: TWIRP?!
  • Vera: Wow, I caught it!
  • Sou Sou: RAAUU...!
  • Vera: Ah, stop struggling! Here, good boy...
  • Lithia: You're good at this. Much better than Mathi in any case.
  • Vera: Wow! He's so soft... and smells like Sunshine. How adorable...!
  • Mathi: Don't get too close. It's unsanitary.
  • Mathi: Lithia. Is this so important you have to drag our client like this? What does this creature have anything to do with this... libra herb anyway?
  • Lithia: Libra herbs are a very rare magical ingredient. It's hard to find, because its habitat is the same as barbera flowers, and trust me, they look similar.
  • Lithia: But this guy here loves libra herbs!
  • Sou Sou: MWUP...
  • Lithia: We're going to use this little fella to find libra herbs. Ok, I have it secured, let's get going.
  • Mathi: Hm... Please keep your distance from me.
  • Lithia: Weeeee!
  • Mathi: I told you to stay away!
  • Vera: Can I hold the leash? Huhuhu, you're so cute!
  • Lithia: Ok, let's go! All the libra herbs on the way will be mine!
  • Vera: Let's go!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Mediating Poison
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Searching for Libra Herbs story quest

Libra herbs are also called the slumber weed. Lithia explains the characteristics and effects of the flowers.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Lithia: Wow, we found a lot more than I expected!
  • Lithia: You're pretty good, little fella! Who's a good boy, yes you are!
  • Vera: He's so tame despite not being domesticated. So cute! I want to take him home!
  • Sou Sou: TWIRP! RAUU!
  • Mathi: ... Where's the chapter on wild animal disease on the healing book?
  • Vera: Anyway, what is this flower used for?
  • Lithia: You know the ink used to create magic scrolls? It's usually used from this.
  • Mathi: Libra... That's the scale sign, isn't it?It's and odd name for a plant.
  • Lithia: That's probably where it originated. You know when you make potions, and sometimes the ingredients don't mesh well?
  • Mathi: Because it has different qualities or opposite properties.
  • Lithia: Yeah. But when you use a libra herb, it magically balances it out.
  • Lithia: Lik it mediates between clashing ingredients. It's really ideal for a catalyst.
  • Mathi: Strange... If it's so ideal, you would think it would be used more widely, but this is the first time I've heard of it.
  • Lithia: That's because it's poisonous.
  • Vera: Poisonous?
  • Lithia: Yeah, it can turn anything into poison.
  • Lithia: A lethal dose will cause someone to sleep forever. It's covert, and deadly.
  • Lithia: That's why in some regions, it's called the slumber weed.
  • Vera: T, this is the slumber weed?
  • Lithia: Yes. There's a complicated, bloody incident involving this plant during the Ancient Kingdom Era!
  • Vera: Uuh... What a terrible story.
  • Lithia: It's a long one, so I won't bore you with it. Anyway, other than the fact that it's poisonous, it's a useful plant.
  • Lithia: Joy always kept it in stock, so I used it a lot.
  • Mathi: Don't use poisonous plants when you're a kid...
  • Lithia: We've definitely got enough, so I guess I'll be spending my time preparing these.
  • Mathi: And work on your curse?
  • Lithia: Aww...
  • Mathi: Excuse me?
  • Lithia: Noooo... I don't wanna...
  • Vera: Huhu, The sun is setting. Let's find a place to set up camp. We should find somewhere with enough space to handle the flower and heal.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 52,100 [Ariel] Elrios Nutritious Bread x20 N/A
ED 7,100 [Ariel] Elrios Fruit Juice x20 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Effect of the Curse
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Mediating Poison story quest

Beasts appear before them. As Lithia uses magic, she realizes something has changed within her.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Beast: (KREEE!!)
  • Lithia: Ugh, what's going on? Where did all these come from?!
  • Lithia: Not only that, there are demons!
  • Vera: D, Demons?! Kya!
  • Mathi: Shoot, Lithia! Go protect Vera! I'll create a shield...
  • Lithia: I'm not gonna listen to the healer! You stand back!
  • (FLICK-! SMACK!)
  • Beast: (KEEKEEKEE-!!)
  • Beast: (KEE-KEEE!)
  • Lithia: Ha, there's quite a number of them. The mountains must have provided cover.
  • Mathi: What should we do? There's too many of them. I think I can handle three...
  • Lithia: I know one thing that might work! Everyone stay behind me!
  • Lithia: Series, displodo!
  • Mathi: Wait, that spell...!
  • (BOOM!)
  • Mathi: Ugh, Vera! Cover your ears!
  • Beast: (KEEKEE-!!)
  • Beast: (KEEE!!!)
  • (...)
  • Lithia: Oh...?
  • Mathi: Ugh... The spell became more powerful. What did you do?
  • Lithia: Oooh...! So it wasn't only in my head!
  • Mathi: What do you mean by that?
  • Lithia: I didn't even use Chrysonas, but it's so much more powerful! It must be the mana that spirit gave me!
  • Mathi: You got more mana because of a curse?
  • Lithia: Wow... This vast amount of mana... this is great! Haha!
  • Lithia: This should be helpful for Joy's research as well!
  • Mathi: Ugh... This isn't something you should be happy about. The sudden increase in mana could be a temporary symptom of the curse.
  • Mathi: And... you promised you weren't going to use that spell again! It's dangerous!
  • Lithia: Ugh, starting to nag again. You're such a killjoy.
  • Lithia: Fine, fine. I wouldn't have used it anyway if we weren't in danger. I can't exactly let us all die here, you know?
  • Mathi: You're incorrigible... Be careful with it. You know it's hard for us to handle Felix's magic.
  • Vera: Felix...?
  • Lithia: Someone you don't know. Phew, in any case, I guess we have to find a new camping site.
  • Lithia: A shame too... Oh well, let's find the next location.
  • Lithia: Hold on. According to the map, there should be one around... here.
  • Lithia: What are you doing?
  • Mathi: I marked the location. Zaya mountains is under Senace. I'll need to inform someone that there are demons in the mountains once we arrive at port.
  • Lithia: Isn't it a hassle?
  • Mathi: ... Dear Ms. True Intellect, Future Lead of Knowledge, and Elite Magician
  • Mathi: Finding out what's dangerous to travelers and passing that to others is one of an adventurers' duties.
  • Lithia: Yeah they say that, but nobody really does it.
  • Lithia: Even if you do, all you get is an obligatory thank you, with no one doing anything about it.
  • Mathi: Why do you have so little faith in the world. I really worry about you sometimes...
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 107,200 - [Ariel] Elrios Nutritious Bread x20 N/A
ED 10,700 [Ariel] Elrios Fruit Juice x20 N/A
EP 5 N/A N/A
AP 0
The Forbidden Healing Spell
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Effect of the Curse story quest

Mathi heals everyone with great proficiency

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • (SHINE...)
  • Mathi: ... All done. How do you feel?
  • Vera: Wow... The wounds are all healed. It's as if I was never hurt.
  • Mathi: It's because they're manor injuries. Lithia? Let me take a look at your injury. I saw you get bitten in the leg.
  • Lithia: I'm busy making Chrysona...
  • Mathi: You can do that later. Come on, drop what you're doing and get over here.
  • Vera: Oh, can I take a look?
  • Vera: Wow... They're beautiful. Are these also magic ingredients?
  • Lithia: You can't use them as is. You see how colorful they are? It means they're impure.
  • Lithia: Once I filter out all the impurities with magic, it turns a bluish green color like this gem on the side.
  • Lithia: And that pure crystal is called a Chrysona.
  • Vera: Do you have to get rid of the impurities? They look beautiful as is.
  • Lithia: If it's not pure, they don't produce consistent results when using them in ingredients.
  • Vera: I see. That's unfortunate...
  • Mathi: .......
  • (SHIINE...)
  • Lithia: ......Oh?
  • Mathi: I think it's mostly healed. How do you feel?
  • Lithia: Whoa... You're actually pretty skilled. I didn't expect that.
  • Mathi: Am I supposed to take that as a compliment?
  • Lithia: You didn't tell me the reason, so I thought you were kicked out because you were bad at your job.
  • Vera: Um, how do you know when you become better in magic?
  • Lithia: It really depends on the field. In case of healing magic, when it's done by a quack, it stings really bad, and it's itchy. You're more likely to get scars, too.
  • Vera: Wow... So the fact that it healed so cleanly speaks volume about Mathi's skill!
  • Mathi: I... only put in more effort. Skill is important, but what matters more is what spell you use.
  • Mathi: There are three major methods when using healing magic...
  • Lithia: -
  • Mathi: First helps enhance the injured's natural healing capabilities. This is the most basic.
  • Mathi: You essentially convert stamina to regenerative energy to heal a wound that will take ten days and accelerate it to heal in ten minutes.
  • Mathi: But all you're doing is speeding up your biological clock, which is why it hurts and may also leave scars.
  • Mathi: If you are poisoned, of have a disease, it also speeds up the progress of your illness.
  • Vera: Oh dear... That's terrifying.
  • Mathi: The second method uses the caster's own mana. The effectiveness really depends on the caster's own skill, and can strain the caster's stamina and magic.
  • Mathi: Though it may be limited in range, the severity of the injury doesn't matter as much.
  • Lithia: They say little knowledge is a dangerous thing. If you get healed by an unskilled healer, you're going to regret it.
  • Lithia: Thanks to SOMEONE I know, I had a pretty bad experience. Can you believe it? I still have a scar to show from it.
  • Mathi: I, I'm not like that anymore! Who do you take me for!
  • Vera: Haha, I guess the method we received is the second one. What's the third method?
  • Mathi: Using other magic as support. The El, magic stones, elemental, spirits...
  • Mathi: There are many different ways, but they all have complicated requirements. It's usually used in specific situations.
  • Lithia: ... That's it? Isn't there one more?
  • Lithia: The healing magic so close to perfect, that it can even bring people back from a brink of death?
  • Mathi: How do you know about that? Did Joy teach you?
  • Lithia: Yup.
  • Mathi: Ah... The fourth does not exist. It's forbidden magic.
  • Mathi: Teaching a child something like that... Maybe your personality is all twisted because your teacher was... peculiar?
  • Lithia: Hehe, Joy was one-of-a-king. Surely she taught me because she knew how brilliant I was.
  • Lithia: Didn't you also want to be taught by Joy when you were little? Jealousy doesn't suit you, my friend.
  • Mathi: It's natural for someone to be lured by danger when they're little. I merely gained a new perspective after I grew up.
  • Vera: Um... Is there something wrong with the fourth method?
  • Mathi: Ah... It's better if you don't know.
  • Lithia: Aw, come on, she's curious! Besides, camping is perfect for sharing scary stories.
  • Lithia: The fourth method, is healing at the cost of another person's life.
  • Vera: Another person's life?
  • Mathi: .......
  • Lithia: Yeah. What do you think? Sounds like the kind of thing that would be abused once it's known, right?
  • Vera: Hmm, I think some people might threaten others or demand sacrifice...
  • Lithia: Right? Same as libra herbs. It's forbidden because despite its usefulness, there are people who would abuse it.
  • Lithia: Someone might be able to use the spell to bring back someone precious to them, without sacrificing anyone else.
  • Mathi: ... Are you saying self-sacrifice is fine?
  • Lithia: Is there any reason not to be? It's their own life.
  • Mathi: ...... Don't say something like that. I don't want to hear it.
  • Lithia: Sure thing, Mr. Healer! Don't worry, I'm so healthy, I'll probably live up to 300.
  • Lithia: Haha, don't take it too seriously. No matter what, you can't bring back the dead.
  • Vera: .......
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
March of the Uninvited
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the The Forbidden Healing Spell story quest

A strange march disturbs their rest. Lithia watches the strange behaviors of the animals and realizes something is going wrong.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • ???: -
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 Magic Stone x10 N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Silver Lake
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the March of the Uninvited story quest
  • The party climbs up the mountain to find the cause for the march and arrive at the lake at the top of the mountain.

Defeat 'Naius' in Zaya Mountains

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 306,100 N/A N/A
ED 14,900 N/A N/A
EP 10 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Silver Lake story quest

Exhausted, Lithia and others return to camp to rest.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • ???: -
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 190,900 N/A N/A
ED 19,800 N/A N/A
EP 10 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] A Bad Friend
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Camping story quest

Lithia tells the story of libra herbs in self-deprecation.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 385,800 N/A N/A
ED 25,500 Ocean Eyepatch x1 N/A
EP 10 [Ariel] Resurrection Stone (10) Cube x1 N/A
AP 0

General Guides
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  • Lithia
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  • Region 7~12
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  • Region 19~21
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  • Noah
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  • Lithia
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  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
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  • Noah
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